“Josh is an experienced AWS Infinidash engineer. His experience goes back some 144 hours, to the origins of Infinidash.”
Joshua J Morley GAICD
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
500+ connections
Recipient of multiple global awards for AI and Innovation, Joshua leads over 1000 data…
Australian Institute of Company Directors
Activities and Societies: Full scholarship for AICD membership, Company Directors Course & Enrolment in Leader to Leader" program from Australia Network on Disability
Activities and Societies: Outdoor Activities at Curtin, Google at Curtin, The Computer Science Students Association, Relay for Life
Joshua is a New Colombo Mobility Scholarship recipient and was awarded first class honours for his coursework and dissertation in the field of Big Data, AI and the internet of things.
Joshua graduated with distinction after achieving an average of 89% in his honours coursework -
Joshua is completing a Cert IV in Training and Assessment which will allow him to deliver training and assessment services in the vocational education and training sector. This Certificate also allows Joshua to qualify units of competency in appropriate fields and assess competence in a learning or workplace context.
Activities and Societies: House Prefect, House Debating Captain, Swim Team 4 years Year 11 Monitor, Year 10 Student Representative, Year 9 Student Representative, Library Monitor year 8 and 9 Circus Club 5 years Theatre Club 2 years Redfoot Youth Theatre 2 years
Licenses & Certifications
Volunteer Experience
Gartner Peer Community Technical Ambassador
GPC is a platform for senior management to executives to query other leaders and technical experts and connect without interference by sales initiatives or ulterior motives. As an ambassador, my technical acumen is recognised and highlighted to ensure other users can gain the benefit of my subject matter expertise.
Advisory Council Member
Harvard Business Review
As an advisory council member, I share my expertise to help shape HBR content and management and leadership at large.
Computing Student Mentor
Curtin University
- 3 years 7 months
Meet with new/at risk students to discuss study habits.
Assist students with time management.
Be a friendly face for students to be able to contact for guidance or referral. -
Teach Learn Grow Inc. (TLG)
- 1 month
Tutor primary school age children at Coolgardie PS for one week
Service Learning Volunteer
Family Pathways - Child and Adolescent Health Service
- 8 months
Provided mentoring and support for children.
Havelock House Prefect
Hale Senior School
- less than a year
A leadership role with responsibilities of reinforcing house and school values and organizing and assisting in the running of the house events and students.
Rotary of Elizabeth Quay
- 7 months
I assist the president of REQ in running the P3 squad
Considerations and Implications of not securing Web3.0 technologies
Lecture La Trobe University
Seeing Through the Eyes of Artificial Intelligence: Computer Vision
Lecture at University of Technology Sydney
Managing Incidents and Removing Human Faults/Exploits Through Device Management and CI/CD in IoT
Lecture at LaTrobe University
The Productive (and Disruptive) Power of the Internet of Things
Lecture at LaTrobe University
Utilising Azure & Modern Data Warehousing to disrupt HR Reporting: From 3 weeks to 30 seconds, an integrated enterprise data warehouse case study
Australia's IoT Opportunity: Driving Future Growth
This study, a first of its kind in Australia, takes a broad economic and business view of the IoT opportunity. It assesses the revenue and cost implications of the technology on the industries most likely to benefit from it: construction, mining, manufacturing, healthcare and agriculture. It also considers the opportunities for developing the IoT industry (as a subset of the broader ICT sector) in Australia and looks at the cyber security risks associated with increased uptake of IoT technology.
Other authorsSee publication
Honors & Awards
Modis Australia: Top of the Pack Annual Winner
Joshua was named Top of the Pack Annual Winner, a title given to the Modis Australia's highest performing employee of the year. Joshua was singled out for this award from 1500 colleagues
The Adecco Group Australia CEO Award: Thought Leadership Champion
The Adecco Group
Joshua was awarded this prestigious title as the top performing thought leader in The Adecco Group Australia(1500 people) for 2021.
Young Haleian Endeavour Award 2021 - Honorable Mention Commendation
Hale School
Honourable Mention Commendation for a "Young Haleian under the age of 30 who has established commitment towards and achieved success in his chosen field of endeavour"
United Nations Association of Australia - Young Professionals Platform Award Nominee
United Nations Association of Australia - WA Young Professionals
Joshua has been nominated for an award for Recognising excellence within young professionals
Modis Top of the Pack: September Winner
Modis Global - Australia Representative
Joshua was selected by the Australian TAG CEO to represent Australia in a global AKKODIS (Then Modis) town hall event that can be seen by over 30 000 of his colleagues worldwide
Modis Top of the Pack: June 2021: Nominee
United Nations Australia: Young Professional June Spotlight
United Nations Association of Australia: Young Professionals Network
Modis Top of the Pack: May 2021 Nominee
Modis Top of the Pack: January Winner
PwC Early Technology Adopter
Joshua was recognised as one of PwC Australia's most accomplished early adopters of technology. As part of the honour Josh was selected to be a public face of PwC for technology through an advertising campaign, as well as to share his expertise with new colleagues
First Class Honours
Curtin University
Joshua was awarded with first class honours for his Course Weighted Average of 89.8% and his honours dissertation result of 82%.
Microsoft's Hack4Good Hackathon 2018 : Commendation Award Winner
At Microsoft's 2018 Hack4Good hackathon Joshua worked with his team to envision ways of helping people living with disabilities in remote communities to connect to the wider world despite the complications that relate to living in remote Australia (such as physical distance, lack of internet bandwidth and reliance on technology to communicate).
Avanade programming contest: West Australian Winner
Joshua participated in an internal company wide data structures and algorithms programming competition. Joshua utilised his knowledge of the c programming language to score the highest number of points amongst the Western Australia employees.
Avanade Australia Hackathon 2017 - Western Australia Winner
Joshua was team leader of the team awarded with the local winner of the Avanade Australia Hackathon. Joshua proposed interconnection for communication between AI Bots and Virtual Assistants.
Mainroads Hackathon - Commendation Award Winner
Joshua was issued a commendation award for his contributions of a self powered smart number plate.
Avanade Australia Hackathon 2016 - Western Australia Winner
Joshua conceptualised the idea of an IoT connected smart-wallet with mobile app integration. Joshua's lead the team and was awarded the Western Australian winning team.
Bachelor of Science(Software Engineering)(Honours)
Curtin University
Offered and accepted Honours for my high achievements and academic performance in my undergraduate course at Curtin University Bently.
New Colombo Scholar
Curtin University
Scholarship for research project and internship at King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Bangkok Thailand.
My research project is a collaboration between Curtin University Bently and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi in the field of Big Data Analytics. -
Curtin University Hackathon - Overall Winner People's Choice Award
Curtin University
Member of team that won Overall Winner People's Choice Award at Curtin University's Hackathon
House Debating Captain
House Prefect
Drama Symbols
Native or bilingual proficiency
Australian Computing Society (ACS)
- Present -
Australian Institute of Company Directors
- Present -
- Present -
Australian Institute of Management (AIM)
Recommendations received
3 people have recommended Joshua J
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