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States that declared secession before April 15, 1861
States that declared secession after April 15, 1861
Union states that permitted slavery
Union states that forbade slavery
Territories, unaffiliated
Union states, including those admitted during the war
Union states that permitted slavery
Confederate claimed and sometimes held territories
United States of America [ edit ]
United States of America (1861), the "Stars and Stripes" .
United States of America (1861), the "Stars and Stripes" .
United States of America (1861), the "Great Star Flag" .
United States of America (1861), the "Fort Sumter Flag" .
United States of America (1861–1863), the "Flag with the Thirty-Four Stars" .
United States of America (1861–1863), the "Flag with the Thirty-Four Stars" .
United States of America (1863–1865), the "Stars and Stripes" .
United States of America (1863–1865), the "Stars and Stripes" .
United States Navy (1861).
United States Navy (1861–1863).
United States Navy (1863–1865).
United States Navy (1864–1865).
3rd United States Colored Troops.
3rd United States Colored Troops.
26th Regiment of the United States Colored Troops.
26th Regiment of the United States Colored Troops.
20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment.
American flags.
American flags.
American flags.
American flags.
American flags.
American flags.
American flags.
The Confederacy (1861), the "Stars and Bars" .
The Confederacy (1861), the "Stars and Bars" .
The Confederacy (1861), the "Stars and Bars" .
The Confederacy (1861–1863), the "Stars and Bars" .
The Confederacy (1863–1865), the "White Man's Flag" .
The Confederacy (1865), the "Blood-Stained Banner" .
Confederate Navy (1861–1863).
Confederate Navy (1863–1865).
Confederate Navy (1863–1865), the "Stainless Banner"
Confederate Army.
United States of America [ edit ]
United States of America
United States Army
The Confederacy
Confederate Navy
United States of America [ edit ]
First Reading of the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln , 1864.
"The Peacemakers", 1868.
Cabinet of U.S. President Lincoln
Cabinet of U.S. President Lincoln
Union soldiers
"All Quiet Along the Potomac"
African-American soldiers at Dutch Gap, Virginia
McClellan riding through Frederick, Maryland
Battle of Antietam
4th United States Colored Infantry
Battle of (First) Bull Run, 1861
Battle of Malvern Hill, 1862
Battle of Antietam, 1862
Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862
A U.S. pontoon bridge crossing the Rappahannock River at the Battle of Fredericksburg, 1862
Battle of Chancellorsville, 1863
Battle of the Wilderness, 1864
Battle of Cold Harbor, 1864
Battle of Cedar Creek, October 1864
Fall of Richmond, 1865
Surrender at Appomattox Court House (1865)
Battle of Hampton Roads (1862)
Action of USS Monitor against CSS Virginia (March 9, 1862)
Final Assault upon Fort Fisher, North Carolina, 1865
Union artillery at Yorktown
Field hospital after the Battle of Savage's Station (1862)
President Lincoln and Gen. McClellan at Antietam
Union soldiers entrenched at the Battle of Chancellorsville (1863)
Confederate dead along Sunken Road, following the Battle of Chancellorsville (1863)
Dead soldiers at the Battle of Gettysburg
Collecting bones after the Battle of Cold Harbor
"The Dictator" mortar at Petersburg
Battle of Fort Donelson, 1862
Battle of Shiloh, February 1862
Battle of Chickamauga, 1863
Bombardment and Capture of Island Number Ten on the
Mississippi River , April 7, 1862.
Battle on the lower Mississippi, April 24, 1862
The Total Annihilation of the Rebel Fleet by the Federal Fleet under Commodore Davis - June 6, 1862, off
CSS Arkansas running through the Union fleet above
Vicksburg, Mississippi , July 15, 1862
Bombardment and capture of Fort Hindman, Arkansas Post, Ark. January 11, 1863
Admiral Porter's Fleet Running the Rebel Blockade of the Mississippi at Vicksburg, April 16, 1863
Confederates killing U.S. soldiers in the Fort Pillow Massacre, April 1864.
Confederates killing U.S. soldiers and civilians in the Fort Pillow Massacre, April 1864.
Battle of Kenesaw Mountain, June 1864.
Sketch of the Battle of Kenesaw Mountain by Alfred Waud
Siege of Atlanta
Destroyed Roundhouse at Atlanta
Confederate railroad being destroyed by U.S. forces during the Atlanta Campaign.
Sherman's march to the sea.
Lower Seaboard Theater [ edit ]
Bombardment of Fort Sumter, April 1861.
Battle of Fort Wagner, July 1863
Soldiers of the
U.S. Army (right) storm a position (
Fort Wagner ) of the
Confederate army (left).
"The Old Flag Never Touched the Ground", depicting the Second Battle of Fort Wagner (1863)
Battle of Olustee (1864)
Battle of Olustee (1864)
Trans-Mississippi Theater and elsewhere [ edit ]
Battle of Wilson's Creek, August 1861.
Texan civilians murdered by Confederates at Gainesville, October 1862.
American ship USS Kearsarge battling the Confederate ship CSS Alabama at Cherbourg.
American ship, USS Monitor .
American ironclad gunboat USS Cairo .
American ironclad gunboat USS Choctaw .
American timberclad gunboat USS Conestoga .
American ship USS Cayuga , a screw steam gunboat.
Confederate ship, CSS Atlanta .
Technology of the war [ edit ]
Thaddeus S.C. Lowe's observation balloon "Intrepid" being inflated
Lowe's observation balloon "Intrepid"
United States Military Railroad and Lincoln's Presidential Car.
United States Military Railroad locomotive
Ambulance crew