This repository contains a collection of codemod scripts for use with JSCodeshift + it can also be added as a package to use the other transformers it exposes
npm install -g jscodeshift
git clone
jscodeshift -t <codemod-script> <file>
Use the -d
option for a dry-run and use -p
to print the output for
Options to recast's printer can be provided through the printOptions
command line argument
jscodeshift -t transform.js <file> --printOptions='{"quote":"double"}'
Fixes eslint no-lonely-if rule
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/no-lonely-if.js <file>
else {
if (someCondition) {
} else {
The above will get converted to
else if (someCondition) {
} else {
Fixes eslint no-nested-ternary rule by converting the nested ConditionalExpressions into an IIFE block with If/Else Statements
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/no-nested-ternary.js <file>
a ? 'a' : b ? 'b' : 'c'
The above will get converted to
(function() {
if (a) {
return 'a';
if (b) {
return 'b';
return 'c';
Fixes eslint no-unused-vars rule. Adds disable comment/block wherever the function/variable getting fixed is globally exposed
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/no-unused-vars.js <file>
function someFunc(index) {}
var someUsedVar = 0, someUnUsedVar = false;
var someVar = (function(){
var someInternalVar;
function someInternalFunc() {};
someUsedVar = 1;
return someUsedVar;
The above will get converted to
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
function someFunc() {}
var someUsedVar = 0;
window.someUnUsedVar = false;
window.someVar = (function(){
someUsedVar = 1;
return someUsedVar;
: Doesn't add eslint disable comment/block to globals exposed
Transforms all named export actions use 'as' while importing. Also converts the 'bindActionCreators' objectExpressionNode to use the as imported action
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/react-action-as.js <file>
import { someAction } from '../actions';
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) =>
The above will get converted to
import { someAction as someActionAction } from '../actions';
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) =>
someAction: someActionAction
Transformer to fix react/destructuring-assignment rule
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/react-destruct-assign.js <file>
render() {
if (this.props.someProp) {
return this.state.someState;
The above will get converted to
render() {
const { someProp } = this.props;
const { someState } = this.state;
if (someProp) {
return someState;
Transformer that moves all the variable declarators to their scope level
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/block-scoped-var.js <file>
function someFunc() {
if (someCondition) {
var i = 1;
} else {
var i = 2;
for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) {
for (var k in someObj) {
The above will get converted to
function someFunc() {
var i, j, k;
if (someCondition) {
i = 1;
} else {
i = 2;
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
for (k in someObj) {
Transformer to fix all the non camel cased variables and function names in a JS file
jscodeshift -t ./transforms/no-camelcase.js <file>
: Fixes non camel-cased functions that are exposed from the file
: Finds all the dependencies needed by the file and fixes them if they are not camel-cased
var _some_var, $some_var;
function some_func() {}
The above will get converted to (with no options passed)
var someVar, $someVar;
function some_func() {}
$ npm i @anshckr/fix-js
In Node.js:
var {
} = require('@anshckr/fix-js');
Parameter | Type | Description |
dirPath |
String |
Required. The directory path where you want to run the transform at |
transformer |
Function |
Required. The transformer which will modify the JS files |
paramsIgnoreFilesRegex |
Regex |
Optional. Regular expression to match file names to ignore during transform. Default: /$^/ |
paramsIgnoreFoldersRegex |
Regex |
Optional. Regular expression to match folder names to ignore during transform. Default: /$^/ |
paramsIgnoreableExternalDeps |
Array |
Optional. Array of dependencies to ignore during transform. Default: [] |
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath |
String |
Required. The file path you want to fix |
dependencies |
Function |
Optional. Array of dependencies you want to fix for the file at filePath. Default: All the global dependencies for the file |
updateInplace |
Boolean |
Optional. Whether to update the file or not. Default: false |
Type | Description |
String |
Transformed file content |
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {....}
In the above code if we don't declare i
in the upper scope like var i
then i
becomes a global leak
The utility will declare these types leaking variables
3. transformUnusedAssignedVars
(Transformer to fix all the unused assigned variables from a JS file)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath |
String |
Required. The file path you want to fix |
updateInplace |
Boolean |
Optional. Whether to update the file or not. Default: false |
Type | Description |
String |
Transformed file content |
4. transformNoUnderscoreDangle
(Transformer to fix leading '__' in function names to "_", removes "_" from function params)
Parameter | Type | Description |
filePath |
String |
Required. The file path you want to fix |
updateInplace |
Boolean |
Optional. Whether to update the file or not. Default: false |
collectedGlobals |
Object |
Optional. Contains two keys globalsExposed, dependencies for the file. Default: {} |
Type | Description |
String |
Transformed file content |
function __someFunc(_someParam) {
The above will get converted to
function _someFunc(someParam) {
Refer the example folder
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
@anshckr/fix-js is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license