Titelbild von KAMA GmbHKAMA GmbH



Dresden, Sachsen 2.214 Follower:innen

Outstanding FINISHING MACHINES for job& PACKAGING printing: best results, cost-effective for short runs. Made in Germany


> KAMA as a leading machine manufacturer is your business partner to make print service providers and converters more profitable by supplying innovative products and services. > KAMA is a well-established company with 130 years of history, always serving the customer's needs. > KAMA re-invent for better - higher quality, higher ROI, automation, and user-friendly technology. > KAMA embodies the 'Made in Germany' ethos, which underlines our dedication to robust engineering and exceptional quality across hardware, software, services, and collaborative practices. Impressum: https://www.kama.info/de/impressum Datenschutz: https://www.kama.info/de/datenschutz#c6870

51–200 Beschäftigte
Dresden, Sachsen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von KAMA GmbH


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    🚀 Making live easier in the print industry … with MORE AUTOMATION in finishing!   That’s what we’re all working on at KAMA. From idea 💡💡💡 to INNOVATION … brought to life as “heavy metal” equipped with the magic of intelligent software 🎯🎯.   ✅ This week we had our sales team at the KAMA headquarters in Dresden to experience the LATEST DEVELOPMENTS in our solutions.   🌍 And we enjoyed conducting live demonstrations for prospects in LATIN AMERICA, EUROPE and CHINA, looking to bring their FINISHING to the NEXT LEVEL and benefit from unique short-run solutions. 👌 🚀   ✅  If you’re also interested in a DEEP DIVE, get in touch.   👉  More information coming soon. 🔔🔔 Stay tuned!

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    Top PACKAGING for BRANDS 👌, best KEBAB for our technician! 🌟 The first KAMA ProCut 76 with a TOOL-FREE stripping and blanking system in Turkey has been installed end of January at Halaman Printing and Packaging Corp. in Istanbul. The traditional printing company with around 200 employees has focussed on PACKAGING since the 1990s.   ✅ “We produce folding cartons of all kinds, product hangers, banderoles and special packaging for major international brands, particularly in the textile and cosmetics sectors,” says Barlas Yilmaz, CEO of HALAMAN. 👉 “The KAMA machine with the programmable stripping and blanking unit brings the blanks fully separated to the delivery including window cut-outs or Euro hole. This SAVES US TOOLING COSTS and setup time and we benefit from shorter throughput times in finishing.”   🚀 KAMA installed the die cutting and embossing machine with inline SBU in two days and trained a few employees. Production was already underway on the third day. The first job on the ProCut 76? A lock bottom box with a window for a large sporting goods manufacturer.   👉 Halaman Printing and Packaging manufactures in its modern plant in the Esenyurt district of Istanbul and EXPORTS large parts of its production ALL OVER THE WORLD. The family business is proud of this.  🚀 Yilmaz: “We have always been interested in the latest technologies in printing and finishing so that our customers are always ONE STEP AHEAD.”   🌟 Halaman Printing was the first print shop in Turkey to offer CLIMATE-NEUTRAL PRINTING and favours environmentally friendly packaging.

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    DJINGLE BELLS … in Dresden there are a lot of them! Want to know how HOW MANY the famous Frauenkirche has?   Its OLDEST bell “Maria” is more than 500 years old and dates back to 1518! 🌟 … which makes KAMA look rather young as a company with a 130-year history.   The heaviest bell is the PEACE BELL “Jesaja” with a weight of 1,750 tons. Peace weighs 🌍 .   Plus six more bells making a total of eight 🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔.   🔔 For the bell enthusiasts among you: Here is what their sound means and what they ring for: - the baptismal bell PHILLIPUS - Thanksgiving bell HANNA - prayer bell DAVID - wedding bell JOSUA - annunciation bell JOHANNES - and the town bell JEREMIA VISIT Dresden to hear them live in 2025 - and WELCOME to KAMA!

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    ✅ BOARDING COMPLETED! Norway's Fagtrykk AS, the largest graphic arts company in central Norway with four sites, has installed a second KAMA machine at its headquarters in Trondheim and is completing its finishing operations with a ProFold 74 folder-gluer. Fagtrykk offers its customers an impressive range of products and services including design and finishing for job and packaging printing, produced in Trondheim and sites in Steinkjer, Namsos and Orkanger. “For the DIVERSE PORTFOLIO that we are offering, the ProFold 74 is simply ideal with its various applications and reproducible set-up,” says Ole Strand, Managing Director of Fagtrykk. ✅ WORKFLOW'S RUNNING!   “With our first KAMA, the ProCut 76 Foil, we have been applying high-end embellishment inhouse since the beginning of 2024 and have received a whole lot of NEW ORDERS IN PACKAGING , e.g. folding cartons with embellishment for confectionery and foodstuffs. We have been able to increase productivity and are now completing the workflow with the ProFold folder gluer.”   Rune and Björn from the Fagtrykk team travelled to Dresden for training before the installation and examined the ProFold 74. “A thoroughly solid machine that we can use very flexibly,” says Rune, a trained printer with around 20 years of experience. “The machine will make FOLDING CARTON PRODUCTION easier and faster for us.”   Ole Strand: “We focus on sustainable solutions, high quality and SHORT LEAD TIMES and realise all of this with our experienced team and modern machines for our customers at all four locations.”   #foldergluer #fagtrykk #foldingcarton #packaging

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    That’s how you like it when PEOPLE TALK ABOUT YOU 😃! Thank you Fawn Alleyne and Mathieu Tremblay for speaking about how to take FOLDING CARTON production to the NEXT LEVEL with a perfect match. #impack #Ergosa #foldergluer #FlexFold52i

    Unternehmensseite für IMPACK anzeigen

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    This year during drupa, KAMA and IMPACK formed a strategic partnership to develop a configuration that helps clients achieve the real-world speed potential of the Fast Fold 52i. Together, we defined a compact ERGOSA configuration optimized for short runs and fast changeovers on folding carton packaging. The partnership streamlines the buying process for KAMA clients investing in the Fast Fold 52i. Under this collaboration, KAMA will now offer the compact ERGOSA along with their folder-gluer. Other products or ERGOSA configurations remain available exclusively through IMPACK and its agents. Find out more by reaching out to either the Kama GmbH or IMPACK sales team. https://hubs.la/Q02X6cs30 Auf der diesjährigen drupa haben KAMA und IMPACK eine strategische Partnerschaft verkündet, um Lösungen zu entwickeln, die es Kunden ermöglichen, das volle Geschwindigkeitspotenzial der Fast Fold 52i zu nutzen. Ziel ist es, den gesamten Produktionsprozess für Faltschachteln effizienter und flexibler zu gestalten, insbesondere für Kleinauflagen und Produktionen, die ein schnelles Umrüsten erfordern. Ein zentrales Ergebnis dieser Partnerschaft ist die Entwicklung einer speziellen, kompakten ERGOSA-Konfiguration. Diese Lösung vereint die technischen Stärken beider Unternehmen und wurde speziell auf die Bedürfnisse moderner Verpackungshersteller ausgerichtet. Die ERGOSA-Konfiguration ermöglicht eine erhebliche Beschleunigung des Verpackungsprozesses und eine bessere Anpassung an wechselnde Auftragsanforderungen. Dank der strategischen Partnerschaft zwischen KAMA und IMPACK wird der Kaufprozess für Kunden, die in die Fast Fold 52i investieren möchten, deutlich vereinfacht. KAMA bietet nun die speziell entwickelte, kompakte ERGOSA-Konfiguration direkt zusammen mit der Fast Fold 52i Faltschachtel-Klebemaschine an. Kunden profitieren damit von einer Komplettlösung aus einer Hand, die optimal auf Kleinauflagen und schnelles Umrüsten zugeschnitten ist. Andere Produkte oder ERGOSA-Konfigurationen von IMPACK bleiben exklusiv über IMPACK und seine Vertriebspartner erhältlich. Für weitere Informationen stehen Ihnen die Verkaufsteams von KAMA und IMPACK gern zur Verfügung. https://hubs.la/Q02X5T470 Cette année, lors de Drupa, KAMA et IMPACK ont formé un partenariat stratégique pour développer une configuration qui aide les clients à atteindre le potentiel de vitesse réel de la Fast Fold 52i. Ensemble, nous avons défini une configuration ERGOSA compacte optimisée pour les petits tirages et les changements rapides sur les emballages en carton pliant.  Ce partenariat simplifie le processus d'achat pour les clients de KAMA qui investissent dans le Fast Fold 52i. Dans le cadre de cette collaboration, KAMA proposera l'ERGOSA compacte avec sa plieuse-colleuse. Les autres produits ou configurations ERGOSA restent disponibles exclusivement auprès d'IMPACK et de ses agents.  Pour en savoir plus, contactez l'équipe d'IMPACK.  #foldergluer #packaging #foldingcarton

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    Florida calling! Meet the ABSOLUTE fantastic team Chelsea McMaster and KC Chapin and see greatly finished samples 🌟🎁!

  • Unternehmensseite für KAMA GmbH anzeigen

    2.214 Follower:innen

    Florida calling! Meet the ABSOLUTE fantastic team Chelsea McMaster and KC Chapin and see greatly finished samples 🌟🎁!

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