Category:Action potentials
process by which neurons communicate with each other by changes in their membrane potentials. | |||||
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This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Media in category "Action potentials"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 228 total.
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3b8e.png 560 × 745; 82 KB
A-Fluorescent-Chromatophore-Changes-the-Level-of-Fluorescence-in-a-Reef-Fish-pone.0037913.s001.ogv 28 s, 732 × 480; 2.56 MB
A-Novel-Approach-for-Studying-the-Physiology-and-Pathophysiology-of-Myelinated-and-Non-Myelinated-pone.0165637.s005.ogv 1 min 34 s, 640 × 480; 13.45 MB
Action potential (no labels).svg 491 × 485; 6 KB
Action potential basic shape.svg 491 × 485; 6 KB
Action potential cs.png 795 × 1,130; 103 KB
Action potential es.svg 491 × 485; 11 KB
Action potential ion sizes.svg 549 × 513; 6 KB
Action potential ku.svg 491 × 485; 17 KB
Action potential reloaded.jpg 1,577 × 542; 111 KB
Action potential schematic.png 1,236 × 965; 54 KB
Action potential schematic.svg 512 × 362; 3 KB
Action Potential Threshold.JPG 356 × 538; 21 KB
Action potential UA.png 1,097 × 1,456; 265 KB
Action potential ukr.svg 465 × 458; 97 KB
Action potential vert.png 795 × 1,130; 290 KB
Action potential video (larger).ogv 2 min 47 s, 720 × 480; 13.61 MB
Action potential video.ogv 2 min 47 s, 320 × 240; 5.14 MB
Action potential.JPG 430 × 430; 15 KB
Action Potential.jpg 686 × 435; 72 KB
Action potential.svg 491 × 485; 7 KB
Actionpotential.jpg 525 × 392; 58 KB
ActionPotential.png 694 × 693; 12 KB
Aktionspotential el.svg 483 × 509; 14 KB
Aktionspotential pl.svg 491 × 485; 166 KB
Aktionspotential svenska.jpg 602 × 437; 31 KB
Aktionspotential.jpg 1,024 × 768; 106 KB
Aktionspotential.svg 483 × 509; 76 KB
Aktionspotentiale.png 1,069 × 913; 60 KB
Aktionspotenzial.JPG 302 × 251; 12 KB
All-or-none law en.svg 1,400 × 1,300; 77 KB
All-or-none law es.svg 1,400 × 1,300; 26 KB
All-or-none law jp.svg 1,400 × 1,300; 47 KB
All-or-none law vi.svg 512 × 505; 92 KB
AP decay.png 408 × 485; 96 KB
Apshoot.jpg 732 × 542; 38 KB
Bernstein rheotome.jpg 564 × 510; 88 KB
Blausen 0011 ActionPotential Nerve.png 1,350 × 2,250; 1.91 MB
Calcium-Spikes-in-Epithelium-study-on-Drosophila-early-embryos-srep11379-s2.ogv 6.3 s, 494 × 242; 1.23 MB
Calcium-Spikes-in-Epithelium-study-on-Drosophila-early-embryos-srep11379-s3.ogv 7.1 s, 467 × 369; 708 KB
Calcium-Spikes-in-Epithelium-study-on-Drosophila-early-embryos-srep11379-s4.ogv 3.5 s, 453 × 398; 1.21 MB
Calcium-Spikes-in-Epithelium-study-on-Drosophila-early-embryos-srep11379-s5.ogv 4.8 s, 861 × 540; 1.51 MB
Calcium-Spikes-in-Epithelium-study-on-Drosophila-early-embryos-srep11379-s6.ogv 36 s, 450 × 184; 5.87 MB
Canais de sodio e potassio despolarizacao hiperpolarizacao.png 1,418 × 770; 140 KB
Cardiovascular-models-pone.0024388.s002.ogv 23 s, 710 × 406; 20.54 MB
Cellular basis of IQ.png 912 × 1,103; 548 KB
Currents responsible for the cardiac action potential.png 960 × 720; 62 KB
Depolarisation curve.png 530 × 330; 15 KB
Efferent-Control-of-the-Electrical-and-Mechanical-Properties-of-Hair-Cells-in-the-Bullfrog's-pone.0013777.s004.ogv 1 min 34 s, 640 × 640; 3.66 MB
Electrophysiological-Rotor-Ablation-in-In-Silico-Modeling-of-Atrial-Fibrillation-Comparisons-with-pone.0149695.s004.ogv 5 min 13 s, 560 × 420; 35.61 MB
Fast ciliary reversal.jpg 575 × 584; 52 KB
Fast-online-deconvolution-of-calcium-imaging-data-pcbi.1005423.s002.ogv 22 s, 800 × 400; 314 KB
Fast-online-deconvolution-of-calcium-imaging-data-pcbi.1005423.s003.ogv 1 min 8 s, 1,080 × 432; 1.9 MB
Firing patterns.png 903 × 693; 442 KB
Fluorescence-Based-Monitoring-of-In-Vivo-Neural-Activity-Using-a-Circuit-Tracing-Pseudorabies-Virus-pone.0006923.s002.ogv 1 min 9 s, 720 × 480; 22.51 MB
Formation-and-Dynamics-of-Waves-in-a-Cortical-Model-of-Cholinergic-Modulation-pcbi.1004449.s001.ogv 17 s, 560 × 419; 3.02 MB
Formation-and-Dynamics-of-Waves-in-a-Cortical-Model-of-Cholinergic-Modulation-pcbi.1004449.s002.ogv 17 s, 560 × 419; 1.93 MB
Formation-and-Dynamics-of-Waves-in-a-Cortical-Model-of-Cholinergic-Modulation-pcbi.1004449.s003.ogv 17 s, 560 × 419; 1.21 MB
Formation-and-Dynamics-of-Waves-in-a-Cortical-Model-of-Cholinergic-Modulation-pcbi.1004449.s004.ogv 17 s, 560 × 419; 1.75 MB
Formation-and-Dynamics-of-Waves-in-a-Cortical-Model-of-Cholinergic-Modulation-pcbi.1004449.s005.ogv 8.3 s, 560 × 419; 1.4 MB
Hemodynamic-Forces-Regulate-Developmental-Patterning-of-Atrial-Conduction-pone.0115207.s004.ogv 6.8 s, 406 × 426; 45 KB
Hemodynamic-Forces-Regulate-Developmental-Patterning-of-Atrial-Conduction-pone.0115207.s005.ogv 6.8 s, 404 × 424; 132 KB
Hemodynamic-Forces-Regulate-Developmental-Patterning-of-Atrial-Conduction-pone.0115207.s006.ogv 6.8 s, 404 × 426; 109 KB
Hopfield 1.png 868 × 524; 97 KB
Hopfield 2.png 1,214 × 552; 120 KB
Hopfield a.png 1,196 × 488; 74 KB
Hopfield b.png 832 × 520; 80 KB
How-To-Record-a-Million-Synaptic-Weights-in-a-Hippocampal-Slice-pcbi.1000098.s006.ogv 1 min 31 s, 685 × 480; 3.92 MB
Innervation oberarm.jpg 995 × 508; 152 KB
Innervation unterarm.jpg 999 × 509; 113 KB
Introduction-to-the-Action-Potential.ogg 7 min 3 s, 1,152 × 720; 41.77 MB
IonChannels.jpg 1,739 × 866; 753 KB
Jac040 action potentia.jpeg 1,327 × 877; 125 KB
Known age-related electrophysiological and morphological changes in neurons.jpg 950 × 1,454; 579 KB
L5 pyramidal neuron and BAC firing.png 1,091 × 642; 113 KB
Membrane Permeability of a Neuron During an Action Potential.svg 1,200 × 888; 81 KB
Membrane Potential.svg 635 × 491; 161 KB
Neuron (action potential) illustration.webp 591 × 498; 67 KB
Neuron action potential.webm 10 min 24 s, 1,919 × 1,080; 60.63 MB
New-Mechanism-of-Spiral-Wave-Initiation-in-a-Reaction-Diffusion-Mechanics-System-pone.0027264.s001.ogv 0.0 s, 428 × 402; 1.77 MB
New-Mechanism-of-Spiral-Wave-Initiation-in-a-Reaction-Diffusion-Mechanics-System-pone.0027264.s002.ogv 6.9 s, 300 × 282; 1.46 MB
Normal and Ammonium impaired Na+ and K+ channels.png 876 × 535; 96 KB
Optogenetic-dissection-of-ictal-propagation-in-the-hippocampal–entorhinal-cortex-structures-ncomms10962-s2.ogv 2 min 19 s, 720 × 576; 5.23 MB
Optogenetic-dissection-of-ictal-propagation-in-the-hippocampal–entorhinal-cortex-structures-ncomms10962-s3.ogv 1 min 19 s, 720 × 576; 3.78 MB
Optogenetic-induction-of-contractile-ability-in-immature-C2C12-myotubes-srep08317-s2.ogv 3.8 s, 600 × 450; 978 KB
Optogenetic-induction-of-contractile-ability-in-immature-C2C12-myotubes-srep08317-s3.ogv 3.8 s, 600 × 450; 929 KB
Pairing of a distal EPSP with axonal AP and BAC firing.png 625 × 876; 72 KB
Phenomenology of dendritic spikes.png 824 × 599; 275 KB
Physiologie du potentiel d'action.gif 1,080 × 1,080; 446 KB
Potencial accion svg.svg 422 × 599; 60 KB
Potencial accion.png 422 × 600; 9 KB
Potencial de acao.png 795 × 1,130; 221 KB
Potentiel action PA seuil.jpg 435 × 448; 24 KB
Propofol effect on the mind body.svg 512 × 337; 252 KB
PSM V51 D665 Nerve cell nucleus depletion due to activity.png 519 × 830; 20 KB
PSM V51 D665 Nerve nucleus stimuli from external source.png 537 × 229; 10 KB
Rapid-fusion-between-mesenchymal-stem-cells-and-cardiomyocytes-yields-electrically-active-non-srep12043-s2.ogv 4.3 s, 1,392 × 1,024; 270 KB
Rapid-parallel-path-planning-by-propagating-wavefronts-of-spiking-neural-activity-Movie1.ogv 1 min 0 s, 375 × 288; 734 KB
Rapid-parallel-path-planning-by-propagating-wavefronts-of-spiking-neural-activity-Movie2.ogv 50 s, 312 × 240; 538 KB
Refinement-and-Pattern-Formation-in-Neural-Circuits-by-the-Interaction-of-Traveling-Waves-with-pcbi.1004422.s001.ogv 1 min 31 s, 192 × 192; 1,005 KB
Regional-differences-in-APD-restitution-can-initiate-wavebreak-and-re-entry-in-cardiac-tissue-A-1475-925X-4-54-S1.ogv 1 min 57 s, 320 × 240; 846 KB
Regional-differences-in-APD-restitution-can-initiate-wavebreak-and-re-entry-in-cardiac-tissue-A-1475-925X-4-54-S2.ogv 1 min 57 s, 320 × 240; 813 KB
Regional-differences-in-APD-restitution-can-initiate-wavebreak-and-re-entry-in-cardiac-tissue-A-1475-925X-4-54-S3.ogv 1 min 57 s, 320 × 240; 1.05 MB
Relabeled action potential.jpg 704 × 673; 51 KB
Resting Potential.png 1,416 × 672; 79 KB
Retinal-Wave-Behavior-through-Activity--Dependent-Refractory-Periods-pcbi.0030245.sv001.ogv 50 s, 328 × 332; 3.63 MB
Shaping-Embodied-Neural-Networks-for-Adaptive-Goal-directed-Behavior-pcbi.1000042.s003.ogv 27 s, 500 × 500; 657 KB
Signal transduction at the plasma membrane.tif 2,128 × 1,473; 444 KB
Single channel.png 798 × 305; 4 KB
SingleMoleculeData IonChannel TwoConcentrations.png 909 × 257; 42 KB
Sinoatrial action potential.jpg 793 × 899; 76 KB
Spike HH 2.png 306 × 187; 15 KB