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Hong Kong Economic Journal

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  • #香港旅遊】長短途及內地訪客同步增長 昂坪360有錢賺 收入4.1億破頂 Ngong Ping 360 Sees Record Revenue Growth, Driven by Strong Visitor Influx 昂坪360去年收入創歷史新高,去年全年收入約4.13億元,較2023年上升約30%,較疫情前則上升約32%,去年業務錄得盈利。昂坪360董事總經理董沛銓表示,來自長途、短途及內地市場的訪客均錄得增長。長途旅客重回香港旅遊,主要是去年第四季航空運力增加,並指暫時沒有調整票價的計劃。 Ngong Ping 360 achieved a historic revenue high in 2024, with total income reaching HKD 413 million, up approximately 30% from 2023 and 32% higher than pre-pandemic levels. The company also reported a profitable year. James Pui Chuen Tung, Managing Director of Ngong Ping 360 Limited, said the growth was driven by increases in both long-haul and short-haul visitors, as well as a rise in Mainland Chinese tourism. Long-haul tourist arrivals surged notably in the fourth quarter, supported by increased flight capacity. Tung further noted that there are no plans to adjust ticket prices in the near term. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/gNgqZBWX |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #旅遊 #香港經濟 #票價

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  • #美股ETF】南方東英推美個股槓桿ETF 追蹤巴郡輝達等熱門股 首設槓反 CSOP Launches Leveraged ETFs Tracking U.S. Stocks Including Berkshire and Nvidia 過去數年表現強勢的美股近日轉趨波動,市場需要更多產品作對沖和管理風險,南方東英針對5隻熱門美股,推出2倍槓桿ETF,其中4隻個股提供正、反槓桿,1隻只有正向槓桿,全部設有港元和美元櫃台,即合共9隻ETF,暫定初始入場費為每手780元,下周一(24日)在港交所掛牌。 Amid increased volatility in U.S. equities, CSOP Asset Management is introducing a suite of leveraged exchange-traded funds (ETFs) targeting some of the most actively traded American stocks, providing investors with tools to hedge and manage risk more effectively. The new product lineup includes 9 ETFs, each offering exposure to five popular U.S. stocks—Berkshire Hathaway, Nvidia, among others. All ETFs will be dual-listed in HKD and USD, catering to a broader range of investors. Set to debut on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange next Monday (March 24), the ETFs will carry an initial minimum investment of HK$780 per board lot. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/gvBHxArQ Tony Wong |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories|

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  • #國際金融中心】全球金融中心指數 香港續居第三位 Hong Kong Retains Third Place in Global Financial Centres Index 由英國Z/Yen集團與中國(深圳)綜合開發研究院聯合發布的第37期《全球金融中心指數》(GFCI 37)顯示,香港排名維持在全球第三位,並繼續在亞太區內居首。與半年前比較,香港不僅整體評分有所上升,大部份分項指標的排名亦取得改善,唯獨在「政府及監管」方面就由前一期的第五,進一步跌至第九。 Hong Kong has maintained its position as the world’s third most competitive financial centre, according to the latest Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI 37) jointly released by UK-based Z/Yen Group and the China Development Institute in Shenzhen. The city continues to lead the Asia-Pacific region, with its overall score improving compared to 6 months ago. Most sub-indicators saw an upward shift in rankings, reflecting enhanced performance across areas such as business environment and financial sector development. However, Hong Kong’s standing in the “Government and Regulatory” category slipped from fifth to ninth place. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/g5qt9PUT |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #金融中心 #排名 #香港

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  • #內地樓市】瑞銀:內地樓市現回暖訊號 大城市二手趨旺 發展商投地積極 UBS: Signs of Recovery Emerging in China’s Property Market as Secondary Sales Gain Momentum 內地房地產市場自2020年第四季開始步入下行周期,瑞銀投資銀行亞太及大中華區房地產研究主管林鎮鴻表示,已開始看見比較積極的訊號,雖然不是全國範圍出現,但情況正面,包括5個焦點城市今年首兩個月二手樓成交量按年增長30%,以及發展商在核心城市投地的取態更趨積極,反映市場對未來發展前景持樂觀態度。 China’s property sector, which has been in a downturn since Q4 2020, is beginning to show tentative signs of recovery, according to UBS Investment Bank. John Lam, CFA, Head of China and Hong Kong Property Research at UBS, noted that while the rebound is not widespread across the country, there are positive indicators in key urban markets. He pointed to a 30% year-on-year increase in secondary home sales across five major cities in the first two months of the year, as well as a more proactive approach by developers in land acquisitions within core metropolitan areas. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/gZ8Qa8Fb |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #內地樓市 #瑞銀 #成交

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  • #就業市場】人力資源公司Manpower Group:30%香港僱主擬第二季增加人手 Manpower Group: 30% of Hong Kong Employers Plan to Expand Workforce in Q2 人力資源公司Manpower Group公布今年第二季「就業展望調查」結果顯示,香港僱主預期第二季增加員工人數意欲正面及穩步上升。在受訪的525名僱主中,30%預算未來3個月將增加人手,擬縮減人手的則有19%;經季節性調整的數據顯示,來季就業展望指數為正11%,按季升5個百分點。 Hong Kong employers are showing a positive and steadily increasing hiring outlook for the second quarter of 2024, according to ManpowerGroup Hong Kong's latest Employment Outlook Survey. Of the 525 employers surveyed, 30% indicated plans to increase their workforce in the next three months, while 19% expect to downsize. After seasonal adjustments, the net employment outlook stands at 11%, marking a 5% increase from the previous quarter. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/gDBr-jcT |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories|

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  • #人工智能】矽谷教授倡創業前先請教AI Standford Professor: Consult AI Before Launching a Startup 如果正考慮創業,人工智能(AI)聊天機械人說不定能給予寶貴意見。矽谷著名企業家及學者布蘭克(Steve Blank)是一位創業專家,最近他接受財經媒體CNBC訪問時,他指如果有商業構想,可以詢問ChatGPT類似問題:「我有一個想法,有人做過嗎?為什麼它不起作用?這件事我應該在哪裏做得最好?」 Aspiring entrepreneurs may find valuable insights from AI chatbots before taking the plunge into business. Steve Blank, professor at Stanford University, recently told CNBC that AI tools like ChatGPT can serve as a powerful resource for those evaluating business ideas. Blank suggested that founders should leverage AI for preliminary market research by asking questions such as: "Has this idea been tried before? Why did it fail? Where would be the best place to launch this business?" Full Article: https://lnkd.in/dmHgtiyn |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #創業 #史丹福大學

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  • #人工智能】DeepSeek添生產力 Coface:高度依賴人手行業將受影響 DeepSeek’s Productivity Gains Raise Concerns for Labour-Intensive Industries, Says Coface 內地經濟復甦動力未如預期理想,人工智能(AI)大模型DeepSeek為市場帶來新憧憬,貿易信用保險機構科法斯北亞區域經濟學家譚俊譽認為,DeepSeek的爆出對內地經濟幫助暫時難以判斷,科技應用對生產力的刺激有待觀察,未來甚至有機會令個別高度依賴人手(labour intensive)的行業僱員受影響。但他指出,相關消息令到股市反彈,可望為今年消費市道帶來動力。 As China’s economic recovery remains slower than expected, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) large language model DeepSeek has sparked fresh optimism in the market. However, Coface North Asia Economist Junyu T. cautioned that while DeepSeek’s impact on the Chinese economy is yet to be fully assessed, the productivity boost from AI adoption remains uncertain. Tan noted that in the long run, industries that are heavily reliant on manual labour could face disruption due to AI-driven automation. Despite these uncertainties, he acknowledged that DeepSeek’s debut has helped lift equity markets, potentially stimulating consumer sentiment and economic activity in the near term. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/gedBUnrC |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #科技應用 #DeepSeek #人工智能

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  • #亞洲股神】李兆基終年97歲 旗下恒基系上市王國 7家公司值2556億 李兆基的上市企業王國,以昨日收市價計,總市值合計達2556.5億元。撇除房託架構的陽光房地產(00435),恒基集團系內6間上市公司業務發展多元化,涵蓋物業發展、百貨商場、酒店、能源、渡輪等多個範疇,另擁有仁安醫院。恒地以擁有最多農地見稱,亦擅長舊區併購重建,惟近年集團選擇押重注在中環,繼2017年以逾230億元投得美利道商業地、建成甲級商廈The Henderson後,2021年再以508億元投得中環海濱商業地王。當時恒地聯席主席李家誠稱,父親得悉成功投地後「笑到見牙唔見眼」。 Henderson Land Development Company Limited Full Article: https://lnkd.in/gsrReD78 |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #恒基 #生平 #地產

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  • #財經專題】藝術品投資呈上升趨勢 業界倡納家辦免稅條例助吸資 Art Investment Gains Momentum as Industry Pushes for Tax Exemptions for Family Offices 業界表示,藝術品融資可帶動家辦業務,而藝術品平均年化回報約7.5%到8%,相對股票、債券或其他資產類別關連性不高,屬不俗投資;亦建議政府把藝術品納入為家辦免稅條例,有助吸引更多投資。 The art industry is seeing growing interest in art-backed financing, which is increasingly linked to the expansion of family office operations. Experts note that art investments deliver an annualized return of approximately 7.5% to 8%, with low correlation to traditional asset classes such as equities and bonds, making it an attractive diversification tool. Industry leaders are urging the Hong Kong government to include art under family office tax exemption schemes, a move they believe would enhance the city's appeal as a global investment hub and attract a larger pool of capital into the sector. Full Article: https://lnkd.in/g9TN8Tqr William Chow Anthony Lau |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #藝術品 #融資 #拍賣

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  • #財經專題】港爭藝術品交易「世一」 靠融資倉儲取勝 Hong Kong Aims for Global Leadership in Art Trade, Betting on Financing and Storage 香港是全球藝術品成交金額第二大的地區,為捕捉商機,近年多間國際知名拍賣行先後在香港大舉擴張,顯示出對未來增長的信心。有業內人士表示,香港主要成功因素是擁有稅務優惠,而要保持第二位寶座,甚至是追上現時排第一的紐約,仍須繼續努力,在藝術品融資、儲存倉庫或服務,以至本地藝術家的培養方面再下苦功。 Hong Kong has cemented its position as the world’s second-largest art market by transaction value, attracting major international auction houses to expand aggressively in the city. Industry insiders highlight favorable tax policies as a key factor behind its success. However, maintaining its position—and potentially challenging New York for the top spot—will require further strategic efforts. Experts argue that Hong Kong must strengthen its art financing ecosystem, storage infrastructure, and service capabilities, while also investing in nurturing local artists to sustain long-term growth in the sector. Fotini Xydas Weixi (Julia) Hu Full Article: https://lnkd.in/g9TN8Tqr |Be sure to follow Hong Kong Economic Journal| |Inspiring Leadership Through Real Stories| #信報 #藝術品 #融資 #拍賣

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