Hitler's black victims : the historical experiences of Afro-Germans, European Blacks, Africans, and African Americans in the Nazi era
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Hitler's black victims : the historical experiences of Afro-Germans, European Blacks, Africans, and African Americans in the Nazi era
- Publication date
- 2003
- Topics
- Hitler, Adolf, World War (1939-1945), World War, 1939-1945, World War, 1939-1945, World War, 1939-1945, Race discrimination, African Americans, Blacks, Ethnic relations, Race discrimination, Negers, Rassendiscriminatie, Nationaal-socialisme, national-socialisme, Rassendiskriminierung, Weltkrieg <1939-1945>, Drittes Reich, Drittes Reich, Rassendiskriminierung, Schwarze
- Publisher
- New York : Routledge
- Collection
- internetarchivebooks; printdisabled
- Contributor
- Internet Archive
- Language
- English
- Item Size
- 686.6M
Includes bibliographical references (pages 293-303) and index
Part 1: Beyond a white German past ; Look a Negro: the structuring of black marginality in Nazi Germany -- Part 2: Blackness before Hitler ; Negrophobia and nationalism: An epigrammatic history of African-German encounters ; Soldiers of misfortune, children of misfortune: black troops and the race question in pre-Nazi Germany -- Part 3: Worst that you can imagine: Blacks and Nazism ; Hitler's black dilemmas: the face and fact of blackness under Nazism ; Made in America, perfected in Germany: the Nazi sterilization program against Blacks ; Behind the wire: black captives in Nazism ; Imagining blackness: negrophobia and the Nazi propaganda machine ; Nigger music must disappear: jazz and the disruption of cultural purity ; Punched out and overrun: black athleticism meets Nazi racism ; Blacks in the resistance movement -- Part 4: Black skins, German mask: blackness in contemporary Germany ; European (dis)union: racism and antiracism in contemporary Europe ; Breathing while black: linking the German racial past with the present
The Nazi era in Germany and all of its accompanying atrocities is one of the most documented periods in history. However, this documentation is incomplete in one important area: the history and experiences of people of African descent in Nazi Germany. Did Afro-Germans and other blacks suffer under Nazism? The answer to this question, to the degree it has been asked at all, remains vague even for those scholars and researchers familiar with the Nazi era and the Holocaust in particular. Drawing on interviews with the Black survivors of Nazi concentration camps and archival research in North America, Europe, and Africa, this book documents and analyzes the meaning of Nazism's racial policies towards people of African descent, specifically those born in Germany, France, England, the United States or Africa, and the impact of that legacy on contemporary race relations in Germany, and more generally, in Europe. The book also specifically addresses the concerns of those surviving Afro-Germans who were victims of Nazism, but have not generally been included in or benefited from the compensation agreements that have been developed in recent years. -- Publishers description
Part 1: Beyond a white German past ; Look a Negro: the structuring of black marginality in Nazi Germany -- Part 2: Blackness before Hitler ; Negrophobia and nationalism: An epigrammatic history of African-German encounters ; Soldiers of misfortune, children of misfortune: black troops and the race question in pre-Nazi Germany -- Part 3: Worst that you can imagine: Blacks and Nazism ; Hitler's black dilemmas: the face and fact of blackness under Nazism ; Made in America, perfected in Germany: the Nazi sterilization program against Blacks ; Behind the wire: black captives in Nazism ; Imagining blackness: negrophobia and the Nazi propaganda machine ; Nigger music must disappear: jazz and the disruption of cultural purity ; Punched out and overrun: black athleticism meets Nazi racism ; Blacks in the resistance movement -- Part 4: Black skins, German mask: blackness in contemporary Germany ; European (dis)union: racism and antiracism in contemporary Europe ; Breathing while black: linking the German racial past with the present
The Nazi era in Germany and all of its accompanying atrocities is one of the most documented periods in history. However, this documentation is incomplete in one important area: the history and experiences of people of African descent in Nazi Germany. Did Afro-Germans and other blacks suffer under Nazism? The answer to this question, to the degree it has been asked at all, remains vague even for those scholars and researchers familiar with the Nazi era and the Holocaust in particular. Drawing on interviews with the Black survivors of Nazi concentration camps and archival research in North America, Europe, and Africa, this book documents and analyzes the meaning of Nazism's racial policies towards people of African descent, specifically those born in Germany, France, England, the United States or Africa, and the impact of that legacy on contemporary race relations in Germany, and more generally, in Europe. The book also specifically addresses the concerns of those surviving Afro-Germans who were victims of Nazism, but have not generally been included in or benefited from the compensation agreements that have been developed in recent years. -- Publishers description
- Access-restricted-item
- true
- Addeddate
- 2013-09-19 19:48:49.99664
- Boxid
- IA1102901
- Boxid_2
- CH1144324
- City
- New York
- Donor
- bostonpubliclibrary
- External-identifier
- Extramarc
- Columbia University Libraries
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- hitlersblackvict00clar
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t1vf0vt2c
- Invoice
- 1315
- Isbn
- Lccn
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.20
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.17
- Openlibrary_edition
- OL3950056M
- Openlibrary_work
- OL2704816W
- Page_number_confidence
- 87
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.5
- Pages
- 326
- Ppi
- 300
- Related-external-id
- Republisher_date
- 20160627164431
- Republisher_operator
- ken@archive.org
- Republisher_time
- 884
- Scandate
- 20160622152041
- Scanner
- ttscribe3.shenzhen.archive.org
- Scanningcenter
- hongkong
- Shipping_container
- SZ0024
- Source
- removed
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 47282800
- Full catalog record
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