We’re thrilled to announce that Michael Duong, one of our dedicated Roche Canada employees, has been awarded the prestigious King Charles III Coronation Medal! This distinguished honor recognizes his significant contributions through his remarkable work on the board of STEM Fellowship. STEM Fellowship, a Canadian charity, is dedicated to offering mentorship and experiential learning opportunities in STEM to students at various educational levels. Since its inception in 2015, the organization has been focused on providing accessible education, helping thousands of youth across Canada and globally to develop essential skills for success in STEM fields. Mike’s dedication and impact are a testament to his commitment to inspiring and encouraging the next generation of scientists. His efforts in making STEM accessible to youth align closely with Roche Canada's ambition to support and build a brighter, healthier future for all. Join us in celebrating Mike’s extraordinary achievement and his unwavering dedication to advancing science and education! #Inspiration #FutureScientists #SupportingYouth // Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que Mike Doung, l’un de des employés dévoués de Roche Canada, a reçu la prestigieuse Médaille du couronnement du Roi Charles III! Cette distinction honorifique souligne ses contributions importantes par son travail remarquable au sein du conseil d’administration de STEM Fellowship. L’organisme caritatif canadien STEM Fellowship s’engage à offrir des possibilités de mentorat et d’apprentissage expérientiel dans le domaine des STIM aux étudiants de divers niveaux d’éducation. Depuis sa création en 2015, l’organisation s’est concentrée sur la prestation d’une éducation accessible, aidant des milliers de jeunes partout au Canada et dans le monde à développer des compétences essentielles pour réussir dans les domaines STIM. Le dévouement et l’impact de Mike témoignent de son engagement à inspirer et à encourager la prochaine génération de scientifiques. Ses efforts pour rendre les STIM accessibles aux jeunes cadrent étroitement avec l’ambition de Roche Canada de soutenir et de bâtir un avenir meilleur et plus sain pour tous. Célébrez avec nous l’extraordinaire réalisation de Mike et son dévouement inébranlable à l’avancement de la science et de l’éducation! #Inspiration #ScientifiquesAvenir #SoutienJeunesse
I was honoured today to be presented with the King Charles III Coronation Medal alongside my good friends, colleagues and fellow honourees, Tim Herron, Alexandre (Sacha) Noukhovitch MSM, PhD, OCT, Adrian Stanley, and Christina Hewitt. This medal recognizes individuals who are making significant, valuable contributions to their communities and to this great country we call home. 45 years ago, my parents came to Canada as refugees from their war-torn home of Vietnam. They came to Canada with the hope to provide their children with a better future. Canada provided us with this better life, an incredible education and an abundance of opportunities. I am very lucky to have benefited from these opportunities and to have the opportunity myself to give back to this country. Working with the STEM Fellowship, I not only get to work with but I also get to be inspired by the future leaders of tomorrow. Congratulations to all my fellow honourees across this country!