Nerd Armada

keldeokitty asked:

How is WB Animation dealing with the Coronavirus? People are working at home and does it affect animation outsourcing in Korea?

It’s all being figured out as we go. The priority is to keep everyone safe. I don’t know what’s going to happen long-term.

moved-to-wiionthemoon asked:

What is the episode length gonna be for jellystone? would it be the same like Chowder and Harvey Beaks being 11 minutes long, or would the episode time length be longer?

Same as those. 11 min.

boomerang446 asked:

Will we be seeing the Teen Angels and the Neptunes in Jellystone?


keldeokitty asked:

What do you think of Yo Yogi, the previous show to feature Yogi released almost 30 years ago?

I think it’s amazing and I guarantee we will 100% make it cannon in this show.


veryman asked:

Do you believe in Cargo doors? (Super excited for Jellystone BTW)

I mean… I believe they exist?

lachievpoststhings asked:

I assume Jellystone is gonna be great because your other shows were also great

Never assume anything and you won’t be disappointed.

thestarbot-deactivated20221114 asked:

I distinctively remember on the official Chowder website, it was playing a version of the theme in the background with JUST the children singing the song, rather then the characters and I remember being shocked when the kids sung "you share a big peace for everyone" for Schnitzel part I vividly remember trying to tell everyone this information back then, but no one would believe me, so thank you for reaffirming me that I was not crazy

I always liked that version with the kids singing, but it felt right with the characters doing the lines.

coolchevistianofficialsite asked:

What is your advice for a young creator who wants to do a show using iconic characters from animation with your own twist and of course respecting the true source material so can new and old fans enjoy the show?

Come at it with love, not reverence.

drprofessorfruit asked:

I just wanted to let you know one of my all time favorite scene of anything ever is the lollistop episode where chowder swallows all of the teeth and is firing it from his mouth and he looks terrifying it always makes me laugh when the little boy in the waiting room sees him and yells WHAT IS THAT. Thank you for creating such a cinematic masterpiece.

Carl Faruolo deserves credit for that! He boarded that episode!

Someone asked this, and I felt it would be helpful to share the answer while still respecting their anonymity.

Q: Hello! My question is that what advice would you give to an upbringing artist who has self doubt? How do I tackle this? 

A: Self doubt is a very normal feeling. It’s always easy to feel like everyone is better, but art isn’t a race or a contest. It’s about growing and challenging yourself, expressing your emotions and thoughts, and interpreting the world. Your point of view and creativity is no less valid than anyone else’s. Technical ability is a different thing. That comes with lots and lots of practice and critical thinking. One approach you can take to improve is to keep a sketchbook that you will never show anyone else. Every day challenge yourself to draw something you struggle with, like cars, anatomy, buildings, clothes, etc. Once you get to the end, look back and see the progress you’ve made. This is only for you, so there’s no pressure of judgement. All you need to feel is that you ended stronger than you started! I hope this helps!

shadowredfeline asked:

Will Jellystone be just Furry Animals only?

There will be shaved animals too.

perphella asked:

Hello Mr. Greenblatt! Love your shows! You're probably sick of people asking about Chowder but, how do you feel about Lil' Nas X using Chowder as sort of his "thing" (using parts of the cartoon in his Grammy performance, using Panini)?

Thanks! It’s extremely flattering. It makes me very happy to see how the show touched and inspired so many people.

moved-to-wiionthemoon asked:

Will secret squirrel be in jellystone? The same question again but with snooper and blabber

If the show goes long enough, everyone will be in it.

keldeokitty asked:

What do you think of Thundercats Roar?

What little I’ve seen makes me very happy. I love how silly, loose, and kinetic it is. I’m a fan of the design and sensibility, and it’s obvious it was crafted with a lot of love for the franchise. While I really liked the previous incarnation of Thundercats, I dig that this is doing a very different thing. It’s like how there can be multiple versions of Batman, some serious, some goofy, and one doesn’t diminish the other. There’s nothing wrong a show just wanting to be fun in a dumb way.

purrfurnax asked:

thank you for your chowder


Thank you for watching!

Indy Theme by Safe As Milk