
Leonhard Euler and the mechanics of rigid bodies*

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Published 19 October 2016 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd
, , Citation J E Marquina et al 2017 Eur. J. Phys. 38 015001DOI 10.1088/0143-0807/38/1/015001



In this work we present the original ideas and the construction of the rigid bodies theory realised by Leonhard Euler between 1738 and 1775. The number of treatises written by Euler on this subject is enormous, including the most notorious Scientia Navalis (1749), Decouverte d'un noveau principe de mecanique (1752), Du mouvement de rotation des corps solides autour d'un axe variable (1765), Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum (1765) and Nova methodus motu corporum rigidorum determinandi (1776), in which he developed the ideas of the instantaneous rotation axis, the so-called Euler equations and angles, the components of what is now known as the inertia tensor, the principal axes of inertia, and, finally, the generalisation of the translation and rotation movement equations for any system.

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1. Introduction

In 2015 we commemorated the 250th anniversary of the publication of Theoria motus corporum solidorum seu rigidorum (Theory of the motion of solid or rigid bodies) (Euler 1765b)3 , published by Leonhard Euler in 1765.

When the reader hears this title, he/she tends to think that this text features all the very important contributions made by Euler to rigid body dynamics, but a careful study of this work reveals, as pointed out by Truesdell (1968b, p 603), that it is disperse and full of examples that deviate the reader's attention away from the theory corpus. In fact the relevant results for the treatment of rigid bodies are found in previous manuscripts. Euler somehow tried, in this book, to make a compendium of all his previous results, but he clearly could not accomplish this goal. In this work we present the lengthy path travelled by Euler to build his rigid body theory, from his Scientia Navalis (Naval science) (Euler 1749)4 probably finished in 1738, up to his Nova methodus motum corporum rigidorum determinandi (A new method for generating the motion of a rigid body) (Euler 1776)5 , written in 1775. We ought to state that we have tried to maintain, as much as is possible, the original notation that Euler used at each step.

2. Discussion

It could be said that Euler began to develop the theory of rigid bodies due to his great interest in the motion of ships. Therefore in 1735 or 1736 he began to write his second treatise on mechanics6 , Scientia Navalis (Euler 1736). It is in this work that Euler proposed that the movement of a ship could be described by a translation plus a rotation about an axis that passes through the ship's centre of gravity. This was achieved by thinking in terms of a force opposite to the resultant of all the forces acting on the ship's centre of gravity, so this point would be at rest. It is possible, then, to think of the separation of the progressive movement (translational) from the rotational one about an axis passing through the gravity centre, because the force he introduced did not affect the rotation (i.e. it did not generate a torque). This way, two independent principles were required to describe the motion of the ship (and of a rigid body in general). The translation was described by Newton in his second law, so an equation to describe the rotation movement was now necessary.

One could intuitively think that the equation for rotation should be similar to the translational one, i.e. if the second law (of motion) is written as:

then an equivalent to the mass and the angular acceleration should appear in the rotation equation. In the work called Dissertation sur la meilleure construction du cabestan (Dissertation on the best construction of a winch) (Euler 1745)—in the same period as Scientia Navalis—Euler gave the explicit relation between the equation describing the translational and the relative one to the rotation when he pointed out that: 'Thus [the moment] of the acting forces divided by the moment of the matter [the moment of inertia], gives the force of rotation [the angular acceleration], exactly in the same way as in the rectilinar motion the [...] force divided by the [...] mass of the body gives the acceleration. This remarkable analogy well deserves to be underlined' (Maltese 2000, p 327). This way and for the first time, Euler set, for the movement of rotation of a ship about a rotation axis passing through its gravity centre and perpendicular to the movement plane, that:

Equation (1)

M being the moment of all the forces producing rotation (i.e. the torque), $\left[\int {r}^{2}{\rm{d}}{m}\right]=I$ the inertia moment and ω the angular velocity, so that:

Equation (2)

where F is the magnitude of the resultant of the forces producing the torque, and r is the lever arm.

The problem concerning ships was important for Euler, so he spent much time researching it. However, there was another more fundamental problem at that time: the precession of the equinoxes. Newton in his Principia (Newton 1999, pp 751–7)7 was the first one to give an explanation of this phenomenon. Afterwards, and parallel to Euler, D'Alembert approached the problem, improving the Newtonian approach, but it was Euler who approached it in a general way, giving birth to rigid body mechanics.

In 1750 Euler presented, in the Academy of Berlin, a manuscript entitled Decouverte d'un noveau principe de mecanique (Discovery of a new principle in mechanics) (Euler 1752)8 , in which he poses the first version of the equations that feature his name, the 'Euler equations'. For their deduction, he begins with a 'determination of the movement in general of which a solid body is capable, while its centre of gravity remains at rest' (Wilson 1987, p 259). To achieve this, Euler introduces the idea of an instantaneous rotation axis. In fact, the concept had already be proposed by D'Alembert in his Recherches sur la precession des equinoxes (Researches on the precession of equinoxes) (D'Alambert 1749)9 for the case of Earth, but it is Euler who demonstrates the existence of such an axis in a general way. In Euler's words: 'Assuming, then, the gravity centre of whichever solid body at rest ... I shall demonstrate in what follows that independently of the movement of such body, it shall occur that not only the gravity centre shall remain at rest, but that there would also exist an infinity of points situated along a straight line passing through the gravity centre which would likewise find themselves without movement. This is, that independently of the movement of the body, it shall exist in each instant, a rotation movement about an axis passing thought the gravity centre' (Euler 1752, p 188).

For the demonstration of the existence of the instantaneous rotation axis (Euler 1752, pp 197–204), Euler introduced a cartesian axes system fixed in absolute space, in which the origin is the gravity centre of a rigid body. Afterwards he considered a point Z of the body that moves with a velocity (P, Q, R) with coordinates (x, y, z), and a point Z010 with coordinates $(x+{\rm{d}}{x},y+{\rm{d}}{y},z+{\rm{d}}{z})$, that moves with a velocity $(P+{\rm{d}}P,Q+{\rm{d}}Q,R+{\rm{d}}R)$ 11 separated by a distance d, given by

Equation (3)

After a time interval dt, the coordinates of the two points shall be


Due to the fact that it is a rigid body, the distance between the two points ought to be the same, so after the time interval dt elapses, we have:

Equation (4)

Equating (3) and (4), and neglecting the terms $({{\rm{d}}{P}}^{2}+{{\rm{d}}{Q}}^{2}+{{\rm{d}}{R}}^{2}){{\rm{d}}{t}}^{2}$, we have that:


Equation (5)

Afterwards, Euler assumed the case in which dx = dy = 0, which implies dR = 0, so we have that R does not depend on z. Repeating the same argument, Euler finds that P does not depend on x, and that Q does not depend on y, so that:

Equation (6)

with A, B, C being constants.

Inasmuch as the instantaneous rotation axis ought to be instantaneously at rest, Euler determined, by a variable change, that the points for which the speed (P, Q, R) is equal to zero in the dt interval are: x = Cu, y = −Bu, z = Au, where u is the new variable. These points determine a direct line passing throught the origin, the instantaneous rotation axis. Afterwards, Euler identified the angular velocity of the body as12 :

Equation (7)

Once he had demonstrated the existence of the instantaneous rotation axis, Euler was interested in calculating the acceleration of a mass element dM, so as to later be able to apply the second law of Newton. With this goal (Euler 1752, pp 205–10) he assumed a system of three fixed axes in absolute space, mutually perpendicular. From equation (6), the displacement of a point with coordinates x, y, z during the interval dt, could be expressed as:

Equation (8)

where λ = A, μ = −B and ν = C, so now the angular velocity is

Equation (9)

and differentiating equation (8) it is obtained that:

Equation (10)

At this point, Euler was able to apply the second law for a mass element dM. In this way, the force in the direction of the three axes is (Euler 1716)13 :

Equation (11)


Equation (12)

From this point, Euler stated that '... in order to know exactly the status of these forces, it is necessary to take into account only their moments with respect to our three axes ...' (Euler 1752, p 208). Each one of the three components of the force that acts on the mass dM, shall have a moment (the torque components, in modern language), about two of the three axes.

Thereby, Euler determined the moments on the three axes (Euler 1752, pp 208–9)14 in such a way that the moment on z is:

Equation (13)

the y component is

Equation (14)

and lastly, on x

Equation (15)

Integrating these equations on a mass element, and defining:

where Euler emphasised that Mff, Mgg and Mhh are the inertia moments of the body along the three fixed axes, it was obtained that (Euler 1752, pp 209–10):

Equation (16)

It could be said that these expressions are the first version of the Euler equations, which would be expressed in a modern fashion as:

Equation (17)

where N = (Nx, Ny, Nz) is the torque, ${\boldsymbol{\omega }}=({\omega }_{x},{\omega }_{y},{\omega }_{z})$ the angular velocity, Ixx, Iyy, Izz the inertia moments and Ixy, Iyz, Izx the inertia products. The components are represented by a two order tensor, expressed by a 3 × 3 symmetric matrix, where the diagonal elements are the inertia moments and the remainder are the inertia products. The I tensor receives the inertia tensor name.

These equations were a big step in the understanding of a rigid body, but it is clear that their integration is a complex problem and aditionally, as it is pointed out by Euler, '... from these formulae it shall be known for each instant, the change in the position of the rotation axis and of the angular velocity. It is then necessary to change each instant the position of the three axes ... This coerces to calculate for each instant the values ll, mm, nn, ff, gg, hh, insomuch as the change in the position of the body with respect to the three axes shall cause continuous variations' (Euler 1752, p 214).

In 1751, Euler in Du mouvement de rotation des corps solides autour d'un axe variable (On the movement of rotation of solid bodies around a variable axis) (Euler 1765a)15 , considering the problem that represents the calculation with time of the inertia tensor components, changed the scope, introducing axes fixed to the body, choosing them as the principal of inertia, i.e. the axes in which the inertia tensor is diagonal (Wilson 1987, pp 264–70)16 .

Euler chose a system of axes fixed in absolute space IA, IB, IC and determined the position of the rotation axis IO through the angles AIO = α, AIB = β and AIC = γ. Afterwards, he considered a point Z of the rigid body, with coordinates (x, y, z) with respect to axes IA, IB, IC, and he chooses three mutually perpendicular axes Za, Zb and Zc, parallel to the axes in absolute space, in such a way that they passed through Z and were the principal of inertia. If a body is rotating along the IO axis with an angular velocity ω, the components on Za, Zb and Zc could be expressed by means of the direction cosines

with ${\cos }^{2}\alpha +{\cos }^{2}\beta +{\cos }^{2}\gamma =1$.

The velocity (u, v, w) of the point Z, with respect to the principal axes, is:

Equation (18)

Differentiating the component u with respect to time, it is obtained that:

Substituting dy = vdt and dz = wdt, and using the fact that the sum of the square of the direction cosines is 1, arrives at:

Equation (19)

and, analogously, differentiating the other two components and substituting dx = udt, dy = vdt and dz = wdt, obtains, respectively:

Equation (20)

Equation (21)

At this point, Euler was able to apply the second law of Newton, so the components of the force on a mass element dM (let us remember that, accordingly to Euler, M is the weight) is: $\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{M}}{2g}\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{u}}{{\rm{d}}{t}},\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{M}}{2g}\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{v}}{{\rm{d}}{t}},\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{M}}{2g}\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{w}}{{\rm{d}}{t}}$ 17 .

Substituting equations (19), (20) and (21), we have:

Equation (22)

From here, it is possible to calculate the moments of the forces in each axis, obtaining, for the component along the Za axis

from where, integrating on the mass element dM, arrives at

which can be rewritten as:

Now, inasmuch as the axes are the principal of inertia, the inertia products are zero, i.e.

and defining the moments of inertia as:

doing the same calculation for the other two components, and defining P, Q and R as the moments of the forces along the principal axes, Euler arrived at:

Equation (23)

which are the known 'Euler equations' for a rigid body, referred to as principal inertia axes, and with the angular velocity components in terms of the angles α, β, γ, which are the angles subtended by the rotation axes with the principal ones fixed in the body. It could be said that these are the Euler angles, although actually they are usually defined by applying the rotation operator to the axes fixed on the body, so that each angle is related to the angular velocities of rotation known as precession, nutation and spin.

In modern language, these equations  are presented as:

Equation (24)

where 1, 2, 3 are the principal axes of inertia fixed to the body; the components of angular velocity in this system are ${\boldsymbol{\omega }}=({\omega }_{1},{\omega }_{2},{\omega }_{3})$, the torque is ${\bf{N}}=({N}_{1},{N}_{2},{N}_{3})$ and the diagonal elements of the inertia tensor are I11, I22 and I33.

Once Euler established the moment of moment idea, of an instantaneous rotation axis, Euler equations and principal axes of inertia, it could be said that his contribution to the mechanics of a  rigid body was complete, and it would seem that he also thought it himself, because he devoted himself to preparing a work that, judging by his title, represents a compendium of his work in the mechanics of rigid bodies, Theoria motus corporum rigidorum seu solidorum, appeared in 1765. Nevertheless, this voluminous work did not result in an adequate compendium, insomuch as Euler disaggregated it himself in excessive detail without clarifying what he posed before, nor stating anything else18 .

A real contribution to the mechanics of rigid bodies is found in his Nova methodus motu corporum rigidorum determinandi (A new method for generating the motion of a rigid body) in which, for the first time, Euler posed, explicitly, one beside the other, the fundamental laws of mechanics (Euler 1776, p 224):

where dM is the infinitesimal mass element of the body; x, y, z, the position of the body in cartesian coordinates; P, Q, R the resultant of the external forces in each of the axes directions; i is a constant chosen depending on the used units; and S, T, U are the moments of the forces in the three directions x, y, z, respectively. In these equations, Euler did not provide the vector nature of S, T, U, i.e. did not consider them as the components of a unique physical entity (Borrelli 2011) and, although it could be alleged that in these equations the rotation equation of movement is already implicit, i.e. ${\bf{N}}=\tfrac{{\rm{d}}{\bf{L}}}{{\rm{d}}{t}}$ (with N the torque and L the angular momentum), Euler did not consider the time evolution of these equations.

The great contribution of Euler in his Nova methodus was to set these equations as general laws, independently of the specific problem, i.e. that they are valid for all bodies and all kinds of movement.

As Maltese thought, in this manuscript Euler is able to separate the description of the inertial properties from the application of the mechanics principles, inaugurating '... what we now call the Newtonian tradition in mechanics in its modern form' (Maltese 2000, p 340).

3. Conclusions

Mechanics in general, and rigid body mechanics in particular, was one of the topics that was of most relevant interest to Euler during his life. This interest allowed him to build, in a non-linear way—and in many cases in an apparently disordered one—the fundamental concepts of the mechanics of rigid bodies, which can be tracked in different works over 35 years, trying to solve the problems relative to the writing, presentation and publication dates.

Leaving this creative labyrinth, finally we find absolute clarity about the Eulerian thought that illuminated the 18th century culture, with a comparable brightness.


JJHG acknowledges partial support projects 20160105 and 20160576, as well as an EDI grant, all provided by SIP/IPN.


  • Euler, the man who 'put most of mechanics into its modern form' (Truesdell 1968 Essays in the History of Mechanics (Berlin: Springer) p 106).

  • This work is in The Euler Archive under the code E-289. This code refers to the Eneström index, made by the mathematician Gustav Eneström to classify the very large number of works done by Euler. This index enumerates 866 different manuscripts of Euler.

  • Scientia Navalis was probably written in 1738, but it was not published until 1749. A severe problem in analysing the genesis of the concepts in the oeuvre of Euler, is the fact that given its wideness, publishing policies and Euler's own attitude, there are manuscripts written in anticipation with respect to others, that were published subsequently. This fact remarks the necessity to track and distinguish the dates of writing, presentation and publication, so to be able to build a consistent picture of the development of the Eulerian corpus.

  • This work was written and presented in 1765, and was not published until 1776.

  • The first was Mechanica sive motus scientia analitice (Mechanics or analytical science of motion), in 1736, oeuvre in two volumes (E-15 and E-16), a treatise in which Euler formulated Newtonian mechanics using mathematical analysis. A detailed analysis of the mechanics of Euler can be found in (Suisky 2008).

  • Newton tackled the problem of the precession of the equinoxes in proposition XXXIX of Book III in Principia, but he was not able to give an answer with the rigour that he used to, because he overestimated, by a factor of two, the influence of the Moon on tides, relative to the Sun and to the ellipticity of Earth. Nevertheless, in lemmas I, II and III preceding proposition XXXIX, he prefigures the concepts of the inertia moment and the moment of moments in the context of the analysis of a rigid body rotating about a fixed axis passing throught the mass centre.

  • Although he presented it in 1750, the publication of the Memories of the Academy of Berlin is in 1752.

  • In this manuscript, D'Alambert was the first one whom deduced correctly precession and nutation.

  • 10 

    Euler denoted the second point as z but, for the sake of clarity, we shall call it Z0.

  • 11 

    Euler does not denote the coordinates nor the velocity in vector form. Here we do so to ease the following of the argument.

  • 12 

    In modern mathematical language, it is obtained by setting

    and by a simple inspection of equation (6), it is clear that $A={\omega }_{y},B=-{\omega }_{z},C={\omega }_{x}$ and the magnitude of the angular velocity is ${[{A}^{2}+{B}^{2}+{C}^{2}]}^{1/2}={[{{\omega }_{x}}^{2}+{{\omega }_{y}}^{2}+{{\omega }_{z}}^{2}]}^{1/2}$, which is equation (7).

  • 13 

    In this work, written and presented in 1747, and published in 1749, he for the first time expresses the second law of Newton in terms of the components of the force in the three cartesian axes. The factor of 2 appearing in equation (11), is due to the units used by Euler. First, what Euler denominates as M, is the weight of the body, i.e. M = mg, and he chooses the units of position x and time t in a way that the velocity acquired by a body falling from a height h, is ${({\rm{d}}{x}/{\rm{d}}{t})}^{2}=h$. From this, it is clear that the units used by Euler, are such that g = 1/2, so the second law (of Newton) is expressed as ${\bf{F}}=m\ddot{{\bf{r}}}=\tfrac{M}{g}\ddot{{\bf{r}}}=2M\ddot{{\bf{r}}}$.

  • 14 

    In modern language, these equations are obtained in the following way. The torque N is equal to r × F, where F is the force and r the body's position vector, so that

    Substituting the components of the force given by equation (13), we obtain expressions (13), (14) and (15).

  • 15 

    Although this work is from 1751, it was presented in 1758, and not published until 1765.

  • 16 

    The existence of the principal inertia axes was published for the first time by Johannes Andreas Segner in his Specimen theoriae turbinum in 1755 (Segner 1765). Segner was a member of the Academy of Berlin and he knew Euler and his oeuvre very well, and although surely this knowledge was of great utility for him, the work of Segner is independent. For this reason, years later Laplace assured that the discovery of principal axes was of Segner (Wilson 1987, pp 264–70).

  • 17 

    Here, Euler changed again the units of space and time, and he defined them in terms of the distance g travelled by a body that falls from rest, during one second, i.e. ${\mathfrak{g}}=\tfrac{1}{2}{{gt}}^{2}=g/2$. So the second law (of Newton) can be written as ${\bf{F}}=m{\bf{a}}=\tfrac{M}{g}{\bf{a}}=\tfrac{M{\bf{a}}}{2{\mathfrak{g}}}$.

  • 18 

    In other aspects not strictly related to rigid bodies, Theoria motus corporum rigidorum seu solidorum is interesting, being that it provides a detailed examination of the dynamical bases of his theory, in addition to fathoming conceptions relative to absolute space and movement.

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