1980 Reagan VS. Carter VS. Anderson

"Pres. Ford"


Museum of the Moving Image
The Living Room Candidate
"Pres. Ford," Reagan, 1980

FORD: Time and time again, people say they did not vote for me in 1976, and now they realize they made a mistake. But '76 is behind us. This nation will be better served by a Reagan Presidency rather than a continuation of the weak and politically expedient policies of Jimmy Carter. For the future of our country, a change of leadership is mandatory. Cast your vote for Ronald Reagan.

MALE NARRATOR: The time is now for strong leadership. Reagan for President.


"Pres. Ford," Reagan Bush Committee, 1980

Maker: Campaign '80

Video courtesy of Ronald and Nancy Reagan/Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

From Museum of the Moving Image, The Living Room Candidate: Presidential Campaign Commercials 1952-2012.
www.livingroomcandidate.org/commercials/1980/pres-ford (accessed March 28, 2025).


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1980 Reagan Carter Anderson Results

On November 4, 1979, a group of Iranian students stormed the American embassy in Tehran. Protesting the entry of the deposed Shah into the United States, they held 53 Americans hostage. For the next twelve months, the hostage situation was an ongoing American nightmare magnified by constant media attention. Confidence in President Carter eroded as a result of the Iran crisis, an oil shortage and resultant increase in gas prices, and 18 percent inflation. Carter’s chances were further damaged by a tough primary battle against Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy.

While Carter had been the fresh face of 1976, this year the role of Washington outsider was played by the Republican nominee, Ronald Reagan. A former Hollywood actor who became governor of California in 1966, Reagan made a brief run for the presidency in 1968, and nearly beat Gerald Ford for the Republican nomination in 1976. Reagan’s landslide victory was due not only to Carter’s problems, but also to a demographic shift toward an aging population that was growing more conservative. Carter became the first Democratic incumbent to lose the presidency since Grover Cleveland in 1888. In a further indignity, the Iranians waited until the moment of Reagan’s inauguration to release the hostages.

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