Engr. Marcos COSEGLIO∴ , PMP

Engr. Marcos COSEGLIO∴ , PMP

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
2 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


Turning Vision into Growth Through Relentless Execution

Ideas are everywhere…


Artigos de Engr. Marcos

  • Você já ouviu a expressão "a culpa é do PM"​?

    Você já ouviu a expressão "a culpa é do PM"​?

    Foi noticiado que a safra recorde de soja no Mato Grosso está indo para o ralo por questões de logística. Se fosse um…

  • Enfim uma luz no fim do túnel?

    Enfim uma luz no fim do túnel?

    De acordo com relatório da FIESP ( federação das indústrias do estado de SP) a Indústria de SP registrou mais…

  • Emprego, crise e decisões erradas.

    Emprego, crise e decisões erradas.

    Profissionais que investiram em qualificação nos últimos anos estão sentindo o peso da crise que assola nossa economia…

    1 comentário


Cadastre-se agora para visualizar todas as atividades


  • Gráfico SES Satellites

    SES Satellites

    Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Rio de Janeiro Area, Brazil

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    Curitiba Area, Brazil

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    Curitiba Area, Brazil

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    Montevideo - Uruguay

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    São Paulo - Brazil

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    Budapest - Hungary

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    Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

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    Budapest - Hungary

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    Curitiba Area, Brazil

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    Curitiba Area, Brazil

Formação acadêmica

  • Gráfico Oxford Brookes University

    Oxford Brookes University


    Atividades e grupos:Thesis 2013 : Enterprise Content Management as a Knowledge Management tool for the Printing Business.

    Set in a historic student city, Oxford Brookes is one of the UK’s leading modern universities and enjoys an international reputation for teaching excellence and innovation as well as strong links with business and industry.

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    From a school that was founded in 1991 as the first private higher education college in Central Europe, International Business School has grown into a truly modern and dynamic business school.

  • Atividades e grupos:Final Project : Cheap fire alarm central monitoring systems

    The foundation of Faculdades Positivo in 1988 was another step in the path of the biggest educational group in Brazil. Universidade Positivo (UP), a Higher Education Institution in Positivo Group, was established with the tradition and many years of experience in managing high quality education. Because of this background, UP is well known for the high quality graduate professionals

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    The Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul characterized by vertical integration of teaching, offering professional and technical education at different levels.

Licenças e certificados

Reconhecimentos e prêmios

  • Pinnacle Club Award!


    We are beyond thrilled to welcome you as the recipient of the 2023 Pinnacle Club Award. Hard work and dedication have paid off, and we, as an SES leadership team, are so proud of you for achieving this prestigious recognition.



    The gratitude for the positive energy, dedication, and hard work invested in achieving the 2021 goals.



    Thanks for the outstanding contribution


  • English

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  • Spanish

    Nível avançado

  • Portuguese

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

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