Jake Frazer

Jake Frazer

Metropolregion Luzern
18.401 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


I help companies and top talent connect in the GovCon industry. After 25 years of…

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  • Precision Talent Solutions Grafik

    Precision Talent Solutions

    Zürich Area, Switzerland

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    Washington D.C. Metro Area

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    Zürich Area, Switzerland

  • -

    Abu Dhabi / Zürich Area, Switzerland

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    Dubai / Switzerland

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina / Germany


  • Vanderbilt University Grafik
  • International MBA with professors from top business schools to include University of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Washington University, Georgia Tech, and RIT.

Bescheinigungen und Zertifikate

  • Myers Briggs (MBTI) - Step I & II

    CPP, Inc.

  • 16PF Practitioner




  • American Corporate Partners (ACP) Grafik

    Business Mentor

    American Corporate Partners (ACP)

    –Heute 5 Jahre 4 Monate


    Support transitioning veterans as they face the opportunities in the civilian world. Having been thru the same process over 20 years ago and given I own a talent company, I feel well equipped to help those that served make this life change. It is another way to give back and help change the lives of those that have made a huge sacrifice.

  • Vanderbilt University Grafik

    Commodore Recruitment Program (CoRP)

    Vanderbilt University

    –Heute 9 Jahre 7 Monate


    Support admissions process by interviewing the brightest young talent to assess their potential to fit into the Vanderbilt family. https://admissions.vanderbilt.edu/alumni/recruitment.php

  • NoMoreWalking Grafik



    –Heute 9 Jahre 3 Monate

    Katastrophen- und humanitäre Hilfe

    NoMoreWalking supports the refugee crisis with aid relief and logistics/procurement support.



  • English


  • German

    Gute Kenntnisse

  • Hungarian



  • International Stability Operations Association



    ISOA’s vision is to be the primary point of strategic engagement for the government and private sector in support of stability operations worldwide, providing critical services in fragile environments in an accountable, transparent, and ethical way.

  • World Economic Forum (WEF)

    Global Growth Company

    Selected by WEF as leading a Global Growth Company (http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_GGC_Members_2013.pdf). Actively involved in multiple WEF events to include Dalian - China, Dead Sea - Jordan, Baku - Azerbaijan.

  • Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS)

    Partner Member

    Involved in strategic dialogue focused on "Modern Silk Road" strategy to include joint panel event with GSA and CSIS leadership. https://csis-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/s3fs-public/legacy_files/files/publication/091217_Kuchins_NorthernDistNet_Web.pdf

  • International Human Resources Community


    A platform for HR professionals representing a wide spectrum of organisations (multinationals, small and mid-sized companies, international not-for-profit organisation, etc.) to share ideas, knowledge and support so they can grow professionally. http://ihrc.ch

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