Titelbild von GrowunitedGrowunited


Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Visionaries of tomorrow


Growunited is an independent, non-profit, local organization founded in 2021 with the main goal of promoting and developing civil society. It works to bring together people from diverse backgrounds, involve youth and citizens in decision-making processes, and encourage participation in democratic life. Promoting individual freedoms and interculturality leads to a more inclusive and diverse society. At the same time, we believe that we need to take responsibility and act to shape the future of tomorrow and drive bottom-up change through our shared values. “Through judging, we separate. Through understanding, we grow.” Growunited considers participation and exchange of ideas as an important social asset. A stranger remains a stranger until you get to know him or her. That's why we want to get to know the stories behind the faces we see, share, and discuss ideas on issues that affect us and our communities, and develop common goals and visions for the future. “Creating Peace. Together.” Growunited is a partner of the MasterPeace network, a grassroots movement headquartered in the Netherlands with a global network that develops campaigns, concepts, and formats for social inclusion. Our team has been part of the MasterPeace network since May 2017 and has implemented projects focusing on intercultural communication, migration and integration, and quality education.

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
2–10 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main


Beschäftigte von Growunited


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    The FOODPrint (FOOP) Project is transforming food consumption among youth in Europe! Key actions: -Training 18 CSO staff & 60 Future Food Influencers -Creating a Food Eco-Labelling System with Doughnut Economics -Organizing a BOOT Camp, networking events & The Great Europe Bake Off -Reaching 4M+ people through outreach & publications Join us in promoting sustainable food choices across NL, DE, RO, SK, GR, MK! • • • Das FOODPrint (FOOP) Projekt verändert das Essverhalten junger Menschen in Europa! Wichtige Maßnahmen: -Schulung von 18 CSO-Mitarbeitern & 60 Future Food Influencers -Entwicklung eines Food Eco-Labels mit Doughnut Economics -BOOT Camp, Netzwerkevents & The Great Europe Bake Off -4 Mio.+ Menschen durch Outreach & Publikationen erreichen Mach mit für eine nachhaltige Ernährung in NL, DE, RO, SK, GR, MK! _________________________________________ #foop #foodprint #growunited #sustainability

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    DoYou(th) Transnational Project Meeting Location: Prishtina Duration: Two productive days of teamwork and innovation On January 21st and 22nd, the incredible team behind the DoYou(th) project came together for a Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) and we were one of the representatives! During this collaborative session, we discussed overall project goals and detailed each Work Package. We outlined key deliverables and outputs and finalized dates and deadlines for upcoming activities. And last but not least, we aligned on responsibilities to ensure maximum impact. __________________________________________ DoYou(th) Transnationales Projekttreffen Ort: Prishtina Dauer: Zwei produktive Tage voller Teamwork und Innovation Am 21. und 22. Januar kam das großartige Team hinter dem DoYou(th)-Projekt für ein Transnationales Projekttreffen (TPM) zusammen und wir waren Teil der Vertreter:innen! Während dieser Zusammenarbeit haben wir die übergeordneten Projektziele besprochen und jede Arbeitspaket detailliert. Wir haben wichtige Ergebnisse und Outputs definiert und Termine und Fristen für kommende Aktivitäten finalisiert. Letztendlich haben wir noch die Verantwortlichkeiten geklärt, um maximale Wirkung zu erzielen. #growunited #DoYouth #initiatives #teamwork #prishtina

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    🌱 Throwback to our POP-UP MAGIC @SISTER ROOTS 🌱 On Oct 25 & 26, we joined an inspiring pop-up event at Sister Roots, Wiesbaden! Together with WoMan Force & other sustainable brands, we celebrated eco-fashion, conscious consumption, and community vibes. Highlights: •Sustainable Style: Showcasing stunning eco-friendly designs •Community Connections: Meaningful chats about sustainability •Collaboration Goals: Building partnerships for a greener future We’re so proud to be part of this movement! Let’s keep spreading awareness and making sustainability stylish. • • • 🌱 POP-UP MAGIC BEI SISTER ROOTS 🌱 Am 25. und 26. Oktober waren wir Teil eines inspirierenden Pop-up-Events bei Sister Roots in Wiesbaden! Gemeinsam mit WoMan Force und anderen nachhaltigen Marken feierten wir Eco-Fashion, bewusstes Konsumieren und Community-Vibes. Highlights: •Nachhaltiger Style: Atemberaubende, umweltfreundliche Designs •Community-Connection: Bedeutungsvolle Gespräche über Nachhaltigkeit •Kollaborationsziele: Partnerschaften für eine grünere Zukunft Wir sind so stolz, Teil dieser Bewegung zu sein! Lasst uns weiterhin Bewusstsein schaffen und Nachhaltigkeit stylisch machen. _________________________________________ #growunited #nachhaltigkeit #bewusstemode #sisterroots #popupevent #nolabel

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    Our second workshop focused on the Boiling Frog Game: Act for Liberty! 🐸 We explored how small, unnoticed changes can affect our freedom and how to take meaningful action to protect it. An engaging workshop that inspires both reflection and action! • • • Unser zweiter Workshop drehte sich um das Boiling Frog Game: Act for Liberty! 🐸 Wir haben untersucht, wie kleine, unbemerkte Veränderungen unsere Freiheit beeinflussen können und wie wir sinnvolle Maßnahmen ergreifen, um sie zu schützen. Ein spannender Workshop, der zum Nachdenken und Handeln anregt! _________________________________________ #growunited #nolabel #workshop #actforliberty #theboilingfroggame #sustainability

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    Our first workshop kicked off with Doughnut Economics! Exploring how we can create a sustainable future that balances human well-being with the health of our planet. • • • Unser erster Workshop startete mit Doughnut-Ökonomie!Wir haben erforscht, wie wir eine nachhaltige Zukunft schaffen können, die das Wohl der Menschen mit der Gesundheit unseres Planeten in Einklang bringt. __________________________________________ #Doghnuteconomics #growunited #sustainability #nolabel #workshop

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    We had an amazing hybrid workshop day with movers and shakers from Frankfurt! It was inspiring to engage in discussions and reflections on #Artivism and #DoughnutEconomics . So much fun bringing everyone together for such an insightful experience! ____________________________________________________ Wir hatten einen großartigen hybriden Workshop-Tag mit den Movers & Shakers aus Frankfurt! Es war inspirierend, in spannende Diskussionen und Reflexionen zu #Artivismus und #DoughnutEconomics einzutauchen. Es hat viel Spaß gemacht, alle zusammenzubringen und diese bereichernde Erfahrung zu teilen! . . ________________________________________ #Artivismus #DoughnutÖkonomie #Frankfurt #WorkshopVibes #growunited

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    🎉✨ New Year, New Opportunities! ✨🎉 We wish you a happy new year filled with abundance and peace! We at Growunited celebrate the possibilities a fresh year brings! Together, we’ll continue building stronger communities, promoting equality, and shaping a brighter, more sustainable future. 🌟 Let’s make 2025 a year of growth, connection, and positive change! 💫 Join us on this journey and be part of something impactful. 🎊 “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” — Let’s create it together at growunited.de. 🎊 Cheers to a year full of purpose and joy! _______________________________________ #growunited #newyear #2025 #opportunity #bestofwishes

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    🌍✨ At Grow United, we believe that human rights are not just ideals, they are the foundation of growth, opportunity, and dignity for all. On this International Human Rights Day, we reaffirm our commitment to fostering equality, empowering communities, and breaking down barriers through collaboration and education. Our mission is simple but powerful: to unite people, create opportunities, and build a brighter, more equitable future. Let’s stand together for a world where every individual’s rights are respected and celebrated. 🌱💪 Together, we grow. Together, we unite. ________________________________ #growunited #HumanRightsDay #EqualityForAll #TogetherWeGrow #Empowerment

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