Isolating terrorists from financial, material, and logistical resources is a key element of any counter-terrorism strategy. Last week the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) participated in the UN Conference on National and Regional Counter-Terrorism Strategies in Malta. Read more 👇
Last week, at the United Nations Conference on National and Regional Counter-Terrorism Strategies, jointly organized by the United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and Malta's Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Tourism, I advocated that integrating countering the financing of terrorism (#CFT) into national counterterrorism (CT) strategies is crucial, focusing on disrupting terrorist financing networks and preventing the flow of funds to terrorist organizations. Together with Mike Fowler of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), we highlighted that isolating terrorists from financial, material, and logistical resources of support is key element of any CT strategy, as it is clear that terrorists cannot sustain their operations without these resources. This involves, inter alia: 🔷 risk-based approach as long-term success factor 🔷 strengthening AML/CFT frameworks 🔷 enhancing information and intelligence sharing 🔷 collaborating with international partners, private sector and other stakeholders. Additional details at and #VallettaPrinciplesNARS