Kalyan Vaidyanathan

Kalyan Vaidyanathan

Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
6K followers 500+ connections


• Co-founded a Construction Technology firm that was acquired by Bentley…


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  • Cloud Based IT Solutions for Better Construction Management

    Instruct 2013 Conference

    Cloud computing and cloud based IT solutions are relatively recent advancement in enterprise solutions
    that have been gaining traction. While the construction industry has been slow to adopt these
    technologies, the scenario is definitely changing and adoption is increasing. Cloud based computing
    combined with the mobility offered by smartphones and tablet PCs are changing the landscape of IT
    solutions for managing construction projects. The flexibility of accessing information…

    Cloud computing and cloud based IT solutions are relatively recent advancement in enterprise solutions
    that have been gaining traction. While the construction industry has been slow to adopt these
    technologies, the scenario is definitely changing and adoption is increasing. Cloud based computing
    combined with the mobility offered by smartphones and tablet PCs are changing the landscape of IT
    solutions for managing construction projects. The flexibility of accessing information anywhere and the
    ability to buy computing power at affordable rates implies that construction projects can now take
    advantage of additional computing power to deliver a new generation of collaboration and decision
    support solutions. Forward looking construction companies can take their business to new heights if they
    can evolve to thinking of their business as an agile supply chain rather than a fragmented, litigious
    industry that it is traditionally seen as. In other words, the combination of cloud solutions on mobile
    technologies is a potent combination that has definite advantages for the construction industry, given the
    fragmented and distributed nature of the industry. But the solutions are not a panacea in itself; successful
    adoption depends on successful migration of processes and relationships as well that need to change.
    This paper will discuss cloud based IT solutions and its applicability in this context for the construction

    See publication
  • Construction Supply Chain Maturity Model – Conceptual Framework

    15th Annual Conference on Lean Construction

    Construction supply chain management has been researched and discussed in various
    academic and industry segments for a few years now. Members of FIATECH are
    discussing and defining the processes, standards, and schemas around construction supply
    chain management. There is a growing realization among the members of the AEC
    community of the need to remove inefficiencies in the construction supply chain and
    improve operational excellence, but the steps to achieve them is not clear…

    Construction supply chain management has been researched and discussed in various
    academic and industry segments for a few years now. Members of FIATECH are
    discussing and defining the processes, standards, and schemas around construction supply
    chain management. There is a growing realization among the members of the AEC
    community of the need to remove inefficiencies in the construction supply chain and
    improve operational excellence, but the steps to achieve them is not clear. In this paper,
    the authors will present a conceptual framework of construction supply chain maturity
    model (CSCMM) to address the above issues, drawing on similar research done in
    manufacturing supply chains and software processes. The objective of the framework
    will be to provide a roadmap for members to realizing operational excellence so that
    collectively the construction project can realize the benefits of improved performance.
    This paper will explore the maturity model and its benefits to performance of both firm
    level and construction project level performance.

    See publication
  • Opportunities for IT to Support the Construction Supply Chain

    3rd ASCE Joint IT Symposium on IT in Civil Engineering,

    The fragmented nature of the construction industry presents special challenges for the applicationof information technologies (IT) to the construction supply chain. With few exceptions to-date,information technologies have not made a significant impact on construction practice. Despitelimited successes, there have been increasing calls by industry for application of supply chainthinking to construction. The FIATECH initiative, in particular, has defined a project for an“integrated and automated…

    The fragmented nature of the construction industry presents special challenges for the applicationof information technologies (IT) to the construction supply chain. With few exceptions to-date,information technologies have not made a significant impact on construction practice. Despitelimited successes, there have been increasing calls by industry for application of supply chainthinking to construction. The FIATECH initiative, in particular, has defined a project for an“integrated and automated procurement and supply network” with a mid-term vision for implementation. The authors’ experience with applying IT solutions to the construction supplychain suggests that much of the FIATECH vision is achievable with development anddeployment of current technologies. However, in reference to current fragmentation of theindustry, the authors’ argue that supply chain information technologies must be deployed incoherent, staged implementations that provide integrated solutions to supply management problems. In this paper, we review lessons learned from supply chain IT implementations inmanufacturing and construction. This review is used to develop recommendations for supplychain capabilities in construction and related sets of information technologies to supportimplementation efforts

    Other authors
    • O’Brien William
    See publication


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