Webhook docs generated from the OpenAPI schema

Recently, GitHub added webhooks to our OpenAPI schema. Now, Webhook events and payloads in the GitHub documentation is built from the OpenAPI schema. The schema-generated documentation is more accurate and comprehensive and includes the payload structure for each event and action type.

Currently, the new webhook docs are available for the Free/Pro/Team and GitHub Enterprise Cloud plans. GitHub Enterprise Server and GitHub AE will get the new docs with the next version release.

Do you have ideas for improvement? Open a documentation issue to let us know.

We've launched a limited public beta of a new feature in the GitHub CLI: webhook forwarding.

Webhook forwarding makes it easy to test your webhooks integration in your local environment without having to worry about port forwarding.

All it takes to start receiving webhooks locally is one simple command:

gh webhook forward --repo monalisa/hello-world --events issues,pull_request --url http://localhost:4000/webhooks

With webhook forwarding, you can iterate quickly on your integration without having to deploy your code to a test environment.

To request access to the beta program, post in our GitHub Community discussion. We add new beta users on a regular basis. Once you've been added, you will receive an email at the address registered on your GitHub account.

For more details on this new feature, head over to the docs – see "Receiving webhooks with the GitHub CLI".

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