“Emma is a skilled writer with significant expertise in games research. Her ability to make complex concepts understandable for a broad audience is a rare find. She delivers above expectations, meets deadlines and is fantastic to work with. She also was able to capture our brand voice, and accepted feedback professionally. Cannot recommend her enough!”
I have more than 10 years of experience in UX design and research, over six of which are…
🥰 Hello from Finland, the country that once again took the top spot as the World's Happiest Country! Recently, I've been connecting with more folks…
🥰 Hello from Finland, the country that once again took the top spot as the World's Happiest Country! Recently, I've been connecting with more folks…
Emma Varjo tykkäsi
I will be attending Reboot Develop this year. Looking forward to attending nice talks/lectures as well as meeting new people from the industry. Feel…
I will be attending Reboot Develop this year. Looking forward to attending nice talks/lectures as well as meeting new people from the industry. Feel…
Emma Varjo tykkäsi
Tampereen teknillinen korkeakoulu
Activities and Societies: EESTEC, TietoTeekkarikilta
I majored in Software Engineering with minors in Usability and Signal Processing
Activities and Societies: Compsoc, Modern Dance Society, Edinburgh University Water of Life Society
Exchange year
Activities and Societies: TiTe, Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta, IT-Hekuma career fair staff, Student representative in Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
An exchange year in Edinburgh, Scotland in 2009 - 2010
Lisenssit ja todistukset
GRUX Online Conference Director
IGDA Games Research and User Experience SIG
-Lahja 4 vuotta 9 kuukautta
I am the main person responsible of the inception, creation, and running of the first GRUX Online Conference
Visual listening guide designer
Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri ry
-Lahja 8 vuotta 10 kuukautta
Taide ja kulttuuri
Designing the visual listening guides to the orchestra's programme.
Steering Committee Member
Games Research and User Experience SIG of the IGDA
- 2 vuotta 1 kuukausi
Elected member of the GRUX SIG Steering Committee
Reading Club Organizer
IGDA Games Research and User Experience SIG
- 1 vuosi
I run a weekly reading club that's based on fairly bite-sized things such as blog posts, articles, academic papers, videos, and podcast episodes that relate to games user research and user experience design in games
Corporate Relations
Polyteknikkojen Orkesteri ry
- 1 vuosi
Taide ja kulttuuri
Handled communication between the orchestra and it's corporate sponsors
Code school teacher
HiQ Finland
-Lahja 9 vuosia
Our company arranged a code school for the employees of HiQ and their children. The school was based on http://www.koodikoulu.fi/
I was responsible in leading the children's school: I made sure we had all the equipment and materials we needed, and coordinated the teachers helping with the children's code school experience. -
Project manager
Helsinki Roller Derby
- 1 vuosi
I was the project manager in Helsinki Roller Derby's website renewal project. I oversaw the project and made sure all relevant information was passed on to the different departments and people affected by the changes in the website. I also had an active role in the core team which redesigned the website.
Mentor at Halloween Game Hack event
The Code Pub Helsinki
-Lahja 9 vuotta 6 kuukautta
Tiede ja tekniikka
I was a mentor at a weekend long game hackathon for women. My responsibilities included providing technical help, helping out at scoping the projects, solving design problems as well as making sure everyone was well fed throughout the weekend.
Head Non Skating Official
Helsinki Roller Derby
- 1 vuosi 1 kuukausi
As Head Non Skating Official, I was responsible of making sure all games and practices had a sufficient amount of (non skating) officials present. I also taught different officiating positions to new volunteers, made statistics of games, and taught players and officials to read the statistics. In a grander scheme of things I strived to grow the number of non skating as well as skating officials in Helsinki Roller Derby and to create a cultur which encouraged new volunteers as well as veteran…
As Head Non Skating Official, I was responsible of making sure all games and practices had a sufficient amount of (non skating) officials present. I also taught different officiating positions to new volunteers, made statistics of games, and taught players and officials to read the statistics. In a grander scheme of things I strived to grow the number of non skating as well as skating officials in Helsinki Roller Derby and to create a cultur which encouraged new volunteers as well as veteran skaters to officiate.
Event coordinator
Tampere Roller Derby
- 1 vuosi
I organized three roller derby tournaments for Tampere Roller Derby in the fall of 2013 and spring of 2014. The tournaments were a small home team tournament, a tournament which was a part of the national league, and an international tournament.
As the event coordinator I was in charge of a small team of volunteers. I assigned their work and kept up to date with their progress as well as supported them whenever it was needed.
Each tournament was a success and the money raised…I organized three roller derby tournaments for Tampere Roller Derby in the fall of 2013 and spring of 2014. The tournaments were a small home team tournament, a tournament which was a part of the national league, and an international tournament.
As the event coordinator I was in charge of a small team of volunteers. I assigned their work and kept up to date with their progress as well as supported them whenever it was needed.
Each tournament was a success and the money raised helped Tampere Roller Derby to grow as a league. -
Chairman of the Cultural Sector
Student Union of Tampere University of Technology
-Lahja 17 vuosia
As the chairman of the cultural sector, I held meetings of the cultural sector, and organized events in its name.
IT Hekuma organizer
Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta
- 1 vuosi 7 kuukautta
I was a part of the team that created the IT Hekuma recruitment fair for the first time in 2007 and helping it grow in 2008. I was in charge of spreading the word among potential employee organizations and inspiring them to come to the fair. I also took part in everything from the general planning to the physical building and tearing down of the fair.
IT Hekuma is now a yearly occurring event, which draws a large number of both employers and students from all universities and colleges in…I was a part of the team that created the IT Hekuma recruitment fair for the first time in 2007 and helping it grow in 2008. I was in charge of spreading the word among potential employee organizations and inspiring them to come to the fair. I also took part in everything from the general planning to the physical building and tearing down of the fair.
IT Hekuma is now a yearly occurring event, which draws a large number of both employers and students from all universities and colleges in Tampere. It was the first recruitment fair aimed specifically toward students of IT in Tampere. -
Student member of the board of the Faculty of Computing and Electrical Engineering
Tampere University of Technology
- 2 vuosia
As a student representative I was responsible of ensuring students' needs and rights were taken into consideration in the decisions of the board. I was also responsible for bringing the problems and possible unfair treatment students faced to be dealt with the dean or the board.
Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta
- 2 vuosia
My official roles were Relationships with International Students (2007) and Secretary (2008). However I took part in the every day work of running the guild as well as organizing events on top of my official responsibilities.
Board member, VP
Daycare Niitty Parents' Association
- 2 vuotta 1 kuukausi
Organized clean-up days, Christmas parties, cake sales. Did graphic design and advertising for said events.
Prototyping in Trine 4
Game UX Summit '19
A talk on the UI prototyping done during the production of Trine 4
Content creation for an Instagram account that breaks down and explains game design and UX design principles.
GRUX Online 2021
Chaired the second iterarion if GRUX Online, a conference aimed at bringing together game UX designers, games user researchers, and those interested in the topics. Saw its brand evolve and made sure the talks were of high quality. Improved accessibility and approachability of the conference by running the pre-recorded material thrice so anyone in the world could watch it when it was most convenient to them, and by acquiring sponsors to cover the costs of an ASL interpreter. Oversaw the creation…
Chaired the second iterarion if GRUX Online, a conference aimed at bringing together game UX designers, games user researchers, and those interested in the topics. Saw its brand evolve and made sure the talks were of high quality. Improved accessibility and approachability of the conference by running the pre-recorded material thrice so anyone in the world could watch it when it was most convenient to them, and by acquiring sponsors to cover the costs of an ASL interpreter. Oversaw the creation of a social event in VR/3D virtual room.
GRUX Online 2020
Created and chaired a first ever conference aimed at professionals working in games user research and user experience design.
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Kuuntele huikea Valtterin haastattelu terveyspelien vaikuttavuudesta ja tulevaisuudesta! 🙂🙏💥
Kuuntele huikea Valtterin haastattelu terveyspelien vaikuttavuudesta ja tulevaisuudesta! 🙂🙏💥
Emma Varjo tykkäsi
There’s one in every team. The Complainer. Not to be confused with “constructive feedback,” which is actually useful and helps us grow. No, I’m…
There’s one in every team. The Complainer. Not to be confused with “constructive feedback,” which is actually useful and helps us grow. No, I’m…
Emma Varjo tykkäsi