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And then there were five.
Daughtry bass player Josh Paul announced Sunday he is leaving the band. In an Instagram post, Paul said "now is the moment for change."
"Today, I announce my departure from the band. For the last fifteen years, Daughtry has been a second family and musical adventure. It has been both an honor and a pleasure to share the stage with the guys. My gratitude for having shared this experience and enjoying the friendship is immeasurable. Its been a helluva ride fellas!" Paul said.
Paul has been the bass player of Daughtry since 2006. He was one of four original members of the band, alongside Jeremy Brady, Josh Steely and Joey Barnes. Paul is the latest band member to announce his exit from Daughtry since drummer Robin Diaz in 2014.
Paul added:
"For me, now is the moment for change. Over the last year I have had a chance to reflect on my life, my family, and my career. I am grateful for the opportunities, the experiences and none of it, I take for granted. More than ever, I clearly recognize how truly fortunate that I am. The past year has also been a time to reflect on my hopes, dreams and the importance of taking the steps to ensure that I continue to grow not only as a musician, but as a human being, father, a husband, and to further pursue forward motion."
He said he wishes Daughtry nothing but success.
Daughtry is currently on its "The Dearly Beloved Tour" with stops scheduled in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, Michigan and Wisconsin in the next several weeks. The band is scheduled to be on tour through March until going abroad to Germany and the United Kingdom in June.