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The Razz: the razz singles and albums.

Byline: Joolz

Madonna Love Profusion HHHHPAFTER a disastrous duet with fallen princess Britney Spears, Madonna has decided to go it alone for her latest single.

Thankfully, Love Profusion sees a return to form for the Queen of Pop and the result is a stunningly beautiful ballad, one of the many highlights from the American Life album.

Said to be a love song dedicated to her hubby Guy Richie, Love Profusion is laced with sincerity, topped off with electro twists and turns.

Madonna's charitable attempts to salvage the career of a lost cause secures her place as a saint among sinners but it also means she stops making beautiful music like this and we can't have that.Rachel Stevens Funky Dory HHHHP NOT as instantly catchy as her stunning debut, Rachel Stevens follow-up to Sweet Dreams My LA Ex is nevertheless a twinkling pop gem.

R'n'B meets pop as latino beats merge effortlessly with gut-wrenching rhythm, all of which combine to make a single that simmers with sensuality.

If the song itself fails to send your pulse racing then the accompanying video featuring a scantily clad Ms Stevens should send it into overdrive.

Rachel is clearly set to follow in the tiny but considerable footsteps of Kylie Minogue something to keep red-hot blooded blokes happy if nothing else.Kelly & Ozzy Osbourne Changes HPPPP IF it wasn't for the fact that they are two members of the most famous family on the planet, no-one would give this God-awful record a second glance.

Tuneless, trite and utterly forgettable, Changes is a sorry excuse for a single, not to mention blatant commercialism.

There's nothing wrong with cashing in on success but surely with all the musical resources available to the Osbournes, they could have selected a far superior song than this feeble effort. Sentiment clearly clouded their judgement as they opted for a somber reworking of Black Sabbath's 1972 release, more's the pity.Christina Aguilera Voice Within HHHPP CHRISTINA AGUILERA is nothing if not unique. At this time of year every pop star seems to add festive sparkle to their songs but Christina is surprisingly subtle with her choice of track as Christmas fastapproaches and, let's be honest, subtly isn't usually associated with Ms Aguilera.

Voice Within is a beautiful crafted gospel-style song and showcases Christina's full vocal range and then some.Cliff Richard Santa's List HHPPPCHRISTMAS just wouldn't be Christmas without turkey, mistletoe and Sir Cliff releasing some sentimental slush.

His legion of adoring fans will no doubt buy copious quantities of Santa's List but then these are the same people who, at this time of year, eagerly anticipate the arrival of Cliff more enthusiastically than old St Nick himself.

Penned by the bloke responsible for Saviour's Day, Santa's List is cut from the same festive/religious cloth but many will be put off by how terribly twee it all sounds.


DITCHING DUETS: Madonna; RICH PICKINGS:; Sir Cliff is at it again
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland)
Date:Dec 12, 2003
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