نبذة عني
Saleh is a Chief Learning & Innovation Officer at Agonist Consult, where he drives…
مقالات Saleh
Thank you GIZ Jordan for the highlight and the support. Business and Professional Women Association- Amman (BPWA) your support and commitment to the…
Thank you GIZ Jordan for the highlight and the support. Business and Professional Women Association- Amman (BPWA) your support and commitment to the…
تم إبداء الإعجاب من قبل Saleh AL-Hanash صالح الحنش
Harvard Business School Online
Disruptive Strategy is a 6-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School Online. Disruptive Strategy helps students become fluent in disruption theory and gain confidence in articulating complex viewpoints, apply strategic frameworks to assess new opportunities and potential threats, and acquire techniques for executive-level strategy formulation and team management. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active…
Disruptive Strategy is a 6-week, 30-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School Online. Disruptive Strategy helps students become fluent in disruption theory and gain confidence in articulating complex viewpoints, apply strategic frameworks to assess new opportunities and potential threats, and acquire techniques for executive-level strategy formulation and team management. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.
- الحالي
MBA Student in Heriot-Watt University( Edinburgh Business School)
التراخيص والشهادات
الخبرات التطوعية
2021 Digital Transformation Committee Member for Africa & Middle East
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 4 عام 3 شهر
العلوم والتقنية
2020 IVP Africa & Middle East
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 5 عام 3 شهر
الحقوق المدنية والإجراءات الاجتماعية
2020 JCI IVP AFME assigned to 6 countries in the region, responsible on strategic Planning, empowering young active citizens & Support in Sustainable Community project that create positive changes & provide development opportunities for young active citizines & entrepreneurs in the region:
1- JCI South Africa
2- JCI Malawi
3- JCI Syria
4- JCI Iran
5- JCI Zimbabwe
6- JCI Zambia -
2019 JCI Civil Society Counsel member for Africa and the Middle East
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- 1 عام واحد
الحقوق المدنية والإجراءات الاجتماعية
2018 AFME Skills Development Committee Member
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 7 عام 3 شهر
2018 JCI Jordan Senate Association Chairperson
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 7 عام 3 شهر
الخدمات الاجتماعية
2017 JCI Jordan National President
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- 1 عام واحد
الخدمات الاجتماعية
2016 National Deputy Vice President - Jordan
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 9 عام 5 شهر
الخدمات الاجتماعية
2015 National Vice President- Media & Marketing - JCI Jordan
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 10 عام
الخدمات الاجتماعية
2013 Vise President JCI Amman ( Buisness & Personal Development )
JCI (Junior Chamber International)
- الحالي 12 عام 3 شهر
الخدمات الاجتماعية
2-Levant Zithromaximizer Assignment :
Objective: Gaining Marketing & analytical Skills aligning with business profit.
Working with a team on creating a mini-Marketing plan for Zithromax Antibiotic in Amman west & North with a goal of increasing sales by 50% in prescription monitored by Marketing and direct management while working with team .
Results end with MS% 5% in 2015 IMS data with 61% Growth in North area.
1-Private Hospitals Project :
Objective: increase Pfizer products’ market share
Initiate with a team across Jordan a project for private hospitals assigned to work with all teams to make a growth in 2014 in private Hospitals (Started by collecting data for Key Accounts, Mapping, putting strategy per account, dealing with teams to achieve their goals in each account).
3-Pfizer Jordan Heart :
Objective: create positive culture
Initiate with a team across Jordan a group of works to reach a productive healthy business atmosphere & driving a positive change by implementing Pfizer strategies (Enhance communication, Understanding Pfizer policies & practical procedures, Enhance the engagement & ownership level, Implement teamwork spirit Via OWN IT culture, Encourage people development with joy & integrity to reach their inspiration)
4-Products & Selling Skills training :
Assigned to give trainings to new comers across the country with implementing it on the daily basic Visits (Recognized as CCS Model on 2011)
التوصيات المستلمة
10شخص قدموا توصية لـSaleh
انضم الآن لعرض