Alex Rudenko

Alex Rudenko

834 Follower:innen 500+ Kontakte


Major areas of interest and competence:
- Cloud computing & Serverless…


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  • Google Grafik


    Munich, Bavaria

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    Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg

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    Stuttgart Area, Germany

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    Stuttgart Area, Germany

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    Stuttgart Area, Germany

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  • Advanced Resource Planning


  • Business Process Integration


  • Business Process Management


  • Cybersecurity Lab


  • Datawarehousing and Analytics


  • Digital Economics


  • Enterprise Architecture


  • Enterprise Governance of IT


  • Infrastructure Technologies for Large Scale Service-Oriented Systems


  • Introduction to Service Networks Science and Engineering


  • Loose coupling and message based applications


  • Process Management Systems


  • Service Management and Cloud Computing


  • Service Oriented Architecture


  • Service Oriented Computing


  • Summer school: Advanced School on Service Oriented Computing



  • #teamchatviz


    Open source visualization tool for Slack

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  • Open Source in Action

    Collection of GIFs showcasing various open source projects

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  • SupporterHQ

    Service for organizing donations for open source projects and free content.

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  • Web Application - Sublator

    Sublator is a tool for collaborative subtitle translations. Main use case is as follows: via nice web 2.0 interface one adds a video file and an original (e.g. english) subtitle file (.srt). After video has been processed, our service synchronizes playback of the subtitle and video files and provides an interface to enter a translation (also some social functions like ratings are available, they help to choose the best translation). System is deployed on Azure Cloud.


    Sublator is a tool for collaborative subtitle translations. Main use case is as follows: via nice web 2.0 interface one adds a video file and an original (e.g. english) subtitle file (.srt). After video has been processed, our service synchronizes playback of the subtitle and video files and provides an interface to enter a translation (also some social functions like ratings are available, they help to choose the best translation). System is deployed on Azure Cloud.

    Technologies: Backbone.JS, Backbone Marionette, Twitter Bootstrap, Java2EE, MongoDB, Sigar, Windows Azure

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  • Web Application -

    It's a web application that accumulates information about sport fields and sport events. People can add sport fields that they know to the map (ex. free football field close to their home). Other people (mainly, newcomers) who are looking for the sport fields can find them via search form and organize an event (e.g. football game).

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  • Android Application - Gym Training organizer

    Simple gym training organizer. Project consists of three parts - website (html/js - twitter bootstrap), server side (SlimPHP) and client application (Android SDK).

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  • Design and Implementation of a Web shop using Java Web Services and BPEL

    - UML use cases, sequence diagrams and component architecture for a web shop
    - implementation of the web shop with Java Web Services/JSP
    - deployment on Glassfish and WSO2 Server
    - testing with SOAP UI

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  • Ember VCL

    UI components lib in Ember for VCL

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  • IT Governance Approaches in SMEs: A Literature Review

    a research paper for the Enterprise Governance of IT course

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  • Analysis of Enterprise Architecture for Rabobank NL

    Analysis of Enterprise Architecture for Rabobank NL

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  • Effects of Implementation of Cloud ERP Systems

    A research paper for Advanced Resource Planning course

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  • CRM

    Together with another employee, developed a CRM solution on Yii framework for, a hosting and integration ISV.

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  • npm-link-shared


    a module to link local Node modules to a project

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  • 3rd place in IBM BlueMix Hackthon


  • Erasmus Mundus Scholarship

    European Commission

    I was awarded Category 'A' Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for the period 2012 - 2014, that covers tuition fees, living and travel expenses during the studies of the European Excellence Master`s Degree.

  • Participant of Ukrainian Olympiad in Computer Science


    in Kharkiv

  • 1st place in Regional Olympiad in PHP programming


  • Participant of Ukrainian Olympiad in Informatics



  • English


  • Russian

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • Ukrainian

    Muttersprache oder zweisprachig

  • German

    Gute Kenntnisse


  • 60devs



  • Stackoverflow



  • Github



  • TopCoder


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