Donald Duck
Deck Us All!

Story code
D 93050
Deck Us All!
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Jones, Woimly Filcher [show character portraits]
William Van Horn
Art (pencil and ink)
William Van Horn
Date of first publication
Referred to in
article: Qfr/MDC 57B, Qfr/SPGHS 7F
various: HC DE1994-13 (cover), Qfi/AA2021-51A (reminder)

This story is rated 6.9/10 and ranked 25746/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 15 votes for this story.

enWhile shopping for a Christmas tree in the city it turn out the prizes are to steep for Donald, so DD and HDL venture to Saw-tooth mountain to find a free tree to cut. Neighbor Jones has the same idea. (by opus, history)
fiAku ja pojat kilpailevat äreää naapuriaan vastaan täydellisen - ja ilmaisen - joulukuusen löytämisessä lumisesta aarniometsästä
frDonald et ses neveux, ainsi que Lagrogne, cherchent un sapin de Noël. (by Picsou74, history)
Germany, MM1993-52
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Germany, MM1993-52
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
United States, WDC 595
France, JM 2217
Yugoslavia, MZC 967
Netherlands, DE1994-13
Germany, WEIH 1
Romania, MM1996-12
France, PM 405
Germany, LTBAV 8

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