Rahul Kanotra

Rahul Kanotra

أبو ظبي الإمارات العربية المتحدة
٢١ ألف متابع أكثر من 500 زميل

نبذة عني

Product Leader | 16+ Years of Global Fintech Experience

A seasoned product leader…

مقالات Rahul

عرض كل المقالات



انضم الآن لعرض كل النشاط


  • رسم بياني Finance House

    Finance House

    Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Munich, Germany

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    Munich, Bavaria, Germany

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    Dubai, United Arab Emirates | Munich, Germany

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    Oslo, Norway | Mumbai, India

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    Noida Area, India | Nicosia, Cyprus

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    Noida Area, India | Madrid, Spain


  • رسم بياني Vellore Institute of Technology

    Vellore Institute of Technology


    الأنشطة والجمعيات:Won first prize in All India paper presentation. Was part of various fest and compeition organizing groups.

التراخيص والشهادات

الخبرات التطوعية

  • رسم بياني GSDC - Global Skill Development Council

    Blockchain Technical Advisory Board

    GSDC - Global Skill Development Council

    ⁩ - الحالي 6 عام 8 شهر


    I am part of the Blockchain Technical Advisory board for GSD Council, USA.

    The Technical Advisory Board plays an important role in helping to shape the skill requirements for emerging technologies & to provide a Customer-centric solution. This includes offering “enterprise-grade” professional skill development for IT executives, business leaders, and technology experts. The Technical Advisory Board represents Industries well-known Experts, Architects & Leaders.


    I am part of the Blockchain Technical Advisory board for GSD Council, USA.

    The Technical Advisory Board plays an important role in helping to shape the skill requirements for emerging technologies & to provide a Customer-centric solution. This includes offering “enterprise-grade” professional skill development for IT executives, business leaders, and technology experts. The Technical Advisory Board represents Industries well-known Experts, Architects & Leaders.

    Advisors' Roles:

    1. Provide industry insights on emerging technologies and highlight challenges that need to be addressed in the program as they relate to Blockchain, Emerging Technologies & Digital Business Transformation.
    2. Review curriculum and positioning of the program to help align this with current and anticipated skill requirements.
    3. Provide more directed guidance and support on an occasional basis to help sound out ideas, speaking to the initiative, or helping with highly selective and directed outreach.
    4. Participate in Webinar, best practice sharing conferences to share thoughts on emerging area’s.

    Link -> https://www.gsdcouncil.org/advisory-board-gsdc

التكريمات والمكافآت

  • Thought Leader Certificate for Speaking at Blockchain Technology Conference, Dubai


  • Appreciation Certificate


    For Extraordinary dedication and participation as member of Employee Engagement Council

  • Project Bonus for being a Key Resource


  • Best Bowler of the Series


    Best Bowler of Wirecard Premium League -2017

  • Memento for Contribution in IBM Tech Fest

    IBM India

  • Paper Presentation on Impact of Nano Technology on Clothing

    Coimbatore Institute of Technology


  • English

    إجادة كاملة

  • Hindi

    إجادة تامة على المستوى المهني

التوصيات المستلمة

المزيد من أنشطة Rahul

عرض ملف Rahul الشخصي الكامل

  • مشاهدة الأشخاص المشتركين الذين تعرفهم
  • تقديم تعارف
  • تواصل مع Rahul مباشرة
انضم لعرض الملف الشخصي الكامل

ملفات شخصية أخرى مشابهة

أعضاء آخرون يحملون اسم ⁦⁩Rahul Kanotra

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