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* Ihre Aktion  suchen [und] ([TIT] Titel (Stichwort)) The Alliance Review
Online-Zeitschriften 1.  Review of international co-operation : the official organ of the International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)
/ International Co-operative Alliance. - Geneva : ICA, 1992-2014
Online-Zeitschriften 2.  Evangelical review of theology : a global forum
Exeter, England : Paternoster Periodicals, [1977]-
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.) 3.  An account of all the variations contained in the treaty of peace lately signed between their Catholick, Christian and Britannick Majesties at Seville, from the Quadruple Alliance : With remarks on two pamphlets just published, the one entituled, The Free-Briton Extraordinary; the other A Review of Mr. Francklin's Short View, &c. Also several debates very lately passed in the House of Commons, and Observations thereon
[Online-Ausg.]. - London : printed for A. Moore, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1729/30
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.) 4.  The felonious treaty: or An enquiry into the reasons which moved His Late Majesty King William of glorious memory, to enter into a treaty at two several times with the King of France for the partition of the Spanish monarchy : With an essay, proving that it was always the sense both of King William, and of all the consederates, and even of the grand alliance it self, that the Spanish monarchy should never be united is the person of the emperor. By the author of the review
/ Defoe, Daniel. - Online-Ausg.. - London : Printed and sold by J. Baker, at the Black-boy in Pater-Noster-Row, 1711
[CLT] Siehe auch: alliance | review | treaty
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Wort   Typ   Anzahl
review [TIT] Titel (Stichwort) ≈7683
alliance [TIT] Titel (Stichwort) 862
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