This project demonstrates an implementation of Event Sourcing and Saga Pattern in a Rails application, focusing on managing database consistency across multiple databases.
- Dynamic table creation across different database systems
- Event-driven architecture
- Saga pattern for distributed transaction management
- Asynchronous processing with robust error handling
- Ruby 3.3.1
- Rails 8.0.0
- PostgreSQL
Clone the repository
git clone cd sample_event_sourcing
Install dependencies
bundle install
Start the docker compose
docker compose up -d
Setup database
bundle exec rails db:create bundle exec rails db:migrate
Start the server
bundle exec rails server
- Event Sourcing: Tracks system state changes through event logs
- Saga Pattern: Manages distributed transactions with compensation mechanisms
- Async Jobs: Handle database synchronization tasks
- URL:
- Description:
- Ruby/Rails library for event sourcing
- Enables event storage, streaming, and replay
- Usage in this Project:
- Logging events for database schema changes
- Reconstructing system state at any point in time
- URL:
- Description:
- Lightweight asynchronous job queueing system introduced in Rails 7.1
- Database-based job queue enabling flexible asynchronous processing
- Usage in this Project:
- Asynchronous execution of DDL operations
- Job management in distributed transactions
- URL:
- Description:
- High-performance and flexible Ruby database toolkit
- Provides abstraction layer for multiple databases
- Usage in this Project:
- Flexible connection to external databases
- Dynamic database schema manipulation
Create a new table:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"name": "my_new_table_123"}'
Delete a table:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"table_id": "2d7ea983-7844-4a1a-8b36-1dbc629d16e4"}'
Show table details:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"table_id": "2d7ea983-7844-4a1a-8b36-1dbc629d16e4"}'
Add a column:
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"table_id": "2d7ea983-7844-4a1a-8b36-1dbc629d16e4", "column": {"name": "age", "type": "integer"}}'
Remove a column (by not specifying type):
curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"table_id": "2d7ea983-7844-4a1a-8b36-1dbc629d16e4", "column": {"name": "age"}}'
The project implements a multi-database architecture with:
- Core DB for metadata
- BYODB for dynamic table creation
- Event-driven synchronization between databases
Run test suite:
bundle exec rspec
MIT License