Teresa Ambrosio, PhD

Teresa Ambrosio, PhD

3024 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


Highly motivated, disruptive, and creative research scientist with 7 years’ experience of…



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  • Grafico De Nora

    De Nora

    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Nottingham, United Kingdom

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    Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

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    Nottingham, United Kingdom

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    Sandwich, England, United Kingdom

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    Nottingham, United Kingdom

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    Rome Area, Italy


  • Grafico University of Nottingham

    University of Nottingham


    Attività e associazioni:Society of Chemical Industry Ambassador, Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry, member of the Italian Society, Entepreneurs Society, Knitting Society and Sustainability Society

    -Created and implemented new technologies in the field of metal catalysis
    -Designed, developed and optimised a new catalytic reaction using Fe-catalysts for C-H halogenation
    -Limited studied on the understanding of the mechanism
    - -presented my research (poster) at the RSC Organic Division Meeting in April 2017, at the Engineer and Science for a Sustainable Future Conference in June 2017 and the IUPAC summer school in green chemistry in July 2018
    Attended professional training on…

    -Created and implemented new technologies in the field of metal catalysis
    -Designed, developed and optimised a new catalytic reaction using Fe-catalysts for C-H halogenation
    -Limited studied on the understanding of the mechanism
    - -presented my research (poster) at the RSC Organic Division Meeting in April 2017, at the Engineer and Science for a Sustainable Future Conference in June 2017 and the IUPAC summer school in green chemistry in July 2018
    Attended professional training on effective communication & presentations,
    -Organized and directed Science Communication festivals including Pint of Science

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    graduated among top 5% of my academic year

Licenze e certificazioni

Esperienze di volontariato

  • Grafico Alzheimer's Research UK

    Fundraiser Volunteer

    Alzheimer's Research UK

    - 5 mesi

    Scienza e tecnologia

    I joined the Running down Dementia campain. I ran 100 km over summer to raise £80 and support TeamARUK. Fundraising page https://runningdowndementia2017.everydayhero.com/uk/teresa-1

  • Grafico Royal Society of Chemistry

    OutReach Volunteer

    Royal Society of Chemistry

    - 7 mesi

    Scienza e tecnologia

    Took part at the event "Science in the Park", held at Wollaton Park, Nottingham. Event promoted by the Royal Society of Chemistry aimed at engaging families and children with chemistry. Helped in the otganisation of the Gravity field festival in Grantham

  • Member

    Associazione Culturale Ciclonauti

    - 2 anni e 7 mesi


    no-profit association “Ciclonauti”,as a member of the association one is involved in
    collecting wasted bicycles from tips, fixing them and selling them during some astas in auction, the money goes to pay all the bills and the rent of the building.One also helped all
    those who desire to fix their own bicycle or to build a bicycle themselves. On holds some demonstration to persuade people in using bicycles as mean of everyday transport

  • Grafico Antropia.it

    Digital content creator


    - Presente 1 anno e 7 mesi


    Sharing scientific content for their Instagram page


  • Becoming a high performance team member


  • Communicating science with confidence


  • Communicating science with writing


  • Delivering Dynamic Presentation


  • Effective presentation


  • Energy and Feedstocks


  • From Bench to Bank


  • Innovation and Technology Transfer


  • Introducion to Sustainability


  • Maximising the benefit of attending conferences


  • Preparing for business leadership


  • Professional business networking


  • Proposal to pitch


  • Safebridge Bootcamp in handling potent materials


  • Science and Communicatio


  • Science and Philosophy



  • Engeenering and Science for Sustaibable Future Conference

    As SCI ambassador, I encouraged the Society of Chemical Industry to sponsor the event, I showcased SCI during the event, made students aware about their benefits in supporting graduate studies. I also suggested the commitee to invite Sir Stoddard, Nobel laureate in Chemistry 2016, as keynote speaker of the event.

    Altri creatori
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  • Young Entrepreneur Scheme

    The aim of the project was to market and promote a new process of making polymers using waste as starting materials. The process also used a novel genetically modified bacteria. We had to come up with a business plan and strategy to market our technology.
    During this experience, I acquire knowledge about patenting and protecting your scientific idea, how to do market research, how to pitch a business plan to a panel of investors. I also strenghened my team-working and time-managment skills.

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  • Women in Chemistry Conference


    Women in Chemistry is a one-day student-led event aim at increasing visibility of women in science and chemistry. I decided to join the organising committee and help from the sideline. I secured the sponsorship of the Society of Chemical Industry and will be involved in the publicity side of the event.

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  • Pint of Science 2018


    As part of the Pint of Science Nottingham committee, I organised Pint of Science, a science festival to promote STEM outreach. Specifically, I gathered together a group of academics, actively involved in sustainability, to educate people about the importance of the global goals and sustainable development.

    Vedi progetto

Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Heroines of STEM 2019


    I have been nominated as one of the most influential and inspirational social media scientists of 2018 by public vote

  • Asynt.ltd Sustanaibility Ambassador


  • SCI Ambassador

    Society of Chemical Industry

    Increasing awareness of SCI activities in universities and industry, opportunities for networking and professional development.

Votazione esame


    Votazione: 7

    Certification of English languange proficiency


  • Italian

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • English

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • Spanish

    Conoscenza base

  • HTLM

    Conoscenza lavorativa limitata


  • Sustainability Society


    - Presente
  • Knit-a-SoC


    - Presente

    Knit-a-Soc is the University of Nottingham’s knitting and crochet society

  • Nottingham Entrerpeneurs Society


    - Presente

    This society supports innovation and creativity - start a business and learn from industry professionals

  • Society of Chemical Industry

    Young Research

    - Presente
  • Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry


Altre attività di Teresa

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