Donald Duck
The Health Nut

Story code
S 64008
Disney Studio (foreign market stories)
The Health Nut
Donald Duck
4 rows per page
Donald Duck, Fethry Duck (1st), Ludwig Von Drake, Tabby (1st) [show character portraits]
Dick Kinney
Art (pencil and ink)
Al Hubbard
Date of first publication
Referred to in
cover: BC AD 103C, FC JM 977, XFC AAL2024-23
article: Qfi/AAPA2004B, Qfi/ALP 14K, Qfi/OEAA2019F, Qfr/MDC 36D, Qgr/KX 134C, Qit/ATP 18E, Qit/CTS 16B, Qit/CTS 16K, Qit/CTS 16L, Qit/CTS 17G, Qit/CTS 26E, Qit/DCOLL19B, Qit/DCOLL19C, Qit/DPCS 23A, Qit/DR 1T, Qit/DSTO 41B, Qit/DSTO 41C, Qit/DSTO 42B, Qit/DSTO 42C, Qit/DSTO 42D, Qit/GCDN 3A, Qit/GCDN 97B, Qit/GSD 11H, Qit/GSD 14Q, Qit/GSI 1A, Qit/ILPA 33B, Qit/ILPA 68AB, Qit/IMA 5E, Qit/MD 21r, Qit/MDCS 13F, Qit/PAP 8BA, Qit/PM 177i, Qit/TSI 5B, Qit/TSI 5C, Qit/TSI 5D, Qit/ZP 144b, Qit/ZP 150C, Qit/ZP 151A, Qit/ZP 182B, Qit/ZP 202B, Qse/DKAA1965-02D, Qus/CBFCP 6C, Qus/WDC 638B
ad: FC JM 975A, FC JM 976A
various: FC JM 977A (header), Qgr/KX 299B (1st page), Qgr/KX 201C (article & first page), Qus/DMF 14C (1st page,scribble script with sketch)

This story is rated 7/10 and ranked 1584/44783 according to COA users. There have been about 50 votes for this story.

enHealth maniac
frPour sa première apparition, Popop débarque chez son cousin Donald et tente de lui imposer un mode de vie sain qu'il a découvert dans un livre. (by OnclePierre, history)
de(1. Auftritt von Dussel und von Schnurri) Dussel besucht seinen Vetter Donald und versucht seine Ernährung umzustellen. (by TSetznagel, history)
Italy, TL 453
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Italy, TL 453
This enlargement has been auto-generated, the result may sometimes be unexpected.
Brazil, MK 155
Netherlands, DD1965-48
Greece, MM 343
Spain, DB2 105
Brazil, AD 103
Greece, MM 925
Spain, JP 63
Italy, PM 177
Greece, MM 1545
United States, WDC 638
Finland, AA2004-04
Brazil, AVD 7
France, PM 427
Italy, MDCS 13
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