The Oscars of porn

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This was published 19 years ago

The Oscars of porn

Cameras whirred and fans pressed 10 deep against a velvet rope in Las Vegas to catch a glimpse of their favourite stars sashaying into one of the first entertainment awards shows of the year.

As at any Hollywood awards ceremony, photographers asked the performers to twirl and pose, and reporters stationed along the red carpet begged for quips about the next project or the state of the industry.

But unlike the Golden Globes and Emmys, the goody bag contained Barely Legal playing cards and Hustler condoms, and the stars such as Arnold Schwartzenpecker and Britney Rears were not quite household names.

The 23rd annual Adult Video News (AVN) Awards, the Oscars of porn, boasted a higher attendance than ever this year, with more than 5,000 watching Saturday night's two-hour-long event in a huge ballroom at the ritzy Venetian Hotel.

Actor Manuel Ferrera, who picked up an award for Male Performer of the Year, drew laughs when he thanked "everyone, especially the ladies".


Best Film Actress winner Savanna Samson was cheered when she recognised the support of her peers as crucial because "most of my family is pretty ashamed of what I do."


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