Elise Patrikainen

Elise Patrikainen

2 k abonnés + de 500 relations

Cours de Elise

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  • Graphique Elephantastic
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    Issy-les-Moulineaux, Île-de-France, France

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    Paris Area, France

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    Paris Area, France

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    Paris Area, France

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    Qingdao City, China

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    Qingdao City, China

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    Lüneburg, Allemagne

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  • Online courses


    * Advanced Vue.js Features from the Ground Up (Evan You, Frontend Masters)
    * JavaScript: the hard parts (Will Sentance, Frontend Masters)
    * Introduction to MongoDB (Scott Moss, Frontend Masters)
    * The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced (Mosh Hamedani, Udemy)

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    - 5 mois de formation intensive : HTML 5, CSS3, Javascript (ES6), Nodejs / Express, SQL
    - 1 mois de spécialisation: JavaScript front-end

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  • Angular CDK — getting started — Accessibility & A11y


    Getting-started article to inspire Angular developers to use the very young CDK library

    For information, the CDK is a package released recently (first stable version on December 2017) by the Angular Team, which enables developers to use Angular Material type elements with an additional level of abstraction.
    More precisely, the CDK uncouples some of the root components of the Material Library from the Material elements, which provides new tools to handle common interaction patterns…

    Getting-started article to inspire Angular developers to use the very young CDK library

    For information, the CDK is a package released recently (first stable version on December 2017) by the Angular Team, which enables developers to use Angular Material type elements with an additional level of abstraction.
    More precisely, the CDK uncouples some of the root components of the Material Library from the Material elements, which provides new tools to handle common interaction patterns with minimal code and greater modularity.

    Voir la publication


  • Français

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Anglais - TOEIC 945 -

    Capacité professionnelle générale

  • Allemand

    Capacité professionnelle générale

  • Chinois

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

  • Japonais


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