Nominations are invited for the Carver Medal created by the IMS in honor of Harry C. Carver, Founding Editor of the Annals of Mathematical Statistics and one of the founders of the IMS. The medal is for exceptional service specifically to the IMS and is open to any member of the IMS who has not previously been elected President. Not more than one award shall be made each year. The medal will be awarded at a ceremony during the next IMS Annual Meeting.
Nominating Committee
The nominating committee will consist of three former Presidents of the IMS. Please see Committee for the Carver Medal.
Nomination Process
Send the following via email to [email protected] include subject line CARVER MEDAL NOMINATION: <last name of nominee>. Items can be sent as pdf, ps or plain text attachments
- a letter (not more than 2 pages) detailing the reasons for the nomination
- a copy of the nominee’s CV
All nominations must be received by February 1.