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View LCNC Dev Day 2023 Sessions Info


Organizations requiring a faster digital transformation are turning to low-code development solutions, empowering IT and non-IT personnel to use drag-and-drop tooling to quickly create necessary business applications.

Low-Code/No-Code Developer Day is a one-day event designed to help organizations understand the use of low-code and no-code tools, where they are appropriate to use, and what they can deliver.

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2023 Sessions

The Ever-Evolving Low-Code Ecosystem

Is low-code still its own space, or is it just an essential feature of other categories of application development and delivery platforms?  Analysts will throw around a variety of terms and definitions for what constitutes low code in comparison to their own feature sets, and vendors will tell customers they are low code if they are looking for functionality that serves the citizen developer. But where to start in thinking about your own enterprise’s journey to low code?

Climbing the Ladder of Abstraction with No-Code/NoOps

2022 may have been the year of Kubernetes and cloud native, but 2023 will be the year that all companies, not just those with the budgets to build an enormous talent base of advanced developers, leverage the transformative power of these technologies.

All companies are facing significant challenges with deploying applications on cloud native infrastructure. This is because the K8s/CNCF ecosystem is overwhelmingly complex. 2023 is the year that tools deliver the right abstractions of this complexity to leverage low code/no code concepts. This will be accomplished by vendors offering solutions that climb this “ladder” of abstractions further up the chain towards the No Operations or NoOps model without compromising on what we offer developers—the ability to focus on building business logic in the language of their choice. Far from simple Function-as-a-Service offerings, we will see vertically integrated platforms that solve almost all issues for developers, enabling smaller firms to compete on a more even footing with far larger organizations.

Navigating the Low-Code and No-Code Landscape: Finding the Right Fit for Your Team

Choosing the best low-code or no-code tooling for your team can be difficult given the large selection of tools available, from straightforward dashboard builders to comprehensive app builders. This session will provide a thorough overview of the various tools available, both open source and commercial options, to help you kick-start your app development process and find the perfect fit for your team's needs.

Joyce Lin

Head of Developer Relations


Low-Code for Developers

Low-code is having its moment among non-developers, but let’s talk about what it’s doing for developers. In this session, Joyce investigates the reasons why low-code is still a largely-untapped space among developers and other technical professionals.

Do It Right Or Do It Twice

There are a huge number of specialized no-code tools on the market, each aimed at improving a part of your business operations. To gain a holistic view of your organization, many glue these tools together - and glue can melt. In this talk, we'll discuss some common pitfalls in no-code setups and how you can overcome them. 

Asanka Abeysinghe

Chief Technology Officer


Building Enterprise Applications with Ballerina's Graphical View and Code

Join Asanka Abeysinghe, Chief Technology Officer at WSO2, a renowned technologist and author, for a technical talk on how the Ballerina language's graphical view and code can help developers move from low code to pro code development. Through real-world use cases and code examples, Asanka will demonstrate how Ballerina's features, such as built-in concurrency, distributed transactions, service orchestration, and VSCode tooling, can streamline development workflows for cloud-native integrations, microflows, and microservice development.

How This Family-Owned Manufacturing Company Modernized its Software Using Low-Code 

Park Industries, a fully family owned and operated company, is North America’s largest stone working equipment manufacturer. Growing at a very quick pace, the company currently employs 340 people with 200+ positions available, and has sold over 18,000 machines in the North American region. This rapid pace of growth comes with an urgent need to modernize. In this session, David Lloyd, Director of Information Technology at Park Industries, will explain how he leverages high-performance low-code app development to automate manual business processes, eliminate paper, and gain value from data. Park Industries has so far built 28 apps that automate previously manual processes. All of this is possible because its small development team of four people is now empowered with a newfound extreme agility. The ability to quickly iterate on the apps built allows the team to reduce maintenance time from 50% of the team’s time to less than 10%, develop apps at a rate of 4-10 times faster, and save $350k per year with 100% user satisfaction.

Intro to Power BI

For anyone new to Power BI, we'll cover all the main features and walk through getting data into the tool (using both the desktop and online versions), creating visualizations, turning them into reports and adding them to dashboards. When we're through we'll have several BI components available to share via the Cloud!

Value Planning in Low-Code Platforms

In this session we will go over the importance of value driven planning with low code platforms. With the growing demand from the business to build software faster, how do you ensure that the teams are delivering the most value without sacrificing speed?


Contrary to popular belief, there’s a lot more to planning than simply prioritizing work. While planning is typically regarded as one phase within the DevOps process, it includes multiple activities and phases, such as feature prioritization, gathering requirements, user story writing, refinement, stakeholder approval, and sprint planning.


In this presentation, we will go over critical questions one must ask themselves when working on low code platforms:

· Are the right user stories being worked on?

· Are the tasks or needs well-defined?

· Do they meet the needs of the customer?

· How are you defining value?

2024 sessions to be announced soon!

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