An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.
An edge gateway is an essential piece of infrastructure for large scale cloud based services. This presentation details the purpose, benefits and use cases for an edge gateway to provide security, traffic management and cloud cross region resiliency. How a gateway can be used to enhance continuous deployment, and help testing of new service versions and get service insights and more are discussed. Philosophical and architectural approaches to what belongs in a gateway vs what should be in services will be discussed. Real examples of how gateway services, built on top of Netflix's Open source project, Zuul, are used in front of nearly all of Netflix's consumer facing traffic will show how gateway infrastructure is used in real highly available, massive scale services.
Scaling Push Messaging for Millions of Netflix DevicesSusheel Aroskar
This document discusses scaling push messaging for millions of Netflix devices. It covers building a push architecture using Zuul servers, operating the push servers, and best practices for auto-scaling the push cluster. Key components include using a push registry like Dynomite to track client connections, Kafka queues to process messages asynchronously, and auto-scaling the server fleet based on open connections.
The document provides an overview of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform, including:
- OpenShift provides a fully automated Kubernetes container platform for any infrastructure.
- It offers integrated services like monitoring, logging, routing, and a container registry out of the box.
- The architecture runs everything in pods on worker nodes, with masters managing the control plane using Kubernetes APIs and OpenShift services.
- Key concepts include pods, services, routes, projects, configs and secrets that enable application deployment and management.
This document summarizes Netflix's global cloud edge architecture. Key points include:
- Netflix uses edge services and a global cloud infrastructure to deliver content to over 1000 device types in over 40 countries.
- Zuul is an open source framework that Netflix uses for dynamic routing, authentication, testing, and security across its edge services.
- Netflix's edge scripting tier allows device teams to rapidly deploy scripts that control endpoints, content formatting, and APIs for different devices.
- RxJava and Hystrix help make the edge service API asynchronous, fault tolerant, and able to handle high concurrency.
- Netflix's delivery pipeline uses techniques like canary analysis, debugging, and load testing to continuously and automatically deploy changes
Irfan Baqui, Senior Engineer at LunchBadger, breaks down the important role of the API Gateway in Microservices. Additionally, Irfan covers how to get started with Express Gateway, an open source API Gateway built entirely on Express.js. Originally presented at the San Francisco Node Meetup.
With Apache Kafka’s rise for event-driven architectures, developers require a specification to design effective event-driven APIs. AsyncAPI has been developed based on OpenAPI to define the endpoints and schemas of brokers and topics. For Kafka applications, the broker’s design to handle high throughput serialized payloads brings challenges for consumers and producers managing the structure of the message. For this reason, a registry becomes critical to achieve schema governance. Apicurio Registry is an end-to-end solution to store API definitions and schemas for Kafka applications. The project includes serializers, deserializers, and additional tooling. The registry supports several types of artifacts including OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, GraphQL, Apache Avro, Google protocol buffers, JSON Schema, Kafka Connect schema, WSDL, and XML Schema (XSD). It also checks them for validity and compatibility.
In this session, we will be covering the following topics:
● The importance of having a contract-first approach to event-driven APIs
● What is AsyncAPI, and how it helps to define Kafka endpoints and schemas
● The Kafka challenges on message structure when serializing and deserializing
● Introduction to Apicurio Registry and schema management for Kafka
● Examples of how to use Apicurio Registry with popular Java frameworks like Spring and Quarkus
In this session, we walk through the fundamentals of Amazon VPC. First, we cover build-out and design fundamentals for VPCs, including picking your IP space, subnetting, routing, security, NAT, and much more. We then transition to different approaches and use cases for optionally connecting your VPC to your physical data center with VPN or AWS Direct Connect. This mid-level architecture discussion is aimed at architects, network administrators, and technology decision makers interested in understanding the building blocks that AWS makes available with Amazon VPC. Learn how you can connect VPCs with your offices and current data center footprint.
카카오 광고 플랫폼 MSA 적용 사례 및 API Gateway와 인증 구현에 대한 소개if kakao
황민호(robin.hwang) / kakao corp. DSP개발파트
최근 Spring Cloud와 Netflix OSS로 MSA를 구성하는 시스템 기반의 서비스들이 많아지는 추세입니다.
카카오에서도 작년에 오픈한 광고 플랫폼 모먼트에 Spring Cloud 기반의 MSA환경을 구성하여, API Gateway도 적용하였는데 1년 반 정도 운영한 경험을 공유할 예정입니다. 더불어 MSA 환경에서는 API Gateway를 통해 인증을 어떻게 처리하는지 알아보고 OAuth2 기반의 JWT Token을 이용한 인증에 대한 이야기도 함께 나눌 예정입니다.
This document provides an overview of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPC) and networking fundamentals on AWS. It discusses key VPC concepts like IP addressing, subnets, routing, security groups, network access control lists and internet connectivity. It also covers options for connecting VPCs like VPC peering and the AWS Transit Gateway which allows connections between multiple VPCs and on-premises networks.
How Netflix Is Solving Authorization Across Their CloudTorin Sandall
The document discusses Netflix's approach to authorization across their cloud infrastructure. They use the Open Policy Agent (OPA) to define and enforce authorization policies for all identities, operations, and resources. OPA allows policies to be defined declaratively and enforced programmatically. It is flexible, high performance, and can be used across different protocols and languages. Netflix's authorization architecture includes OPA, a policy portal for rule definition, and authorization agents that enforce policies during requests using OPA.
Watch this talk here:
This session explains Apache Kafka’s internal design and architecture. Companies like LinkedIn are now sending more than 1 trillion messages per day to Apache Kafka. Learn about the underlying design in Kafka that leads to such high throughput.
This talk provides a comprehensive overview of Kafka architecture and internal functions, including:
-Topics, partitions and segments
-The commit log and streams
-Brokers and broker replication
-Producer basics
-Consumers, consumer groups and offsets
This session is part 2 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries. It gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need, which makes it a great fit for modern web and mobile apps. In this talk, we explain why GraphQL was created, introduce you to the syntax and behavior, and then show how to use it to build powerful APIs for your data. We will also introduce you to AWS AppSync, a GraphQL-powered serverless backend for apps, which you can use to host GraphQL APIs and also add real-time and offline capabilities to your web and mobile apps. You can follow along if you have an AWS account – no GraphQL experience required!
Level: Beginner
Speaker: Rohan Deshpande - Sr. Software Dev Engineer, AWS Mobile Applications
This document discusses clean infrastructure as code and summarizes some key principles for writing clean infrastructure code. It notes that many principles of clean code also apply to infrastructure code, including separation of concerns, keeping code simple, avoiding duplication, and using descriptive names. It recommends defining the conceptual architecture before writing code to reduce complexity and cognitive load. It also provides examples of infrastructure code and emphasizes the importance of quality assurance measures like defined processes, reviews, and testing.
Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It includes key components like Pods, Services, ReplicationControllers, and a master node for managing the cluster. The master maintains state using etcd and schedules containers on worker nodes, while nodes run the kubelet daemon to manage Pods and their containers. Kubernetes handles tasks like replication, rollouts, and health checking through its API objects.
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to manage multiple versions and stages of APIs, monitor access by third party developers, and handle traffic spikes without operational burden. API Gateway supports features like throttling, authorization, caching of responses, and SDK generation to make APIs easy to consume.
The top 3 challenges running multi-tenant Flink at scaleFlink Forward
Apache Flink is the foundation for Decodable's real-time SaaS data platform. Flink runs critical data processing jobs with strong security requirements. In addition, Decodable has to scale to thousands of tenants, power various use cases, provide an intuitive user experience and maintain cost-efficiency. We've learned a lot of lessons while building and maintaining the platform. In this talk, I'll share the top 3 toughest challenges building and operating this platform with Flink, and how we solved them.
- 동영상 보기:
Amazon RDS 프록시는 Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)를 위한 완전 관리형 고가용성 데이터베이스 프록시로, 애플리케이션의 확장 성, 데이터베이스 장애에 대한 탄력성 및 보안 성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. (2020년 6월 서울 리전 출시)
This document discusses chaos engineering and how to use it to test the resilience of applications running in Kubernetes clusters. It describes how chaos engineering involves intentionally introducing failures and disturbances to test a system's ability to withstand turbulent conditions. The document outlines the phases of chaos engineering experiments including defining hypotheses, scoping experiments, monitoring metrics, and implementing fixes to address any issues found. It also provides examples of how tools like Istio can be used to inject faults like timeouts or HTTP errors to test applications running in Kubernetes on Amazon EKS.
API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows hosting multiple API versions and stages, generating SDKs, adding authentication, throttling requests, and caching responses to improve performance and reduce latency. API Gateway supports building and deploying REST and WebSocket APIs. Pricing is based on the number of API calls and amount of data transferred out. Optional dedicated caching tiers are also available.
Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 11 of 11
Microservices Architecture Series
Service Mesh - Observability
- Zipkin
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Kiali
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation SlidesSlideTeam
The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.
Architecting for the Cloud using NetflixOSS - Codemash WorkshopSudhir Tonse
This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on architecting for the cloud using the Netflix approach. Some key points:
- Netflix has over 40 million members streaming over 1 billion hours per month of content across over 40 countries.
- Netflix runs on AWS and handles billions of requests per day across thousands of instances globally.
- The presentation will discuss how to build your own platform as a service (PaaS) based on Netflix's open source libraries, including platform services, libraries, and tools.
- The Netflix approach focuses on microservices, automation, and resilience to support rapid iteration on cloud infrastructure.
This document provides an overview of AWS networking fundamentals including VPC concepts such as IP addressing, subnets, routing, security groups, and connecting VPCs. It discusses choosing IP address ranges and creating subnets across availability zones. It also covers routing and traffic flow, DNS options, network security using security groups and network ACLs, and VPC flow logs. Methods for connecting VPCs like VPC peering, Transit Gateway, VPN connections, and Direct Connect are also summarized.
In this community call, we will discuss the highlights of WSO2 API Manager 4.0 including
- Why we moved from WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 to 4.0.0.
- New architectural changes
- Overview of the new features with a demo
- Improvements to the existing features and deprecated features
Sign up to get notified of future calls:
WSO2 API Manager Community Channels:
- Slack:
- Twitter:
What is a Service Mesh and what can it do for your MicroservicesMatt Turner
e’ll explore what a service mesh is and what it can do for your microservices. Are the claims of observability, resiliency, and WAF features real? Are they useful during development, production, or both? Using pictures and demos, we’ll find out!
This session will also briefly cover how a service mesh works, giving us a mental model with which to explore and evaluate after the talk. Matt will show a simple installation and demo, giving us all the knowledge to go home and try for ourself.
Stranger Things: The Forces that Disrupt NetflixC4Media
Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL
Haley Tucker discusses how other systems may affect Netflix' services, strategies to protect their systems and make sure they won't fail even if things go wrong. Filmed at
Haley Tucker works on the Playback Features team at Netflix, responsible for ensuring that customers receive the best possible viewing experience every time they click play. Her services fill a key role in enabling Netflix to stream amazing content to 65M+ members on 1000+ devices.
카카오 광고 플랫폼 MSA 적용 사례 및 API Gateway와 인증 구현에 대한 소개if kakao
황민호(robin.hwang) / kakao corp. DSP개발파트
최근 Spring Cloud와 Netflix OSS로 MSA를 구성하는 시스템 기반의 서비스들이 많아지는 추세입니다.
카카오에서도 작년에 오픈한 광고 플랫폼 모먼트에 Spring Cloud 기반의 MSA환경을 구성하여, API Gateway도 적용하였는데 1년 반 정도 운영한 경험을 공유할 예정입니다. 더불어 MSA 환경에서는 API Gateway를 통해 인증을 어떻게 처리하는지 알아보고 OAuth2 기반의 JWT Token을 이용한 인증에 대한 이야기도 함께 나눌 예정입니다.
This document provides an overview of Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPC) and networking fundamentals on AWS. It discusses key VPC concepts like IP addressing, subnets, routing, security groups, network access control lists and internet connectivity. It also covers options for connecting VPCs like VPC peering and the AWS Transit Gateway which allows connections between multiple VPCs and on-premises networks.
How Netflix Is Solving Authorization Across Their CloudTorin Sandall
The document discusses Netflix's approach to authorization across their cloud infrastructure. They use the Open Policy Agent (OPA) to define and enforce authorization policies for all identities, operations, and resources. OPA allows policies to be defined declaratively and enforced programmatically. It is flexible, high performance, and can be used across different protocols and languages. Netflix's authorization architecture includes OPA, a policy portal for rule definition, and authorization agents that enforce policies during requests using OPA.
Watch this talk here:
This session explains Apache Kafka’s internal design and architecture. Companies like LinkedIn are now sending more than 1 trillion messages per day to Apache Kafka. Learn about the underlying design in Kafka that leads to such high throughput.
This talk provides a comprehensive overview of Kafka architecture and internal functions, including:
-Topics, partitions and segments
-The commit log and streams
-Brokers and broker replication
-Producer basics
-Consumers, consumer groups and offsets
This session is part 2 of 4 in our Fundamentals for Apache Kafka series.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries. It gives clients the power to ask for exactly what they need, which makes it a great fit for modern web and mobile apps. In this talk, we explain why GraphQL was created, introduce you to the syntax and behavior, and then show how to use it to build powerful APIs for your data. We will also introduce you to AWS AppSync, a GraphQL-powered serverless backend for apps, which you can use to host GraphQL APIs and also add real-time and offline capabilities to your web and mobile apps. You can follow along if you have an AWS account – no GraphQL experience required!
Level: Beginner
Speaker: Rohan Deshpande - Sr. Software Dev Engineer, AWS Mobile Applications
This document discusses clean infrastructure as code and summarizes some key principles for writing clean infrastructure code. It notes that many principles of clean code also apply to infrastructure code, including separation of concerns, keeping code simple, avoiding duplication, and using descriptive names. It recommends defining the conceptual architecture before writing code to reduce complexity and cognitive load. It also provides examples of infrastructure code and emphasizes the importance of quality assurance measures like defined processes, reviews, and testing.
Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It includes key components like Pods, Services, ReplicationControllers, and a master node for managing the cluster. The master maintains state using etcd and schedules containers on worker nodes, while nodes run the kubelet daemon to manage Pods and their containers. Kubernetes handles tasks like replication, rollouts, and health checking through its API objects.
Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows developers to manage multiple versions and stages of APIs, monitor access by third party developers, and handle traffic spikes without operational burden. API Gateway supports features like throttling, authorization, caching of responses, and SDK generation to make APIs easy to consume.
The top 3 challenges running multi-tenant Flink at scaleFlink Forward
Apache Flink is the foundation for Decodable's real-time SaaS data platform. Flink runs critical data processing jobs with strong security requirements. In addition, Decodable has to scale to thousands of tenants, power various use cases, provide an intuitive user experience and maintain cost-efficiency. We've learned a lot of lessons while building and maintaining the platform. In this talk, I'll share the top 3 toughest challenges building and operating this platform with Flink, and how we solved them.
- 동영상 보기:
Amazon RDS 프록시는 Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)를 위한 완전 관리형 고가용성 데이터베이스 프록시로, 애플리케이션의 확장 성, 데이터베이스 장애에 대한 탄력성 및 보안 성을 향상시킬 수 있습니다. (2020년 6월 서울 리전 출시)
This document discusses chaos engineering and how to use it to test the resilience of applications running in Kubernetes clusters. It describes how chaos engineering involves intentionally introducing failures and disturbances to test a system's ability to withstand turbulent conditions. The document outlines the phases of chaos engineering experiments including defining hypotheses, scoping experiments, monitoring metrics, and implementing fixes to address any issues found. It also provides examples of how tools like Istio can be used to inject faults like timeouts or HTTP errors to test applications running in Kubernetes on Amazon EKS.
API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale. It allows hosting multiple API versions and stages, generating SDKs, adding authentication, throttling requests, and caching responses to improve performance and reduce latency. API Gateway supports building and deploying REST and WebSocket APIs. Pricing is based on the number of API calls and amount of data transferred out. Optional dedicated caching tiers are also available.
Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 11 of 11
Microservices Architecture Series
Service Mesh - Observability
- Zipkin
- Prometheus
- Grafana
- Kiali
Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation SlidesSlideTeam
The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.
Architecting for the Cloud using NetflixOSS - Codemash WorkshopSudhir Tonse
This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on architecting for the cloud using the Netflix approach. Some key points:
- Netflix has over 40 million members streaming over 1 billion hours per month of content across over 40 countries.
- Netflix runs on AWS and handles billions of requests per day across thousands of instances globally.
- The presentation will discuss how to build your own platform as a service (PaaS) based on Netflix's open source libraries, including platform services, libraries, and tools.
- The Netflix approach focuses on microservices, automation, and resilience to support rapid iteration on cloud infrastructure.
This document provides an overview of AWS networking fundamentals including VPC concepts such as IP addressing, subnets, routing, security groups, and connecting VPCs. It discusses choosing IP address ranges and creating subnets across availability zones. It also covers routing and traffic flow, DNS options, network security using security groups and network ACLs, and VPC flow logs. Methods for connecting VPCs like VPC peering, Transit Gateway, VPN connections, and Direct Connect are also summarized.
In this community call, we will discuss the highlights of WSO2 API Manager 4.0 including
- Why we moved from WSO2 API Manager 3.2.0 to 4.0.0.
- New architectural changes
- Overview of the new features with a demo
- Improvements to the existing features and deprecated features
Sign up to get notified of future calls:
WSO2 API Manager Community Channels:
- Slack:
- Twitter:
What is a Service Mesh and what can it do for your MicroservicesMatt Turner
e’ll explore what a service mesh is and what it can do for your microservices. Are the claims of observability, resiliency, and WAF features real? Are they useful during development, production, or both? Using pictures and demos, we’ll find out!
This session will also briefly cover how a service mesh works, giving us a mental model with which to explore and evaluate after the talk. Matt will show a simple installation and demo, giving us all the knowledge to go home and try for ourself.
Stranger Things: The Forces that Disrupt NetflixC4Media
Video and slides synchronized, mp3 and slide download available at URL
Haley Tucker discusses how other systems may affect Netflix' services, strategies to protect their systems and make sure they won't fail even if things go wrong. Filmed at
Haley Tucker works on the Playback Features team at Netflix, responsible for ensuring that customers receive the best possible viewing experience every time they click play. Her services fill a key role in enabling Netflix to stream amazing content to 65M+ members on 1000+ devices.
The document discusses evolving microservice architectures at Uber. It describes Uber's transition from a monolithic architecture to over 4,000 microservices with over 1,000 deploys per day. Key challenges discussed include testing changes, integrating services, handling multiple environments, and establishing common platforms and data models to support new use cases and services. The presentation emphasizes establishing layered, abstracted architectures with clear separations of concerns to facilitate engineering velocity at scale.
At Netflix, we provide an API that supports the content discovery, sign-up, and playback experience on thousands of device types that millions use around the world every day. As our user base and traffic has grown by leaps and bounds, we are continuously evolving this API to be flexible, scalable, and resilient and enable the best experience for our users. In this talk, I gave an overview of how and why the Netflix API has evolved to where it is today and how we make it resilient against failures while keeping it flexible and nimble enough to support continuous A/B testing.
Maintaining the Front Door to Netflix : The Netflix APIDaniel Jacobson
This presentation was given to the engineering organization at Zendesk. In this presentation, I talk about the challenges that the Netflix API faces in supporting the 1000+ different device types, millions of users, and billions of transactions. The topics range from resiliency, scale, API design, failure injection, continuous delivery, and more.
Josh Evans, a former engineering leader at Netflix, gave a talk on mastering chaos with microservices at Netflix. He began with introductions and an overview of Netflix's architecture evolution from monoliths to microservices. He then discussed challenges of microservices like dependencies, scale, variance and change. For each challenge, he provided examples of how Netflix addresses issues like cascading failures, operational drift, polyglot environments and intentional variance. Finally, he emphasized that organization must follow architecture through principles like Conway's Law, and that outcomes include both technical solutions and realigning teams.
Testing applications with traffic control in containers / Alban Crequy (Kinvolk)Ontico
This document discusses using traffic control to test microservices applications running in containers. It describes using tools like Kubernetes, Weave Scope, and netem to configure network emulation scenarios like bandwidth limiting, latency injection and packet dropping. A demo application is shown running in Kubernetes pods with Weave Scope visualizing network traffic and a traffic control plugin modifying network behavior for testing purposes. Advanced filtering options using eBPF and custom plugins are proposed to define more complex traffic classes and collect test statistics.
The document discusses using sidecar containers and Java agents to integrate legacy services with a new service framework. Key points include:
1. A sidecar container is installed on the same machines as legacy services to intercept all traffic to the services and collect call chains and metrics data using Java agent bytecode injection.
2. This allows an legacy service to be upgraded to work with a new service framework in a transparent way for both old and new architectures.
3. The document also discusses canary deployments using sidecars and routing traffic between test and production services and databases.
Mastering Chaos - A Netflix Guide to MicroservicesJosh Evans
QConSF 2016 Abstract:
By embracing the tension between order and chaos and applying a healthy mix of discipline and surrender Netflix reliably operates microservices in the cloud at scale. But every lesson learned and solution developed over the last seven years was born out of pain for us and our customers. Even today we remain vigilant as we evolve our service architecture. For those just starting the microservices journey these lessons and solutions provide a blueprint for success.
In this talk we’ll explore the chaotic and vibrant world of microservices at Netflix. We’ll start with the basics - the anatomy of a microservice, the challenges around distributed systems, and the benefits realized when integrated operational practices and technical solutions are properly leveraged. Then we’ll build on that foundation exploring the cultural, architectural, and operational methods that lead to microservice mastery.
This document discusses serverless API management on AWS. It begins with an overview of serverless API management and describes a sample timelapse service use case. It then covers the basics of API management on AWS including validation, transformation, throttling, caching, security and monetization. It also discusses DevOps practices for serverless APIs such as CI/CD pipelines and infrastructure as code. Finally, it briefly mentions event-driven "AsyncAPI" management and concludes.
Let’s get Connected_ Exploring Connectivity in your Cloud JourneyAmazon Web Services
The document discusses various connectivity options for connecting a corporate network to AWS including AWS Direct Connect, AWS managed VPN, software VPN using EC2 instances, and hybrid architectures. It provides an overview of AWS global infrastructure and Direct Connect locations. It also covers connectivity architectures, features, costs, performance, and resiliency considerations for each option.
This document summarizes a talk given by several women engineers at Netflix about their work on the edge systems and services that power Netflix's products. The talk included presentations from engineers working on cloud gateways, edge device services, API layers, playback licensing, and tools to improve the developer experience. They discussed challenges around reliability at scale, traffic management, and observability across the distributed systems. The overall event focused on the critical roles women play in building Netflix's edge computing architecture.
Best practices for enterprise-grade microservices implementations with Google...Grid Dynamics
When migrating to cloud and microservices architecture, companies need to invest in foundational capabilities, such as a microservices platform, continuous delivery, and an immutable infrastructure. In this talk we will discuss our experience implementing these capabilities on the enterprise scale with Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Istio, Envoy, Spinnaker, and Hashicorp stack. We will also discuss best practices of onboarding the cloud to facilitate DevOps, SRE without sacrificing quality or control.
Best practices for enterprise-grade microservices implementations with Google...Grid Dynamics
When migrating to cloud and microservices architecture, companies need to invest in foundational capabilities, such as a microservices platform, continuous delivery, and an immutable infrastructure. In this talk, we will discuss our experience implementing these capabilities on the enterprise scale with Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Istio, Envoy, Spinnaker, and Hashicorp stack. We will also discuss best practices of onboarding the cloud to facilitate DevOps, SRE without sacrificing quality or control.
Techniques for Scaling the Netflix API - QCon SFDaniel Jacobson
This presentation was from QCon SF 2011. In these slides I discuss various techniques that we use to scale the API. I also discuss in more detail our effort around redesigning the API.
Building a Service Mesh with NGINX Owen Garrett.pptxPINGXIONG3
This document discusses building a service mesh with NGINX. It notes that operating distributed applications is difficult due to issues like slow and unreliable calls between services, distributed fault finding, and continuous updates occurring in production. It reviews existing approaches like using an NGINX proxy per pod or a simple mesh. A full service mesh provides more capabilities but also more complexity. The document outlines NGINX's plans to build a service mesh focused on hybrid applications, with lightweight and performant data and control planes using open source projects like SPIRE and OpenTracing where possible.
Amazon VPC: Security at the Speed Of Light (NET313) - AWS re:Invent 2018Amazon Web Services
With Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) you can build your own virtual data center networks in seconds. Every VPC is free, but it comes with enterprise-grade capabilities that would cost millions of dollars in a traditional data center. How is this possible? Come hear how Amazon VPC works under the hood. We uncover how we use Amazon-designed hardware to deliver high-assurance security and ultra-fast performance that makes the speed of light feel slow. Leave with insights and tips for how to optimize your own applications, and even whole organizations, to deliver faster than ever.
2016 06 - design your api management strategy - axway - Api ManagementSmartWave
David Soulalioux, API Gateway pre-sales engineer at Axway illustrated, among others, a concrete use case of cloud API management at a worldwide energy industry leader. The presentation depicted the exposition of customer’s “Fuel Market” intranets website existing APIs to the outside world. This integration outlined the added value of the API Gateway as authentication layer, security and Quality Of Service (QoS) enforcement point. Also, the retained cloud infrastructure enabled for a scalable and reliable solution, allowing developers to focus on services instead of worrying about the infrastructure.
The document discusses the evolution of Netflix's API architecture from a monolithic Java web server to a microservices architecture using Node.js and containers. It describes how the monolith led to scalability and developer productivity issues. The new architecture uses Node.js scripts in containers with process isolation for improved scalability, availability, and developer experience through rapid local development and debugging. Key aspects of the new architecture include service routing, versioning, operational insights, and container management.
Networking @Scale'19 - Getting a Taste of Your Network - Sergey FedorovSergey Fedorov
Sergey Fedorov, Senior Software Engineer at Netflix, describes a client-side network measurement system called "Probnik", and how it can be used to improve performance, reliability and control of client-server network interactions.
Welcome to the March 2025 issue of WIPAC Monthly the magazine brought to you by the LinkedIn Group WIPAC Monthly.
In this month's edition, on top of the month's news from the water industry we cover subjects from the intelligent use of wastewater networks, the use of machine learning in water quality as well as how, we as an industry, need to develop the skills base in developing areas such as Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Enjoy the latest edition
Gauges are a Pump's Best Friend - Troubleshooting and Operations - v.07Brian Gongol
No reputable doctor would try to conduct a basic physical exam without the help of a stethoscope. That's because the stethoscope is the best tool for gaining a basic "look" inside the key systems of the human body. Gauges perform a similar function for pumping systems, allowing technicians to "see" inside the pump without having to break anything open. Knowing what to do with the information gained takes practice and systemic thinking. This is a primer in how to do that.
This presentation provides an in-depth analysis of structural quality control in the KRP 401600 section of the Copper Processing Plant-3 (MOF-3) in Uzbekistan. As a Structural QA/QC Inspector, I have identified critical welding defects, alignment issues, bolting problems, and joint fit-up concerns.
Key topics covered:
✔ Common Structural Defects – Welding porosity, misalignment, bolting errors, and more.
✔ Root Cause Analysis – Understanding why these defects occur.
✔ Corrective & Preventive Actions – Effective solutions to improve quality.
✔ Team Responsibilities – Roles of supervisors, welders, fitters, and QC inspectors.
✔ Inspection & Quality Control Enhancements – Advanced techniques for defect detection.
📌 Applicable Standards: GOST, KMK, SNK – Ensuring compliance with international quality benchmarks.
🚀 This presentation is a must-watch for:
✅ QA/QC Inspectors, Structural Engineers, Welding Inspectors, and Project Managers in the construction & oil & gas industries.
✅ Professionals looking to improve quality control processes in large-scale industrial projects.
📢 Download & share your thoughts! Let's discuss best practices for enhancing structural integrity in industrial projects.
Quality Control
Welding Inspection
Project Management
#QAQC #StructuralInspection #WeldingDefects #BoltingIssues #ConstructionQuality #Engineering #GOSTStandards #WeldingInspection #QualityControl #ProjectManagement #MOF3 #CopperProcessing #StructuralEngineering #NDT #OilAndGas
1. Machine Learning: Discover the world of AI and ML!
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3. Competitive Programming: Enhance your coding skills!
4. Web Development: Create stunning web applications!
5. Blockchain: Uncover the power of decentralized tech!
6. Cloud Computing: Explore the world of cloud infrastructure!
Join us to unravel the unexplored, network with like-minded individuals, and dive into the world of tech!
Lessons learned when managing MySQL in the CloudIgor Donchovski
Managing MySQL in the cloud introduces a new set of challenges compared to traditional on-premises setups, from ensuring optimal performance to handling unexpected outages. In this article, we delve into covering topics such as performance tuning, cost-effective scalability, and maintaining high availability. We also explore the importance of monitoring, automation, and best practices for disaster recovery to minimize downtime.
This PDF highlights how engineering model making helps turn designs into functional prototypes, aiding in visualization, testing, and refinement. It covers different types of models used in industries like architecture, automotive, and aerospace, emphasizing cost and time efficiency.
7. From the Internet to Services in the Cloud
Origin (API)
Origin (API)
Origin (API)
Origin (API)
8. Our Edge Gateway @ Netflix
Handles most hosts
Over 20 production Zuul clusters
~ 50 elbs
Gateway handles ~10 origin services
9. Netflix Gateway Scale
Tens of billions of requests per day
3 AWS regions
Over 1000 device types
Hundreds of permutations of protocols and
device versions
19. Anti-patterns of most cloud proxies
Static configurations
Service push needed to
change behavior
Limited range of
Limited to HTTP
20. Zuul Created
Dynamically injected and compiled filters
Manipulate requests and responses
Headers / Body / etc
Change routing
Add metrics and other functions
Built on Netflix’s OSS stack
Open Sourced
21. Zuul - A Victim of Success
Easy and convenient
Instant results
High adoption
Happy customers
Business logic in proxy
Affects system resiliency
Zuul team in critical path
35. A Global Cloud Deployment
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
36. Global Cloud Routing
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
37. A Failing region
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
38. Gateway routing to other regions
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
Persistence Tier
services Tier
Network Tier
45. A Room with a View - Insights
Origin (API)
Origin (API)
Origin (API)
Origin (API)
46. What’s Next for Netflix’s Gateway?
Gateway as a service
Self-service dynamic routing / route validation
Control APIs for special routing functions
Netty Based Zuul (using RxNetty)
Handling persistent connections
non-blocking, async
Transport protocol agnostic routing
Reactive Socket
#12: Our gateway strategy will change the way you think about resiliency, debugging, continuous delivery, service operations, and insights.
#19: Devices slow to update
Need emergency policies
Fast action
#20: Limited range of functionality
Hard to program
Static responses / Origin specific headers
Federation of logic across systems creates complexity
Minimize gateway dependencies to maximize availability
Origin services run many clusters
Route to service clusters based on dynamic routing rules
Shape or reject traffic based on service, regional health, or attack
React fast in emergencies
Realtime analytics and insights
Ensures request delivery from internet to services running in the cloud
Dynamically changes routing behaviors
Routes to services
Services have multiple clusters
Clusters have dynamically changing nodes
Bridges multiple cloud regions and data centers
Provides system Insights
#25: Same service: Subclusters for many purposes
Set up by filters in Zuul
Self serviceable by cluster owners
Automated Quality assurance / Test Automation
Targeted debugging
Test Automation
Canary / Baseline
A/B testing of service behavior per build
Squeeze Testing
Service capacity testing
Trickle traffic
Instrumented builds
Sticky Canary
A/B testing of client behavior per origin build
#28: Trickling traffic into clusters
High Overhead profiling tools
verbose logging
#29: Server capacity testing
Gateway gradually increases traffic until performance degradation is detected
Automated or manual
#30: Isolate requests by customer, route, type of device, or any routing rule
Debug node(s) are often instrumented to give verbose logging
Custom Request Routing
#31: Compare server behavior and metrics
Equal traffic rates hit both clusters
Automated part of production push process
Error rates
CPU for equivalent work
Automated metrics analysis returns a score of how well the canary cluster performed
A poor score stops the push process
#32: Servers may be healthy data may be bad
API changes that affect devices
Data changes certain devices can’t interpret
Protocol and transport changes that some devices can’t accept
Testing 1000’s of types of devices would be a time consuming, tedious process.
Sticky Canary idea - Stick all requests for a small subset of customers for a limited time to a “sticky canary” or “sticky baseline”
If servers are equivalent, there should be no behavioral differences.
Insights can help find these anomalies
Limited scope of impact - a very small subset of customers could be affected but only for a short period of time
#37: Reroute to the closer region to the client - DNS accuracy issues, etc
Reroute due to region failure.