We’re proud to see Corix’s work positively impacting our local communities, including at the new Oakridge Park development by QuadReal Property Group. Corix is a BCI Infrastructure & Renewable Resources portfolio company. They design, build, install, and maintain highly efficient district energy systems, which conserve energy by redirecting unused heating or cooling towards other buildings in the district – ultimately lowering overall energy use in the community. We look forward to seeing more exciting projects be announced and completed by Corix! #Sustainability #LowCarbon #Oakridgepark #DistrictEnergy
We’re excited to share an update on Oakridge Energy as we near completion of the District Energy System at Oakridge Park and transition into the operations phase. Oakridge Energy is a low-carbon district energy system (DES) that will provide thermal energy to over 5 million square feet of floor space at full buildout. The system generates heating and cooling through a closed-loop geo-exchange field connected to ground source heat pumps, electric boilers, chillers, and natural gas boilers for peaking. Waste heat recovery enhances efficiency, while innovative water management reduces potable water use. A collaboration between Corix and Creative Energy, this project supports one of North America’s largest redevelopments with centralized, high-efficiency, safe, and reliable low-carbon energy that will cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 70% (6,200 tonnes per year). We look forward to seeing this system in action- reducing emissions, increasing efficiency, and contributing to a more sustainable and resilient energy future. Oakridge Energy: A Limited Partnership between Corix & Creative Energy #DistrictEnergy #Sustainability #LowCarbon