Heroin's tragedy Heroin's tragedy -- Andrew Wood from Mother Love Bone and Stefanie Sargent from Seven Year Bitch both died from overdosing By Tim Appelo Published on July 24, 1992 04:00AM EDT For the second time in two years, a rising star of Seattle’s burgeoning rock scene has died at 24 of an apparent heroin overdose. In March 1990, the victim was Andrew Wood of the band Mother Love Bone, whose survivors launched chart- topping Pearl Jam. On June 27, 1992, Seven Year Bitch guitarist Stefanie Sargent, back from a career-launching concert at New York’s New Music Seminar, was found dead in her apartment. ”That’s kind of Stefanie for you, her left-field sense of timing,” says Daniel House, president of Bitch’s Seattle-based label, C/Z Records. ”Heroin isn’t fashionable anymore,” he adds, ”but in this city it’s more prevalent than ever.” C/Z hopes to release the debut Bitch album of singles this fall. ”Eulogize Stefanie,” says Sub Pop Records’ Jonathan Poneman, who discovered Seattle’s Nirvana, ”but don’t write a eulogy for Seven Year Bitch.” Close Read More: TV Article