Safety and efficacy of the product Toyocerin® (Bacillus cereus var. toyoi) as feed additive for rabbit breeding does - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed
Meta data
zootechnical additive, gut flora stabiliser, Bacillus cereus, Toyocerin®, micro-organism, rabbits, does, kits, efficacy, safety
Question number
Panel members at the time of adoption
Georges Bories, Paul Brantom, Joaquim Brufau de Barberà, Andrew Chesson, Pier Sandro
Cocconcelli, Bogdan Debski, Noël Dierick, Jürgen Gropp, Ingrid Halle, Christer Hogstrand,
Joop de Knecht, Lubomir Leng, Sven Lindgren, Anne-Katrine Lundebye Haldorsen, Alberto
Mantovani, Miklós Mézes, Carlo Nebbia, Walter Rambeck, Guido Rychen, Atte von Wright
and Pieter Wester
Cocconcelli, Bogdan Debski, Noël Dierick, Jürgen Gropp, Ingrid Halle, Christer Hogstrand,
Joop de Knecht, Lubomir Leng, Sven Lindgren, Anne-Katrine Lundebye Haldorsen, Alberto
Mantovani, Miklós Mézes, Carlo Nebbia, Walter Rambeck, Guido Rychen, Atte von Wright
and Pieter Wester
No abstract available
© European Food Safety Authority, 2009