Beneath her icy core lay a desperate desire to love, she would use anyone to find it.
A nymphomaniac young woman, unsatisfied by her husband, searches for sex in the brothels of a seaside town while he sets to kill her.
A nymphomaniac young woman, unsatisfied by her husband, searches for sex in the brothels of a seaside town while he sets to kill her.
Vögel sterben in Peru, Las aves morirán en Perú, ペルーの鳥
Adriana: "I'm afraid..."
Rainer: "Of what?"
Adriana: "Of myself."
Esoteric beachfront art house eurosleaze - or at least you would think so given that this was the first motion picture to ever receive an 'X' rating from the MPAA.
Feel fortunate to have - by complete, random serendipity - read this enormously relevant article by Megan Koester last evening, as it - incidentally - provided me with the key(s) necessary to unlock and appreciate this movie on its own terms.
Truthfully, this is a willfully obtuse and loosely autobiographical film about love, desire, and female psychology from writer-turned-movie-director Romain Gary, starring his then-wife Jean Seberg; a film where sex is a mere suggestion and perversity (that unseeable sickness) is the…
For as big of a bitch as it was to find this fucker, it sure didn't make up for it by being rad.
Were all of those dead birds really dead birds? Or were they just the result of a super on top of it prop department? I sure hope it was the latter cuz boy must that beach have stank if they were real...
If this was a gift from my husband: directing me in a film based on a short story he wrote about me, I would be pretty pissed.
Takes the sleepy-surreal beachside eroticism of Jean Rollin as far as it can, but without any eye for artistry or sick vampires this never manages to shift out of first gear. If you need a supplement to your Rollin/Robbe-Grillet fix it’ll do in a pinch, but you’ll be hard pressed to find anything else here.
Писатель Ромен Гари снял в главной роли нимфоманки свою тогдашнюю жену, красавицу Сиберг, которая большую часть времени говорит многозначительную чушь, проклинает свое грязное тело, спит с мужиками (это снято довольно целомудренно) и пиздострадательски мотается туда-сюда по пляжу, пока не встречает неудавшегося писателя Мориса Роне. Всё это время ее ищут богатый муж и его шофер-телохранитель. Пустая артси-драма, такая же претенциозная, как и ее в принципе красивое оригинальное название, "Птицы летят умирать в Перу".
Compare to The book it wasn't good. The Story( The Birds Come to Die in Peru) by Romain Gary is One of my favorite short stories.
Dans la longue tradition des rapports cinéma/littérature, et plus précisément des écrivains au cinéma, les années 60/70 sont indéniablement deux décennies de grands foisonnements.
Non seulement on y a vu émerger de véritables écrivains cinéastes, Pasolini, Duars, Robbe-Grillet, mais plus que tout autre décennie, ce rapport a entraîné avec lui de nouvelles possibilités pour le cinéma.
Parmi ces nouvelles possibilités il y a ce fameux "cinéma mental" dont le parfait exemple se trouve dans les trois premiers films d'Alain Resnais, tout trois signés au scénario pas de grands écrivains de l'époque: Duras pour "Hiroshima", Robbe-Grillet pour "Marienbab" et Cayrol pour "Muriel".
Le point commun entre ces trois films, qui créeront en quelque sorte la grammaire du "cinéma mental", c'est que…
She twitches while making love, like a bird about to die.
( I prefer the literary version )
B movie film noir meets surrealist art-house featuring an understated power house performance by Jean Seberg. The isolation and sad desperation in her face always mesmerized me.
Take that and combine it with decent dreamy beach cinematography and a smartly written script and you have one of the better psycho sexual films of the era, at least by my estimate.
In the end it feels like the filmmker didn't understand Seberg or her character and that made the film all the more tragic.
I just hope a remastered video release comes along as this deserves a wider audience and wider recognition.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
From the literary school of everyone is diseased, everyone suffers eternally, and woman is the devil. Takes place entirely on a beach, with evidence of Adriana's latest couplings strewn about. Some look dead, some merely exhausted ("Birds come to this beach to die," we're told). Has Adriana been gang raped, as she maintains late in the film, or was she a willing participant? She staggers to a brothel located in another beach house down the way, and a few minutes after their acquaintance, the madam offers to take her far away. And later, a suicidal walk into the ocean is interrupted by the nice guy of the film, who also wants to save her.
Meanwhile, Adriana's husband and his homicidal…
Some good ideas:
– The first scene does a wonderful job in disorienting the viewer from the get go. The camera is appropriately close, the mise-en-scene surreal enough. Also, I love masks.
– The beach as a space where characters move forward and ultimately backward, search, stop, hide, wait, etc., some freer than others (the young boy is a trickster transgressing all borders?), is a good metaphor and gives the narrative a nice structure that it desperately needs.
– Symbolically, the dead birds are ridiculous, but visually they are sort of striking.
– The devilish driver is a cool character.
Otherwise, this is Ye Olde European Mythologizing of Female Lust bollocks, probably sort of embarrasing even in '68.