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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  July 5, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT

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pocket? >> dana: i think the tee in the back pocket. i have seen a million holes in one. >> bill: a tee in the back pocket. >> dana: did you hit a hole in one this weekend. >> bill: i've never had one. >> dana: is that your goal? >> bill: no, i just want to play well. >> dana: julie banderas is i in for harris. >> julie: secret service on the case at the white house after finding a suspicious white powder in the west wing. you are in "the faulkner focus." preliminary tests do suggest that substance is, in fact, cocaine. >> julie: the powder was set out for further testing. the shirking discovery sparking a lockdown at the white house as
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questions swirl about who left it there? the "new york post" with this cover. snow white house. the president true to form ignoring reporters' questions about any of it. [shouted questions] >> julie: while it was all unfolding. the optics raising serious questions about what is going on behind the scenes, about the democrats' first son being a serious political liability. especially given the scandals in his private life, his recent plea deal and tax and gun cases and while there continue to be new revelations about his business dealings and biden influence peddling scheme there
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is more. >> there seems to be a political liability for the president when it comes to his son. last night the first son was spotted right there along with the first family for the fourth of july celebrations. we see hunter pop up at a number of different events including a recent state dinner. the white house refused to comment on its recent story, a deep dive on hunter biden's relationships and daughter in arkansas. hunter recently reached a child support agreement but it is unclear if the white house is going to acknowledge those developments. the times writes though a trial planned for mid- july has been averted, people on both sides fear the political toxicity surrounding the case will remain. while the president has launched and stepping up his campaign efforts he has a long way to go to shore up poll numbers. pollist company is arguing it is time for a primary challenger for the president. "politico" writes nobody is owed another term just because they are completing their first. should have to fight for the
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right to lead your party and country. so far there are two democrats challenging the president for the nomination. rfk junior and author williamson. she says she is disappointed that a democratic debate has yet to be scheduled with the president. >> i don't think it's good for democracy. i think it's very important that the democratic electorate get a chance to weigh in. i look at the campaign season as a long job interview process and the voters should have a chance to interview all of the candidates for the job and that does include the president. >> so far, though, no indications we'll see a primary debate with the president on stage. he has been locking up support with his own party including those who were thought to be potential challengers like gavin newsom. he says he is backing biden/harris for 2024. >> julie: we'll have much more on the cocaine investigation at the white house and how this could impact the president and
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campaign 2024. jason rantz in "focus" on that minutes from now. you won't want to miss it. a federal judge slamming the biden administration with a major legal and possible political blow. he issued a ruling temporarily blocking the administration from any contact with social media companies on issues of censorship. the judge described biden's censorship of speech around covid as orwellian and likely violating the first amendment. louisiana's attorney general hailing the decision as a victory for independence. >> this is a completely direct violation of the first amendment. as the judge says, in his opinion, it's viewpoint discrimination. the government went out there and censored american's speech on covid-19, on vaccine policies and mask mandates, on election questions and the hunter biden laptop. it is one of the most important
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first amendment cases in this century. >> julie: grady trimble is at the white house with more. >> the white house says the department of justice is reviewing this temporary court order and will evaluate its options in this case adding that the administration has promoted responsible actions to protect public health, safety and security when confronted by challenges like a deadly pandemic and foreign attacks on our elections. this order blocks the biden administration, including the cdc, the department of justice, the department of homeland security and others from working with social media companies to flag and remove posts that contain protected speech under the first amendment. in a 155-page ruling the trump-appointed judge says if the allegations made by plaintiffs are true, the present case arguably involves the most massive attack against free speech in united states history. attorneys general in louisiana
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and missouri claim the government worked too closely with big tech companies like facebook, twitter and google to silence conservative speech. they have cited some examples like the hunter biden laptop story, the covid-19 lab leak theory, and the efficacy of masks and vaccines during the pandemic. i asked missouri's attorney general if he expects the white house to fight back. >> at the end of the day they'll want to continue to silence what they belief mis, dis, and mal information. the government shouldn't decide that. it's scary when bureaucrats in washington, d.c. decide what is and isn't -- >> we should point out this order does not bar government agencies from communicating with social media companies on issues of crime and national security. we did reach out to the big tech companies but so far they have not commented on this temporary order. >> julie: grady trimble.
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thank you very much. doug collins former republican congressman from georgia joins me now. the missouri attorney general who we just heard from in that report has said that this injunction is a huge win in the fight to defend our most fundamental freedoms. let's just talk about the freedom of free speech, okay? that's something that this white house has tried to tamper down. this is a real huge win for free speech. >> it is gigantic. i think they low balled what they're saying how important this is. think about this, is constitution says the government will not interfere with free speech. the issue of the government doing this. we throw free speech around way too much between individuals. i have my free speech rights. the country says the government can't come in and impinge your free speech. that's what they did. if you look at the filing the government was going forsocial media companies, naming specific names and accounts saying why have they gotten so many hits?
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why are you still not doing this? treating them as employees of the federal government. you can't get any more direct violation of the first amendment than the government doing what they are doing here. >> julie: it's amazing they had a disinformation committee at this white house to try to weed through fact and fiction but yet anything that goes on social media like facebook during covid, as you recall, once this president took office was being taken down. on facebook anybody who went on there and just opined, not a political figure, an average citizen, go on and question the vaccine or question the masks, they would get in trouble by social media. that dictation was coming from washington, which is really scary. >> it is scary because the statement from the white house scares me more, julie when they said we're taking responsible actions and went on with what they were talking about. who determines responsible actions? the democrat white house, joe
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biden? what about all his missteps and misquotes and everything else. they don't want to say anything about that. this is a concern when you have government deciding based on the political preference of whoever is in charge, this is exactly why the first amendment proper -- i don't understand why this left doesn't have their hair lit on fire now. this is just wrong. i don't care what side of the political fence you are on. if you let i happen now all those on the left being quiet now, just think what would happen if a republican or conservative did the same thing they would be screaming. this is a time for us to come together and say quit doing it. >> julie: the mainstream media would be freaking out. the "new york post" has this op-ed with a headline that reads chilling revelations on the rise of orwellian speech police by the feds. a sub agency has could order naivetyed with federal agencies
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and big tech companies to im pose a mass public/private surveillance and censorship regime on the american people. it amounts to a conspiracy to violate the first amendment resulting in rampant election interference, stifling of crucial debates on covid-19 like i mentioned and the chilling of all in search of ruling class power. we don't live in russia and china and it's incredible how democrats will actually frown upon those countries and the way they dictate in these communist countries but here we are in the united states trying to limit our freedoms, which is shameful. >> it is. think about how many friends you and i have afraid to ask a question or post something on twitter, facebook or instagram. >> julie: they were afraid to get banned. >> i was a member of congress and was taken down on stuff that
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was simple making statements against -- that you would normally do, free speech. this is why it's so important. i can't emphasize this enough. people need to be able to ask questions. so many of the questions asked and being banned are being brought out in studies and other things and they are ignoring that. it was like you can't accept it now and not accept it then. this is the part where government needs to stay out of this and social media companies will rise and fall on their own. people will be able to research what they are looking at. the government only going after those who disagree with them and not giving reasons why, this is disinformation. no, only because it disagrees with the political line, standard party line. where do you hear that? >> julie: doug collins, great to see you. thank you very much. >> take care. >> julie: major cities from philadelphia to ft. worth, texas plagued by deadly violence. three mass shootings in three days turning celebrations to
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heartbreak. president biden snapping at a reporter after the supreme court blocked his student loan hand-out. >> mr. president, why did you give millions of borrowers false hope? >> president biden: i didn't give any false hope but the republicans snatched away the hope. >> julie: heard that. the president and democrats now looking to leverage the defeats to appeal to democratic voters. will it work? i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan, which lets you buy a home with no down payment. now, there's no reason to rent when you can own. helping veterans buy homes. that's newday usa.
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>> julie: fox news alert. july 4th holiday far from celebration for too many americans. philadelphia, fort worth texas
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and baltimore. ten people killed, dozens more including children injured. violent crime continues to plague our nation and national gun violence archive reporting 350 mass shootings in the u.s. so far this year alone. aishah hosni is live in new york city with the very latest. hey there. >> high, julie. good morning. it is stunning what happened in the last few days in a time of celebration, so many people are reeling this morning. philadelphia is among the hardest hit and that's where justice is moving swiftly. 40-year-old just charged with 30 counts for allegedly going on a rampage in southwest philly. watch surveillance video. police say he was wearing a bullet proof vest while gunning down five people and injuring so many more. twin boys just two years old. one shot in the legs four times,
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julie. baltimore hit hard. two people are dead there. 28 others injured when gunfire broke out at a block party. the democratic governor facing criticism for taking two days to visit the scene, complaining about a lack of solutions. >> i think people are tired of the finger pointing and nothing happens and nothing gets done accept we go from tragedy to tragedy. >> somebody drove through a neighborhood in the nation's capital and shot up nine people overnight. two were kids. in shreve port, louisiana there was gunfire and also fort worth texas that someone fired shots in a crowd. president biden is calling for gun reform.
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it is not just about guns and shootings. mothers and nannies in san francisco are scared for their lives as they are the target of vicious mugings by a gang of kids wearing masks and carrying baseball bat. it happened 11 times already. so much of this, julie, is happening in broad daylight. these bad guys do not care. julie. >> julie: thank you very much. appreciate it. the supreme court last week dealing a blow after blow to the president. now he and politicians on the left are looking to use not only the court's decisions but also its justices for political leverage in the 2024 campaign. democrats have a history of attacking the high court and that's ramped up exponentially given the 6-3 conservative majority. the senate judiciary committee will introduce a bill next week to tighten supreme court ethics rules. liberal house squad members want
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to go further. >> the supreme court is far overreaching their authority and i believe, frankly, we need to be having conversations about judicial review as a check on the courts as well. >> the far right extremist imbalanced supreme court that seeks to make history for all the wrong reasons. it is nothing but intersectional oppression. >> julie: sure michael and deputy chief of staff and david car lucci former democratic senator. you heard from members of the squad, ocasio-cortez and pressley are advocating for measures ranging from issuing the justices subpoenas to impeachment proceedings, to court packing with jurists who align with their views. they are trying to get back
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power is basically what they're doing, correct? >> that's pretty much it. julie, it is like playing the card game three card monte with the supreme court. some of these folks argue i want to expand the court with justices who share my worldview. that's not a judiciary independent of the other two branches. i don't think most americans want a supreme court where there is left or right leaning that can be personally used as a wedge tool, if you will, by the radical left for decisions that preference their worldview. this is really concerning rhetoric and i think you see a growing number of democratic lawmakers share this view. >> julie: david, how does it impact political elections moving forward, especially the presidential election in 2024? we don't have his microphone. can we do an audio check there? we'll go back to -- what do you think of the political
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ramifications and the impact of the presidential election when you weigh in the supreme court? >> julie, look, you look at the most recent case pertaining to harvard where they were discriminating against asian students. significant percent, majority of americans agree with the decision of the court that race should not be a considered factor. other factors should be considered. what i think when you look at this objectively speaking and look at swinging independent voters who will determine which direction the presidency goes in november of next year, many of those voters are going to look for a presidential candidate who is going to speak about objectivity and independence of the judiciary. >> julie: david. we have your back and we can hear your answer. go ahead and answer your take on the political influence this might have. did we lose him again? >> this has been devastating to americans with college debt, an attack really to validate
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homophobia. but politically this is a gift to democrats because for years we've been talking about the supreme court but really now it takes it home. it says to americans that might have been on the fence, might not have been involved politically to now come out in droves and say enough is enough. we have to change this conservatism. this extreme conservatism that we've seen from the bench from the supreme court. so i think it really will activate democrats. this is going to be a long time coming to overturn some of these challenges to the supreme court -- some of these challenges that have come from the supreme court but the only way we can do it by changing congress. i think americans will step out and vote in big numbers this year. >> julie: americans pulling back from values that formed our national character. a new "wall street journal" poll that finds only 38% of americans say patriotism is very important to them. that's down from a high of 70%
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when the question was first asked in 1998. as for religion only 39 call it important compared to 62% 25 years ago. when it comes to having children 30% say it's very important. that's down 29% from 1998. david, i will start with you. first of all, morals and values are under attack in this country, that is unquestionable. i don't care whether you are a republican or democrat you must agree when we talk about banning books in certain libraries because there is pornographic material in children's books you know moral and values have basically fallen into the tank in this country. >> that's what the polling has shown. one of the interesting things in the polls is that americans, whether democrat, republican, they share the same values. the problem is they believe that the other party doesn't share those same values. and that's where i think we have to come together. we just talked about the
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legitimacy of the supreme court and one of the reasons why it is under attack is because of the extreme partisanship. i think americans look and say that's the democratic and republican point of view. the only way we can continue to make our country better is how can we reach across the aisle and work together? if we think of people as friends, as family, as people to say what do we agree on? not what do we disagree on, we can do a lot better. >> julie: i have to disagree with you on that. i do not believe that democrats and republicans share the same values because i'm a parent and i teach my children values and that does not include taking them to drag story hours and teaching them about sex and all the number of other things that a lot of democrats feel is an important value to instill in my child. that is not -- no, i'm sorry. >> look, you are right.
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there are clear delineation that needs to be made in terms of morality and ethics in the country. what you say to be frank, we are a country of divided souls. i have think if you want to determine the president and potentially the future of a nation look at the values the country holds dear. look at the cultural norms that the country holds dear. many of these positions, julie, that democrats have taken not only are aisles lateing to many americans but isolating to many democratic voters of color who traditionally are conservative leaning individuals culturally speaking. the vast swath of americans are looking and saying wait a minute, this stuff is far too far. where do we put an end to this? where do we say we want to be a society with some level of christian beliefs and morality to determine what our future should be. i don't think a lot of progressive democrats in particular share those beliefs. >> julie: david, final word briefly. >> i think that's just it. we agree that we want to raise
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our children well to be outstanding citizens, to do what they want to do. i think it's the means, the way we do it might be different. i think we have to look at each other as equals and thinking we both care about this country. we might just have different ideas how we do it. that's the bottom line. >> julie: preserving our nation's youth is a starter and not teaching about sex in kindergarten would be a good way. the children are the future. let's bring morals and values back up and start at a young age before we continue parenting. that's all the time we have. thank you both for being here. we have breaking news now. associated press reporting final tests do, in fact, show that substance found at the white house is indeed cocaine. an investigation is ongoing, where hunter was both before and after the discovery. we'll have much more coming up on that. stay with us. plus a move by the largest
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teachers union in the country shining a new spotlight on the fight for parents' rights. >> the teachers unions have dictated so much of what's going on that they forgotten who the kids belong to. the kids belong to parents. and not to the state, not to politicians. they belong to parents. this is one of the biggest challenges that we've seen. >> julie: the national education association says put a sexual book on your book list. gender queer, wait until you hear about this. jason rantz in "focus" on that next.
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>> julie: a top russia spokesman hinted they're in talks with the u.s. about a potential deal to free evan gershkovitch from prison. a possible prisoner swap. the state department saying he remains in good health despite the circumstances and will continue to support him and his family. fox news alert on the cocaine investigation at the white house. multiple reports now say formal lab tests show the substance found sunday in the west wing was indeed cocaine. some not wasting any time raising questions about hunter obviously. former white house press secretary ari fleischer saying you have got to be kidding me. cocaine found at the white house. if it's the old executive office building it's likely staff. if it's the mansion it is likely hunter. the "new york post"'s miranda devine writes this. first son, hunter biden,
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acknowledged a prior addiction to crack cocaine was on the white house grounds friday before heading to camp david with his father for the holiday weekend. and newly-released photos from his laptop show him smoking crack while driving in a residential area and speeding at 107 miles-per-hour on his way to las vegas. those images back from 2018. jason rantz is a seattle radio host. it doesn't look good. the president is not speaking about it. we haven't heard a denial from hunter. he have simply said he no longer does crack cocaine. and that he was a former crack cocaine user. but cocaine in the white house is not something that happens every day. >> it doesn't but i can't say that we're shocked by this news. i don't think anyone is. what's interesting is some of the media coverage around this incident where they are claiming how could this happen? so unusual.
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not when you have someone open about past drug use and potentially could indicate current drug use. we don't know that it was connected to hunter biden but happening where there is a lot of scrutiny being placed on his access to this white house and how this is going a little further than what you would expect when you have someone with so much scandal and controversy around him, he is a drug addict. there is a lot of baggage that comes along with that and deserves a lot of compassion. but they also have to be more open what exactly is going on and what hunter's role, if any, is connected to what happened. >> julie: yeah. more questions about that so-called sweetheart deal hunter got in his tax and gun fraud case. a lawyer for i.r.s. whistleblower gary shapley tells the daily mail it looks like the d.o.j. may have pulled the three original prosecutors off the case. those three people who spent five years investigating were
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not named in david weiss's letter essentially announcing the charges against hunter and one of those new prosecutors had done work for louie free, former f.b.i. director. free and hunter were businesses possible for a possible time. possible conflict there as well, as gop lawmakers are looking for answers. a new op-ed. the only thing getting clear in hunter biden's case is the stench. let's just talk about the slap on the wrist that he essentially got on not only gun-related charges because he lied on his permit to get that he was formally caught with crack cocaine and his tax charges. if he agrees to this plea deal, which he has and will go to trial in july on the 26th, part of the deal is you have to stay clean. if they link the cocaine to hunter biden he already screwed the deal. what happens then? >> yeah, but all this is
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contingent of them being honest about hunter biden and what's been going on with him as far as drug use is related. i don't know if i necessarily trust this process. up until this point he clearly is getting special treatment. if you put all of the allegations together against me or against you or against any average person, we would not get this kind of deal. when i had to submit my application for conceal carry permit, if i lied there, i would not get a slap on the wrist. it would become an actual scandal and by the way let's say it was me, the media would cover that in a more significant way than what we're getting with hunter biden. there is such a clear conflict and he is getting special treatment contingent on all of us to be open and honest and call it out. we were told by the left we can't have a two-tiered justice system. >> julie: it was in the west
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wing. this is easy to finishing you are out. you don't have to be an expert. do fingerprints, test it and if anything start testing people that potentially could have been the user and drug test is not something that's uncommon for someone who has been charged with former accusations of using crack cocaine. it seems like a pretty easy thing and they should have answers right away. i'm sure there will be a long, drawn-out investigation. cultural issues. teachers union sending educators a recommended list for student summer reading. one is titled "gender queer." the center of controversy with some parents objecting to its dealing with the subjects of -- i can't believe i'm saying this, oral sex and masturbation. also on the union's list "white
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fragility." it insists wise americans use anger, shame and guilt to avoid taking responsibility for racial inequality. virginia governor glenn youngkin tearing into the union. >> the same nea that counseled biden to keep schools shut and the same nea that said parents were on the verge of being terrorists showing up at school board meetings. this is who is recommending what books to read for our kids. the challenge we have today is that there have been politicians and bureaucrats and the teachers associations and unions who believe that they are more important in kids' lives than parents. >> julie: my kids have summer reading. they have a summer reading list. if i found out on their summer reading list a book about masturbation and oral sex. we talk about morals and values between republicans and democrats. a guest claimed we had the same
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values. i don't think so. what parent in their right mind, republican or democrat would be come on, let me teach you about oral sex. what? >> if the parent wants to do it, as much as i think there is too early of an age to introduce it. >> julie: there is no age, 0. >> if we talk about 16 and 17-year-old and having that conversation. >> julie: maybe. >> when we talk about 11 and 9-year-olds it is ridiculous. the fact they chose this book gender queer. why they did this. it's controversial to parents and to conservative groups. that's the only reason they chose this book. this is like they are trying to troll these parents. but they are doing so at the expense of children who will now have access to a book that's very clearly not appropriate for them from that age or for that age. they try to twist this into well
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you are only upset because it has something to do with queerness or lbgtq and they keep adding letters and emojis. but they have to acknowledge they are using kids as props at this point so they can make some bigger point about gender identity. you have some teachers, educators, who are doing this because they want to create a society that accepts gender multi-faceted but they are using kids. >> julie: what other point is there? do you think this is going to be highly educational for our children in order to raise them into respectful adults? you wonder why values and ethics in this country are at an all-time low. jason rantz, thank you very much. that was so gross i can't believe we had to talk about it. but it's true. that's the hard part to believe. jason, thank you. appreciate it. a high-profile, high-drama divorce in hollywood under the micro scope.
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what to expect as kevin kostner heads to court. janet yellen headed overseas aiming to ease tensions with china but not everyone is feeling so confident. >> she is the treasury secretary headed over there. i don't know she will be negotiating from a position of strength. can the administration do that and play a better hand?
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>> julie: kevin kostner and his estranged wife are due in court today. their high profile divorce getting contentious. he rejected her request for nearly $250,000 in child support. chief correspondent jonathan hunt has a details. >> good morning to you, julie. kevin kostner and christine baumgartner have been married for about 18 years and having walked the red carpet at the oscars a short 15 months ago they now want to walk in entirely separate and differing directions. both are agreed on divorce. they are not agreed on the shape that that divorce should take. chief among kevin kostner's concerns right now is getting christine baumgartner, his wife, out of his $145 million mansion
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south of santa barbara. in court papers filed friday his lawyers said mr. kostner respectfully requests that christine be ordered to vacate is separate property residence and no later than july 13, 2023. that's a week thursday. now baumgartner says she will move out of that mansion but can't afford to at the moment and because she wants to keep the kids and herself in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. she says that will cost $250,000 a month. we don't know where it will end up. we know there is a prenup but expensive for kostner, no doubt. the most expensive hollywood divorces in history, mel gibson, harrison ford in 2004, 118 million. steven spielberg 100 million in 1989. in 1994 kostner's first divorce
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cost him $18 million. we can't put anything close to a dollar figure on this at the moment. we may get a clearer idea after today's court hearing. it is not too fanciful to discussion that kostner's lifetime divorce costs could be north of $2 hundred million. >> julie: jonathan hunt, thank you. this week treasury secretary janet yellen is headed to beijing in an attempt by the biden administration to ease tensions over tech trade between the u.s. and china. the communist regime with a slap in the face of america ahead of her visit. china imposing strict new export restrictions on key metals the u.s. needs for semi conductors, computer chips and satellites. gop critics says the u.s. looks weak as it enters talks with china.
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>> we haven't picked up as a country where the trump administration left off. to turn the focus towards china. unfortunately the biden administration hasn't been doing that and encouraging the see the treasury secretary is headed over there. i don't know that she will be there in a position of strength. >> we have to allow the chinese accountable and not allow them to set the table on what the economic partnership will look like. >> julie: lieutenant colonel daveis joins me now. china doesn't give a hoot about the united states or respect us in any respect, way or form. this is the sort of stuff they're pulling before the biden administration sends someone over there to try to come up with some sort of negotiation. they have no intent on negotiating. they just want to have the upper hand and they already do. talks haven't started. >> well, they certainly are trying to do that absolutely their intent. there is no question about that.
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they want to maximize every opportunity they can for their personal benefit but we have to look at this from a further perspective going back to the beginning of the biden administration where this kind of issue where you do something in the face of the other side before you visit started with the biden administration before blinken met with him the first time with a lot of deals we -- agreements we sank which were very inflammatory to the chinese. they did the same thing back and this actually issue here that they're doing before the yellen visit is in response to some of our curbs and that we're trying to get our allies to keep china from being able to purchase equipment needed to make the chips. this is the ongoing war issue. the bottom line for the united states we have to do everything in our power to keep this relationship beneficial and useful to us while protecting our national security and economic security. last year we had a record amount
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of trade, $690 billion. there is a lot for us to gain. but we have to protect ourselves and we certainly can't look weak to your point but we also have to be wise about how we engage. >> julie: in any business negotiation you have to come in with a position of strength and we don't have that right now. as far as negotiating power or leverage we have none. there is an influential chinese trade policy advisor who told a chinese newspaper the restrictions were a well thought out heavy punch and just a start. he added if restrictions targeting china's hi-technology center continue counter measures will negotiate. it can't seem like it will go anywhere good. >> that's exactly what this is in response to. is our previous round. it has continued to go on. it is escalating up the ladder. we have to be mart about how we do this. china is doing a lot of things not in u.s. interests and we have to look out for our
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interests but we have to be smart about how we do it. >> julie: colonel davis. thank you. we want to thank you at home for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" is after the break and i hope to see you tomorrow same time 11:00 a.m. eastern on "the faulkner focus." join me then. so many hotels. ah! ah! ah! trouble booking the family vacay? come on. comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam. they have waffles! and splendid pools. cannonball! book direct at
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9:00 am
♪ ♪ >> kayleigh: we begin with a fox news alert, confirming that the secret service agents found cocaine in the west wing during a routine patrol on sunday. the drug grows were reportedly found in a west wing working area accessible to tour groups. on the secret services in the midst of a full-blown investigation. president biden was not at the white house when the discovery was made. hello, everyone, this is a "outnumbered," i am kayleigh mcenany, joining us host of american


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