Floriane Regior

Floriane Regior

Paris, Île-de-France, France
3 k abonnés + de 500 relations

À propos

As a Sales Development Director, I specialize in building and scaling high-performing SDR…

Articles de Floriane

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  • Graphique Navan


    Paris, Île-de-France, France

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    Paris, Île-de-France, France

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    Région de Lyon, France

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    Région de Montréal, Canada

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    Région de Lyon, France

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    Haute Saône


  • Graphique Institut de Coaching International
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    Degroote school of business

    Organizational change management, innovation and new product, sustainability, strategic management, marketing engineering, service marketing, business governmental and global environment, entrepreneurship.

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    - Organizational theory
    - International development of companies
    - International business environment
    - English
    - Entrepreneurship
    - Financial analysis
    - Ethics
    - Project and change management
    - International expansion of companies
    - Intercultural management
    - 'Doing international business'
    - International finance
    - International law
    - Strategic monitoring

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    Activités et associations :English (stage 5 ) Spanish (stage 5) Italian (stage 4) strategic Marketing European Business environnement

    Last year of undergraduate degree (Erasmus)

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    second year of undergraduate degree

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    Activités et associations :- customer relation - general management - management of sales teams - company law - economy - english - spanish

Licences et certifications

Expériences de bénévolat

  • Assistante Médico Psychologique - Medical/Psychological Assistant

    Maison d'accueil Spécialisée Guy de Moustier

    - 3 ans 9 mois


    Weekends and holidays
    My role was to provide cares for persons with mental and physical disabilities by assisting them in their daily activities with the objective of facilitating and preserving their autonomy.

  • Business development

    Bow & Belle

    - 6 mois

    Arts et culture

    Bow et Belle is a French bow tie company based in Lyon. The bow ties are handmade in France with high quality fabrics such as cotton, silk and wool that the designer, Olivia Pradel finds throughout the world, mainly India and Paris. She particularly is fond of finding elegant, delicate fabrics and prints since she is passionate about finding the perfect color and texture combination. Recently she has started to make bow ties for women too, with intricate embroidery turning the bow tie into…

    Bow et Belle is a French bow tie company based in Lyon. The bow ties are handmade in France with high quality fabrics such as cotton, silk and wool that the designer, Olivia Pradel finds throughout the world, mainly India and Paris. She particularly is fond of finding elegant, delicate fabrics and prints since she is passionate about finding the perfect color and texture combination. Recently she has started to make bow ties for women too, with intricate embroidery turning the bow tie into a kind of jewel.
    You can find ‘’Bow et Belle’’ bow ties on the online shop ( www.bowetbelle.com ) and at the Thao Van shop ( 5 rue Francois, Dauphin, 69002 Lyon, France)
    Contact: bowetbelle@gmail.com

  • Mentor


    - aujourd’hui 2 ans 2 mois

    Droits civiques et action sociale

    Mentoring of students to help them build up their career plan, share best practices, coaching & skills development.

  • Graphique The Green Lion


    The Green Lion

    - 1 mois

    Bien-être des animaux

    Turtle conservation and beach cleaning program in Indonesia


  • The impact of Corporate Social Responsability on the future of Multinational enterprises (MMEs): the case of the Cosmetics industry

    Masters thesis (2014)

  • The conditions of success for the implementation of an ERP such as SAP within MMEs: the case of a company in the biotechnology sector.

    Essay - Master 1
    A Theoritical and Empirical study


  • Développement international d'une PME : SLAT

    Afin de poursuivre sa croissance sur les marchés internationaux, la PME rhôdanienne SLAT a fait appel à notre groupe d'étudiants afin de réaliser un état des lieux de l'entreprise et d'élaborer des solutions qui pourront aider à la croissance de l'entreprise. Grâce à une équipe de 4 étudiants, nous avons réalisé: un diagnostic interne et externe, une analyse des décisions stratégiques passées ainsi que des solutions de développement futur.

    Autres créateurs
  • • Marketing Strategy & Sustainability Consultant, Sustainable Hamilton


    Offered consulting services, in a group format, to Sustainable Hamilton in order to help the organization develop more suitable sustainability checklists for small businesses within the Retail, Restaurant & Service sectors in Hamilton, so the businesses within can measure their triple bottom lines more appropriately. A marketing strategy was also developed to attract other small businesses towards becoming more sustainable enterprises.

    Autres créateurs
  • Innovation and New product - Launch of a CRM platform


    Development of a marketing plan for the launch of a new software designed for Financial institutions.
    A need exists in the investment industry for a communication platform that is able to deliver multiple media types via multiple communication channels on an on-demand basis. Investment professionals need this platform to be easy to use, cost-effective, compliant, and built with the mobile user in mind.
    B. has created a communication platform that allows investment professionals to access…

    Development of a marketing plan for the launch of a new software designed for Financial institutions.
    A need exists in the investment industry for a communication platform that is able to deliver multiple media types via multiple communication channels on an on-demand basis. Investment professionals need this platform to be easy to use, cost-effective, compliant, and built with the mobile user in mind.
    B. has created a communication platform that allows investment professionals to access and deliver relevant documents to investors at any time. With access to thousands of documents via the proprietary Smart Library system and coupled with client-specific document and media Libraries, investment professionals can be sure they are communicating current information to investors every time.
    Advisors will be able to select from multiple delivery options and capture client communication preferences. Compliance professionals will be able to generate reports and hierarchical analytics to help comply with regulations, and Marketing professionals will be able to create campaigns for the communication of marketing material.
    Future integration between the CRM and Smart Document Fulfillment will enable tracking of the pre-sale delivery of regulatory Fund Facts when requirements for Phase 3 of the Point of Sale (POS) amendments to National Instrument 81-101 come into force.

    actions: identification of the custiomer target, creation of a communication plan, pricing, marketing strategy

  • Toronto East General Hospital - Organizational Change Management


    Implementation of a new management system through an amalgamation of best practices containing five modules.The organization has asked our team to develop a sustainability plan to deploy these modules and get the stakeholders (all members from the vice president to front-line staff) to adopt them.

Résultats d’examens

  • MasterCoach ICI certifié

    Résultat : 94.17

  • Master 2 Management International - Marketing

    Résultat : Mention Bien

  • Master 1 Management international - Affaires Internationales/ Msc international business

    Résultat : mention Assez Bien

  • Licence Langues Etrangères Appliquées / Bachelor Degree in Applied Languages

    Résultat : mention Bien

  • BTS Négociation Relation Client/ Two year Diploma specialised in customer relations and negotiation

    Résultat : 14.97 major de promo

  • Baccalauréat scientifique - SVT / A-Level

    Résultat : mention assez bien


  • Français

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Espagnol

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Italien

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Anglais

    Bilingue ou langue natale

  • Portugais

    Compétence professionnelle limitée

  • Indonesian


  • Malay


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