Trapped in the Forest FireSuddenly, Suresh Prabhu, the powerful Union Environment Minister, finds his
clean-n-green reputation going up in a blaze of irate investors, court cases, and
political vendetta. What's the verdict?
By A BT Investigation
This jungle trail runs from business to politics, from
bankruptcy to deceit, from ambition to jealousy. At every twist and turn, it appears to
have turned cold, but there is no doubt that the track unerringly leads to a swamp of
fraud which the investor has, unwittingly, stumbled into. Embroiled in this forest of
controversy is the 46-year-old Union Minister For Environment And Forests, Suresh
Prabhakar Prabhu, whose meteoric rise in the last 2 years has stunned both his rivals and
his friends. After all, Prabhu, who was not even a primary member of any political party
when the Shiv Sena first announced his candidature in the 1996 Lok Sabha elections,
immediately became the Union Minister For Industry in the 13-day Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Since then, the cases against the
flamboyant chartered accountant-turned-banker-turned-politician have been mounting.
Totalling over 30--and filed in Panjim, Ernakulam, and Mumbai--they have uncorked his
past: strong connections and cosy relationships. Did Prabhu prey on investor gullibility?
Or is he the victim of a political plot? Prabhu swears by his innocence: "The
campaign against me has been launched by some vested interests." The small investor,
who has dragged him to court, disagrees. And, although all the cases are sub-judice, the
needle of suspicion points to politics as much as it does to business.
It certainly appeared so when a criminal case was filed
before the Judicial Magistrate (First Class ), Court No. 2, Ernakulam, on January 6, 1997.
A Kochi-based investor, K. Joseph, complained that 2 cheques--which were issued by a
Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC), the Rs 7.83-crore Western India Financial Services,
for Rs 2 lakh and Rs 9,896, respectively--had bounced. That was hardly surprising: since
1996, investors have lodged as many as 60,000 complaints against nbfcs with the Securities
& Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the courts.
What was unusual about Joseph's case--and the 30 others filed
against Western India Financial Services--was the name of the co-accused: Suresh Prabhu.
Nearly 15,000 investors had deposited Rs 20 crore with the NBFC promoted by the
now-bankrupt industrialist, Nandan Gadgil, 42, whose Rs 300-crore empire--including the Rs
90.66-crore Western Paques, the Rs 68.97-crore Western India Industries, and the Rs
11.47-crore Western India Securities (later renamed Wisec Global)--crumbled in 1996-97.
Like other scams, a businessman's (Gadgil's) fraudulent
offices led to a politician's (Prabhu's) home. Prabhu--who won the Parliamentary polls as
a Shiv Sena candidate from the Rajapur (Maharashtra) constituency in May, 1996, and March,
1998--was the Chairman and Managing Director of Western India Financial Services besides
being a director on the boards of 11 other companies, including the Rs 486.63-crore Global
Tele-Systems and the Rs 387.38-crore Sai Service Station. Which is why criminal charges
under the Negotiable Instruments Act were levelled against both Prabhu and Gadgil after
investors discovered that the post-dated cheques issued by the company had bounced.
Even as Gadgil's Pune-based uncle, Avinash Wardekar, 61, is
desperately trying to resurrect the Gadgil Western Group, Prabhu is fighting to prove his
innocence. Legally, the bouncing of a cheque is an offence under Section 138 of the
Negotiable Instruments Act, and the directors of an offending company can be prosecuted
under Sections 141 and 142 of the same Act. While the Metropolitan Magistrate Court,
Mumbai, has accepted Prabhu's plea that he should be discharged from the case, the
Judicial Magistrate (First Class) Court, Panjim, has refused to follow suit. Instead, the
latter has contended that Prabhu's innocence can only be proved after a full trial. BT
explores the nexus by investigating the cases against Prabhu, and his proximity to Nandan
It was meant to revive the sagging fortunes of the Gadgil
Western Group, which had diverted Rs 139.15 crore from its cash-rich companies--Western
India Industries (1996-97 net profits: Rs 11.31 crore) and Western Paques (Rs 22.22
crore)--to finance its unrelated diversification into financial services, sugar, and
shipping. In Western India Financial Services' 3-month fixed deposit scheme--which had
been launched at regular intervals since 1995--investors were allowed to participate in
the bill-refinancing business. After discounting a Bill of Exchange, Western India
Financial Services would re-discount it in favour of the depositors based on the latter's
quantum of investment. They were promised attractive returns: an annualised yield of 20
per cent on deposits of less that Rs 5 lakh, 22 per cent on deposits between Rs 5 lakh and
Rs 10 lakh, and a "negotiable" yield on deposits of over Rs 10 lakh.
To reduce the depositors' risks, WIFS issued post-dated
cheques for both the principal and the interest. It also forced the parties involved in
the bill discounting deal--the issuer and the acceptor of the bill--to sign the bills of
exchange. This was, obviously, done to protect the interests of the depositors in case the
money was not paid up by the creditor company. But, at the time of encashing their
profits, all that the depositors got was a stream of bouncing cheques. On November 14,
1996, when Joseph deposited 2 cheques in his account at the Central Bank of India, he was
told that they could not be honoured due to "insufficiency of funds." On
December 23, 1996, Joseph received a letter (dated November 14, 1996) from Western India
Financial Services, which explained: "Due to the prevailing market conditions... our
cash inflows are disturbed... Therefore, we request you not to present the aforesaid
post-dated cheques as we are not certain of funding the account on the due date."
Little wonder, then, that the investor is crestfallen.
Laments Joseph: "All my life, I had invested in schemes of the Unit Trust of India
and the Post-Office. But, I guess, a mistake had to be made some day." By then, other
creditors like H.G. Parekh, a Mumbai-based businessman, started realising what was
happening. A cheque for Rs 1 lakh, which was issued to him by the company, bounced in
September, 1997. But it was too late; Gadgil's empire was on the verge of bankruptcy, and
investors had no option but to approach the courts to recover their money.
Expansion had contracted the Gadgil Western Group's fortunes.
Between 1991 and 1997, Gadgil set up several greenfield ventures across the globe: in
India, Dubai, and the US. He also raised large amounts of money by floating public issues
at premiums. Not surprisingly, the share premium reserves of the group were Rs 329 crore
on March 31, 1997, but it owed Rs 350 crore to the financial institutions, banks,
corporates, and investors. Worse, the group's diversifications backfired: while the Rs
23.15-crore Western India Shipyards incurred a loss of Rs 30.35 crore in 1996-97, the Rs
5.68-crore Western Orissa Sugars made a loss of Rs 3.28 crore.
Gadgil was on the run. Law-enforcers finally caught up with
him in April, 1997, when he was arrested in Dubai for another bounced cheque, which had
been issued to a Dubai-based financier, Sunil Mansukhani. But he managed to get bail by
putting some of his assets--including the Dubai-based Western India Oil Refinery, which
planned to use a new technology to extract kerosene and diesel from refinery-wastes--on
the block, and obtaining an advance from his bankers to repay his creditors. While Western
India Financial Services has since been sold to Yogesh Kumar Tiwari, a Mumbai-based
businessman, Gadgil's uncle, Wardekar, has taken over Western India Securities.
The case for the defence, essentially, rests on a single
date: the day Suresh Prabhu resigned from the Western India Financial Services board. If
it can be proved that his resignation was effective May 7, 1996--when the letter, dated
May 6, 1996, was received by the company--it will prove his innocence. Since all the
bounced cheques were issued after that date, that means that Prabhu was not involved in
the scam. Points out Prabhu: "I resigned from the boards of (12) companies on May 6,
1996, to contest the Lok Sabha elections. I was not on the Western India Financial
Services board when the cheques were dishonoured."
Did he? Agrees Manoj Tirodkar, 34, CEO, Global Tele-Systems:
"We had asked Prabhu to be a non-executive director of our company. He resigned from
our board on May 6, 1996." To buttress his claim, Prabhu shows copies of Form 32,
which were filed by 11 companies--including Sai Service Station, Global Tele-Systems, and
Global Wireless--with the Registrar of Companies (ROC) to indicate board-level changes.
Indeed, all of them show Prabhu's resignation date as May 6, 1996.
Unfortunately, that is not the case with the form filed by
Western India Financial Services, which uncapped the controversy. That document, filed by
the NBFC on December 13, 1996, states that Prabhu, along with Gadgil and another director,
Brij Bhushan Nagpal, resigned on November 14, 1996--the day Gadgil signed an memorandum of
understanding to sell the company (which has since been renamed Amnet India) to Tiwari. In
fact, the 4 new directors appointed on that date were Tiwari and 3 of his aides. However,
another Form 32, dated March 26, 1997, lists Prabhu's resignation-date as March 15, 1997.
If either of these dates (November 14, 1996, or March 15, 1997) is right, Prabhu will
become an accused in at least some of the cases filed against Western India Financial
To set the record straight, Prabhu even appears to have got
the roc, Mumbai, to issue a clarification. In response to his letter, dated June 9, 1998,
the roc wrote to Amnet India on July 24, 1998: "It appears that Suresh Prabhu had
resigned on 7/5/96, and not on 15/3/97, as per Form 32 dated 26/3/97. You are, therefore,
advised to rectify Form 32 immediately on receipt of this letter." Indeed, Prabhu's
lawyers used this letter as evidence in their legal battles in Panjim and Mumbai to
indicate that he had resigned from the boards of companies on May 7, 1996.
Last month, the roc also initiated legal proceedings against
Western India Financial Services for violations under Section 303 (2) of the Companies
Act. In a case filed in the Metropolitan Magistrate Court, Mumbai, the roc alleged that
the company failed to file Form 32, notifying Prabhu's resignation in May, 1996, within
the mandatory 30 days.
If true, why did Western India Financial Services decide to
deliberately delay Prabhu's resignation? The reason, as disclosed by Prabhu's lawyers to
the Judicial Magistrate (First Class) Court, Panjim: the company's board of directors
would have lost legal sanction if Prabhu's resignation had been accepted in May, 1996.
That's because Section 252 of the Companies Act states that a public company's board
should have a minimum of 3 directors. And, after Prabhu's resignation in May, 1996,
Western India Financial Services would have had only 2: Gadgil and Nagpal.
Those fears should not have influenced the resignation
submitted by a director who wanted out. Points out S.S. Rana, 57, Advocate, Delhi High
Court: "Nobody can stop a director from resigning. If it contravenes the law, the
other 2 directors can co-opt a third director till the next general body meeting ratifies
the decision, or inducts a new director." Maintains Prabhu: "My effective date
of resignation from all companies, including Western India Financial Services, is the date
on which I submitted my resignation to the respective companies." That was May 6,
1996, or May 7, 1996, if one considers the date when the letter was received by the
company. Although there is no provision in the Companies Act about the process through
which a director can resign, such events are decided by the relevant provisions in the
Articles of Association of a company and legal precedents.
Take the case of Western India Financial Services. Article
155 of its Articles of Association states: "A director may, at any time, give notice
in writing of his intention to resign by addressing it to the board of directors of the
company and delivering such notice to the secretary or leaving the same at the registered
office of the company Thereupon, his office shall be vacated." Legal precedents also
support Prabhu's defence. Agrees Tirodkar: "A director's resignation is effective
immediately if there is no mention in the Articles of Association. Else, one has to go by
specific clauses in the Articles."
Are deliberate attempts being made to villify Prabhu? Yes,
says Kirit Somaiyya, 44, the Maharashtra State President of the Bharatiya Janata Party
(BJP), who has known Prabhu since 1975: "The number of cases filed against him
reflects the extent of political jealousy. Notes Prabhu: "Most of the cases against
me were initially filed 20 months ago. They were refiled after I became a minister once
again in March, 1998."
In fact, the controversy has seeped into the Goan political
arena. There, the legal campaign against Prabhu is being spearheaded by Gopal Mayekar, 64,
a former Congress-I Member of Parliament, who himself had invested Rs 2 lakh in Western
India Financial Services, and is actively involved in the 29 cases filed by Goan investors
against Prabhu. All these cases have now been transferred to the Sessions & District
Court, Panjim, and the next hearing is scheduled for January 6, 1999. But Mayekar denies
that the charges are politically motivated: "There is no campaign against Prabhu
since I am also a victim. In fact, he was the only director against whom we could initiate
prosecution as all the others (including the promoter, Nandan Gadgil) are missing."
Of course, his political links have compounded Prabhu's
problems. Points out Somaiyya: "When Madhu Dandavate represented Rajapur in
Parliament between 1971 and 1989, Prabhu always supplied him with details on crucial
business issues. He was also close to Congress (I) politicians like Sharad Pawar and
Vittal N. Gadgil." But, in the same breath, Prabhu's friends contend that he has
never been involved in any controversy before the Western India Financial Services scam.
Agrees Mukesh Kalmadi, 46, Joint Managing Director, Sai Service Station, where Prabhu was
a director: "He has a clean image in business and politics."
But, then, how did Prabhu get involved with Nandan Gadgil?
Explains Prabhu: "I was invited by a number of promoters, including Nandan Gadgil, to
join the boards of their companies because of their perceptions about my standing in
public life." Moreover, Prabhu's political aides contend that neither did he have any
executive powers in any of the companies--including Western India Financial Services--nor
large equity stakes in them. For instance, his family's stake in Western India Financial
Services, which had an equity base of 58.50 lakh shares, was a mere 300 shares.
Of course, Prabhu's business roots go deeper (see box). Both
in his capacity as a chartered accountant and the chairman of the Saraswat Cooperative
Bank (1997-98 income: Rs 254.83 crore), he was close to numerous businessmen. For
instance, Tirodkar admits that Prabhu's chartered accountancy firm was the auditor of one
of his companies. And Prabhu himself says that, as the chairman of the Saraswat Bank for
81 months (between 1989 and 1995), he regularly interacted with businessmen. Indeed, he is
still a director on the bank's board and, in September, 1998, he and his supporters were
again elected to it. In fact, among the 12 directors elected, Prabhu got the maximum
number of votes.
Going by the number of cases against Prabhu, he may find it
tough to emerge completely unscathed. Already the rulings of the Panjim and the Ernakulam
Courts indicate that he is unlikely to wriggle out of his predicament easily despite the
fact that he has received a favourable decision from the Mumbai High Court. For instance,
after the Ernakulam Court issued 2 non-bailable warrants against Prabhu on January 14,
1998, and March 19, 1998, in the Joseph case, he managed to get a stay on the proceedings
from the Kochi High Court on July 2, 1998. But, on October, 23, 1998, Joseph filed a
counter-affidavit before the High Court, which has yet to deliver a final judgement.
In Goa, the lower courts have delivered a body blow to
Prabhu's defence. States the judgement by the Judicial Magistrate in Panjim, C. Fernandes,
delivered on August 29, 1998: " the alleged defence taken by the accused No. 2
(Suresh Prabhu) will be looked into only at the stage of trial where both the parties
adduced their respective evidence and documents." And in another case in Goa--filed
by the Panjim-based Gulf Goan Hotels Company--the Judicial Magistrate, Desmond D'Costa,
ruled on September 1, 1998: "At this stage, there is a strong suspicion that the
accused (Prabhu) had cheated the complainant by inducing the investment of money"
Prabhu's defence will be further demolished if fresh
cases--relating to the period when he was the Chairman and Managing Director of Western
India Financial Services--are filed. Indeed, many companies promoted by Nandan Gadgil have
failed to repay their creditors, but they have decided against taking legal action against
him or his companies. Points out Kalmadi, who refuses to disclose the exact amount his
company lent to the Gadgil Western Group: "We are sure that we will not get the money
back. And this is part of doing business in India."
But, then, as Suresh Prabhu has realised, there is yet
another danger of being associated with businessmen like Nandan Gadgil: that of being
embroiled in a long-drawn legal battle. And, even if it is just a case of dirty business
discolouring ugly politics, Prabhu cannot easily disentangle himself from the knots he
himself once tied between the two.
Reported by Alam Srinivas, Rajeev Dubey
& R. Sridharan
Friends Of Suresh Prabhu Ltd
It has been a political pole-vault for Suresh Prabhakar
Prabhu. In the mid-70s, he was only the President of the Khar Residents' Association in
Mumbai; by 1996, he had joined the ranks of the Union Cabinet.
Maharashtra politics was aflutter when Prabhu, a Saraswat
Brahmin from Konkan's Malvan region, got a Shiv Sena ticket to contest the 1996 Lok Sabha
elections. Explains a Mumbai-based Shiv Sena leader: "We though Prabhu was ideally
placed to fight the elections under the Congress (I) or the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
banner. He was close to politicians from both the parties." Prabhu, however chose,
the Shiv Sena which gave him a ticket because its supremo, Balasaheb Thackeray, apparently
wanted the intelligentsia to represent the Shiv Sena in Parliament. And Prabhu had the
right credentials: a gold medal in the chartered accountancy examinations in 1980; years
of charitable work; and proximity to politicians like Madhu Dandavate of the Janata Dal
and Sharad Pawar of the Congress (I).
What was even more important was Prabhu's influence in the
co-operative movement, which wields considerable political power in Maharashtra. In fact,
Prabhu's 15-year stint, from October, 1983, as the Director of the Saraswat Co-operative
Bank, and his 81-month tenure as its Chairman-between January, 1989, and September,
1995-brought him close to both politicians and businessmen. During his chairmanship, the
bank's net profits rose from Rs 1.96 crore in 1988-89 to Rs 7.43 crore in 1994-95 while
its deposits zoomed from Rs 5,002.84 crore to Rs 8,453.41 crore. "His ambitions may
have grown during this time," says Kirit Somaiyya, 44, the President of the BJP's
Maharashtra unit.
What benefited Prabhu was also his proximity to Suresh
Kalmadi, 54 an Independent Member of the Rajya Sabha, his brother Mukesh Kalmadi, and
Nandan Gadgil, the Chairman of the now-bankrupt Gadgil Western Group. Admits Mukesh
Kalmadi, 46, Joint Managing Director, Sai Service Station: "My interactions with
Prabhu were due to the latter's participation in high-profile activities in Mumbai."
Unfortunately, Prabhu got too close to Nandan Gadgil, whose among small investors. And now
threatens to engulf Prabhu too in controversy. |
'The campaign is by vested interests'
In an exclusive interview with BT, the Union Minister For
Environment & Forests, Suresh Prabhu, defends himself:
Q. Mr Prabhu, when did you resign as the CEO of
Western India Financial Services?
A. I resigned from all the (12) companies in
May, 1996, to contest the Lok Sabha Elections.
Why is there a discrepancy in the dates mentioned in
Form 32?
Form 32, which has be filed to the Registrar of Companies,
has to be complied with by the companies. My resignations of the Articles of Association
of the respective companies and the requirements of the Company Law as well as the
prevalent practices in the corporate sector. My effective date of resignation from all the
companies, including Western India Financial Services, is May 6, 1996. My resignations
from these companies have been taken note of by the authorities concerned.
How many criminal cases have been filed against you?
Are they related to only Western India Financial Services?
The cases are not filed against me personally, but against
Western India Financial Services, in which I have been sought to be implicated in my
capacity as a director. All the cases pertain to the cheques issued by Western India
Financial Services, which were not signed by me. I was (also) not on the board when the
cheques were dishonoured.
What explains your presence on the board of a dozen
As a chartered accountant with a flourishing practice, I had
relations with several companies. I was (also) invited by a number of promoters, including
Western India Financial Services' Nandan Gadgil, to join the boards of their companies in
view of their perception about my standing in public life. I have been working in social,
and educational areas for more than 2 decades through voluntary agencies. The campaign
against me is by vested interests. I do not ascribe it to any particular political party. |