Deutsch: Kreuzigung
Esperanto: Krucumado
English: This is a main category about Roman method of execution. For Jesus Christ's crucifixion use Category:Crucifixion of Christ.
Esperanto: Tio ĉi estas la ĉefa kategorio pri la Romia mortpun-metodo. Pri la krucumo de Jesuo Kristo temas la kategorio Krucumado de Jesuo Kristo.
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This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.
Pages in category "Crucifixion"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Crucifixion"
The following 115 files are in this category, out of 115 total.
Ar-صلب.ogg 1.2 s; 15 KB
De-Kreuzigung.ogg 2.2 s; 26 KB
De-Kreuzigung2.ogg 1.8 s; 17 KB
En-us-crucifixion.ogg 0.8 s; 39 KB
LL-Q150 (fra)-WikiLucas00-crucifixion.wav 1.3 s; 123 KB
It-crocifissione.ogg 1.9 s; 24 KB
LL-Q809 (pol)-Olaf-ukrzyżowanie.wav 1.5 s; 139 KB
005Crucifixión I.jpg 591 × 751; 291 KB
3rd Marquess of Bute Memorial, Dumfries House, East Ayrshire.jpg 3,097 × 3,456; 4.33 MB
A crucified écorché figure Wellcome V0008838.jpg 1,952 × 3,729; 3.4 MB
A crucified écorché. Photomechanical print after a woodcut, Wellcome V0007738.jpg 2,375 × 2,985; 3.06 MB
A life class with a model posed as a crucified man with an é Wellcome V0048960.jpg 3,536 × 2,364; 2.88 MB
Amorsoloposter.jpg 2,782 × 3,532; 1.89 MB
An ecorche crucified Wellcome L0011967.jpg 1,240 × 1,602; 846 KB
Trinity (NYPL b12455533-1261801).tif 3,508 × 4,405; 44.43 MB
Genesis (NYPL b12455533-1261805).tif 3,591 × 4,453; 45.97 MB
Bbjagt-golgotha-2013.jpg 512 × 628; 120 KB
Bodleian Libraries, Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.jpg 789 × 1,000; 101 KB
Burmese Dacoits Readied for Execution by WW Hooper c1880s.jpg 2,000 × 1,454; 1.25 MB
CarFloatLagosDoctores201103.jpg 2,687 × 2,213; 2.95 MB
Christ carries the bodily remains of the dead up a ladder Wellcome L0075419.jpg 5,956 × 4,836; 11.85 MB
Comic History of Rome p 056 Initial T.jpg 821 × 1,096; 187 KB
Construction Crucifixion Homage to Mondrian Explanation.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 3.05 MB
Crucifiction.jpg 360 × 388; 43 KB
Crucifixation (Syria) 18th Century.png 2,152 × 1,514; 8.42 MB
Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus).png 960 × 1,490; 45 KB
Crucifixion Florian Froehlich.jpg 948 × 3,851; 539 KB
Crucifixion, Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid, España, 2018.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.45 MB
Crucifixion, Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid, España, año 2018.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 4.73 MB
Crux Decussata.jpg 460 × 855; 235 KB
Crux Simplex.jpg 352 × 1,067; 87 KB
De Kruisiging met Maria en Johannes de Evangelist (tg-uact-15).jpg 1,245 × 1,845; 306 KB
De Kruisiging met Maria, Johannes de Evangelist en Maria Magdalena (tg-uact-50).jpg 1,256 × 1,783; 318 KB
Drawing, "Crucifixion" by Joseph P. Hortiz.jpg 3,306 × 3,955; 5.01 MB
DSC 0100 (5766080590).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 628 KB
DSC 0133 (5766080962).jpg 2,848 × 4,288; 766 KB
DumasSalvatorMundi.jpg 3,765 × 5,292; 4.65 MB
Dumfries House, Marquess of Bute Memorial, 1900, East Ayrshire.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 3.61 MB
Dumfries House, Marquess of Bute Memorial, crucifixion detail, 1900, East Ayrshire.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 5.8 MB
Epifanía y Crucifixión, Museo Lázaro Galdiano, Madrid, España, 2018.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.59 MB
Europeanen worden door Chinezen gemarteld en vermoord, RP-P-1878-A-484.jpg 3,943 × 5,024; 5.11 MB
Europeen UFO Congress 2005 -01.jpg 1,544 × 2,080; 625 KB
Facciamo breccia 2008 by Stefano Bolognini14.JPG 2,304 × 3,072; 2.65 MB
Fig4.3a.jpg 2,948 × 4,464; 1.9 MB
French - Figure of Christ from a Crucifix - Walters 44228.jpg 1,511 × 1,800; 126 KB
FULDA HERMANN 1878 Das Kreuz und die Kreuzigung p 106.JPG 1,465 × 2,366; 233 KB
Golgatha 2001-klein.jpg 640 × 458; 48 KB
Gustave dore crusades gerard of avesnes exposed on the walls of asur.jpg 956 × 1,210; 291 KB
Histoires Prodigieuses; Jeune enfant crucifie... WMS 136 Wellcome L0025538.jpg 1,198 × 1,644; 786 KB
Hombre de Giv'at ha-Mivtar..jpg 434 × 525; 54 KB
Illustrations pour Salammbô Poirson Victor-Armand.jpeg 2,650 × 3,891; 6.87 MB
IMG Neukirchen Škréta1.jpg 3,008 × 4,016; 3.6 MB
Jeffrey Backowski being like Jesus.jpg 3,806 × 2,316; 1.33 MB
JUSTUS LIPSIUS 1594 De Cruce p 10 Torture stake.jpg 729 × 1,021; 174 KB
JUSTUS LIPSIUS 1594 De Cruce p 81 Torture stake burnt at.jpg 729 × 1,024; 184 KB
Justus Lipsius Crux Simplex 1629.jpg 748 × 1,346; 1.03 MB
Kreuzigung "Jesus Christus", Seitenaltar Kapuzinerkirche Klagenfurt.jpg 997 × 1,462; 582 KB
Kruisiging (tg-uact-379).jpg 1,150 × 1,589; 462 KB
Kruisiging (tg-uact-414).jpg 1,283 × 2,049; 566 KB
Kruisiging (tg-uact-995).jpg 3,468 × 2,757; 1.93 MB
Kruisiging met een knielende begijn vanachter (tg-uact-909).jpg 2,169 × 3,011; 1.05 MB
Kruisiging.jpg 1,403 × 2,183; 597 KB
La Reliogiosa Mortificada.jpg 1,018 × 1,626; 502 KB
LiveToTell-background.jpg 549 × 572; 112 KB
LiveToTellFresno2.jpg 1,712 × 2,288; 1.03 MB
LiveToTellNewYork.jpg 480 × 640; 165 KB
Marconi, Gaudenzio (1841-1885) - n. 0034 - Crocifissione.jpg 650 × 989; 544 KB
Marcus Reichert painting Crucifixion VII 1991.jpg 998 × 1,200; 638 KB
Mardi Gras Morning 1989 New Orleans Cruicifrog.jpg 2,074 × 3,021; 3.4 MB
Mattio Lovato hanging during self-crucifixion attempt.jpg 585 × 894; 461 KB
ME 209 MartyrOfMartyrs.png 2,400 × 747; 87 KB
MGD98FmenCrucifyNow.jpg 2,353 × 3,357; 4.86 MB
Mise en croix.jpg 1,544 × 2,060; 597 KB
Mohr2015 via dolorosa oil on canvas 100x90cm b.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 3.69 MB
MOs810 WG 2017 2 (Notec Polder) (Saint Michael Archangel church in Błotnica) (10).jpg 2,506 × 2,576; 1.1 MB
MOs810 WG 2017 2 (Notec Polder) (Saint Michael Archangel church in Błotnica) (11).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.78 MB
Mundinus, Anatomia Mundini Wellcome L0027534.jpg 4,170 × 5,784; 6.25 MB
Nicola grassi, gesù crocifisso e la madonna.jpg 1,712 × 2,096; 1.94 MB
Nl-Kruisiging-article.ogg 4 min 45 s; 2.87 MB
Protester tied to a cross in Washington D.C - NARA - 194675.tif 2,022 × 3,000; 5.79 MB
Records of the clan and name of Fergusson, Ferguson and Fergus; (1895) (14581655520).jpg 1,896 × 1,448; 460 KB
Restauración de "La crucifixión" (siglo XVII-XIV) (2).jpg 1,988 × 2,504; 2.33 MB
Restauración de "La crucifixión" (siglo XVII-XIV).jpg 2,441 × 1,588; 1.55 MB
Retable of St. Casilda - Martyrdom of St. Vincent - León Picardo - 1524 - Oil on wood.JPG 1,360 × 2,048; 1.53 MB
Reve de la Vierge-Simone dei Crocifissi.jpg 436 × 584; 123 KB
Samlade Skrifter (1909) (14598158309).jpg 3,232 × 1,806; 2.05 MB
Santa Maria de Mixos interior 2.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 377 KB
Tenayo 2014.jpg 480 × 360; 15 KB
The Art of German Stoneware Philadelphia 2012 028.JPG 2,337 × 3,265; 4.32 MB
The Crucifixion LCCN2007681096.jpg 1,188 × 1,536; 321 KB
The crucifixion of Polycrates the tyrant after his capture by the Persians MET DP837539.jpg 3,809 × 2,508; 3.91 MB
The Masses, entire issue for August 1915, vol. 6, no. 11 (issue no. 51) LCCN2004679125.jpg 3,278 × 4,270; 3.18 MB
The Masses, entire issue for August 1915, vol. 6, no. 11 (issue no. 51) LCCN2004679125.tif 3,278 × 4,270; 40.05 MB
TOHAP.jpg 960 × 637; 102 KB
Tree-of-life-taddeo-gaddi-santa-croce-florence-c1340.jpg 1,605 × 2,500; 1.42 MB
Ukrzyżowanie 1915.jpg 7,085 × 9,630; 10.17 MB
Varieties of Crucifixion.jpg 400 × 635; 46 KB
Warsaw 2023 112 Jesus Holy Cross Sculpture.jpg 3,000 × 4,512; 8.64 MB
Your Liberty Bond will help stop this Crisco restoration and colours.jpg 2,776 × 3,512; 7.1 MB
Your Liberty Bond will help stop this Crisco restoration.jpg 2,776 × 3,512; 6.79 MB
Łowicz 2023 36 Graces Church Jesus Painting.jpg 706 × 1,062; 557 KB