Thirty years ago this week, on a “Monday Night Football” game involving the Patriots, Howard Cosell announced to the world that John Lennon had been shot and killed.
How Cosell learned of the news is a story unto itself, the subject of an ESPN “Outside the Lines” show Sunday.
ESPN producer Jeff Ausiello says Alan Weiss, a news producer for ABC’s New York station, had a motorcycle accident and was in the hospital Lennon was brought to — “and was plopped down next to him.” Weiss didn’t recognize Lennon, but overheard local police officers identify him — and then heard efforts cease in the room where Lennon was being treated. Weiss called his station, says Ausiello, but couldn’t go public: “They had to pass on the story of a lifetime — they knew they had to pass it on to the big fish at ABC.”
Here’s a part of the story that is rich for those familiar with Cosell. He hated that athletes received free passes from retirement into the broadcast booth. He felt most of them weren’t up to standard as broadcasters or journalists.
On the “Outside the Lines” show, ESPN played the tape of the off-air discussion in the booth after the broadcasters were informed. With the Patriots-Dolphins game reaching its dramatic conclusion, Cosell asked for advice. Cosell, the experienced broadcaster and journalist, was faced with the biggest news scoop of his life. But he seemed reluctant to go ahead.
It was the former Giant Frank Gifford, a member of the “jockocracy,” who urged him not to sit on the story after Cosell’s news judgment
abandoned him. You can listen to the audio of the discussion here.
Cosell knew Lennon personally. Six years earlier, in 1974, Lennon appeared with Cosell on “Monday Night Football.”