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  • ebo Graphic



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    San Gwann, Malta

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    Rome Area, Italy

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  • University of Malta Graphic

    University of Malta


    Activities and Societies: Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU) European Law Students Association (ELSA) Ghaqda Studenti tal-Ligi (GhSL) Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM)

    Subjects: ICT & Media Law, Maritime Law, International Law, Civil Law, Commercial Law, Criminal Law, Environmental & Resources Law, Legal History & Methodology, Public Law

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    Succession Law, Tax Law, Land Registration, Notarial Studies.

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    Activities and Societies: Kunsill Studenti Universitarji (KSU), Studenti Demokristjani Maltin (SDM), The Malta Law Society (GhSL) The European Law Students' Association (ELSA) AIESEC Malta

    Sociology, Research Methodologies, Legal Studies, Anthropology,
    Qualitative and Qualitative Approaches in Social Sciences, Social Policy, Classical
    Sociology, Culture and Society

Volunteer Experience

  • VHacks Graphic

    Mentor & Judge


    - 2 months

    Science and Technology

    VHacks is a 36-hour hackathon held in the Vatican, Rome where teams of students with diverse academic, ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds create technology-based solutions to address global problems. The focus is on three topical areas of (1) social inclusion, (2) interfaith dialogue, and (3) migrants & refugees.

    The event is sponsored by the world's largest tech companies, including Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, TIM, and pro-bono institutions, such as The Foundation for…

    VHacks is a 36-hour hackathon held in the Vatican, Rome where teams of students with diverse academic, ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds create technology-based solutions to address global problems. The focus is on three topical areas of (1) social inclusion, (2) interfaith dialogue, and (3) migrants & refugees.

    The event is sponsored by the world's largest tech companies, including Google, Microsoft, Salesforce, TIM, and pro-bono institutions, such as The Foundation for the Evangelization through the Media (FEM). Major news agencies such WIRED, EWTN, and The Catholic News Agency conducted in-depth coverage of the event.

    More on the event here:

  • EUvsVirus Graphic

    Specialist Mentor: AI


    - 4 months


    #EuvsVirus is a mission-driven initiative that has proven to be extremely efficient in our fight against this unexpected and world-changing challenge: coronavirus. Organised by the European Commission, #EuvsVirus created 2,164 multi-disciplinary, multi-nationality teams with innovative solutions throughout April, then sparked the development of 2,235 new cross-European partnerships by matching the best 120 teams with 500+ supportive partners from the public and private sectors throughout May.

  • Silicon Valletta Graphic


    Silicon Valletta

    - Present 3 years 6 months

    Science and Technology

    Silicon Valletta is a grouping of tech entrepreneurs that seek to accelerate Malta’s attractiveness & strengthen knowledge sharing within the #startup community 👉

  • Malta Blockchain Summit Graphic

    Hackathon Mentor

    Malta Blockchain Summit

    - Present 6 years 5 months

    Science and Technology

    Blockchain, which is the most prominent form of DLT, is envisioned to revolutionize human society over the coming decades in ways yet unimagined. Decentralized, as well as distributed solutions were the focus of this hackathon with evaluation based on the originality, feasibility, interoperability and benefits of the proposed initiative. We're helping entrepreneurs and innovators conceive of systems that are outside of legacy, centralised models.


  • Agile. Perspectives on Malta’s economy post COVID-19


    ISBN 978-99957-1-723-0

    Crises mark transitions and turning points. And it is exactly at these turning points that crises are productive. This is the moment when we can remove the aftertaste of catastrophe and use it as a “decisive turning point”, as per the meaning of the Greek word krisis.

    This publication seeks to not only analyse the impact of COVID-19 but more importantly to present a number of research-based recommendations and perspectives of this new normal. Agile…

    ISBN 978-99957-1-723-0

    Crises mark transitions and turning points. And it is exactly at these turning points that crises are productive. This is the moment when we can remove the aftertaste of catastrophe and use it as a “decisive turning point”, as per the meaning of the Greek word krisis.

    This publication seeks to not only analyse the impact of COVID-19 but more importantly to present a number of research-based recommendations and perspectives of this new normal. Agile. Perspectives on Malta's economy post COVID-19 presents an economic analysis supplemented by interviews with business leaders, social partners, expert contributions from different realms and an economic sentiment survey.

    We believe, more than ever, that this is the right time to define our future. Let us together work on charting an inclusive and sustainable economic model in the long run; where quality is valued more than quantity, where the environment is given its due importance and where the economy works for people.

    See publication
  • Navigating the Maltese Mediascape

    Kite Group

    ISBN 9789995750732

    Navigating the Maltese Mediascape is a first rate work by first rate professional experts in the field, providing excellent, original, well-researched and futuristic insights into a topic that deserves all the attention it can get. It is a fascinating collection of papers by an array of some of the most knowledgeable professionals on the local and international media scene.”
    – Philip Micallef, Former Chairman Malta Communications Authority

    See publication
  • Consumers’ use of Social Media in Malta

    University of Malta, ICON

    Digital technology has become an integral part of consumer activity in Malta and across the World. In fact, it has had such an impact on mainstream retail that Gartner Research predicts that by the year 2020, customers will manage 85% of their relationships with a Company without ever interacting with a human being. Social media plays a crucial role in these digital relationships and it appears that its significance will continue to grow in the future.

    See publication
  • An Alternative Future for Malta

    Times of Malta

    As distrust in governments worldwide soars, an inversion of roles is necessary for citizens to become active in decision-making. Political disengagement is commonplace because a sense of helplessness with no access to influencing public policy has set in.

    Digital integration of society may restore political activity spurred by bytes, not ballots – a model with positive goals in which subsidia­rity is realised through digital access.

    See publication
  • Ambitions in National Cyber Security

    Times of Malta

    The concept of what constitutes National Security has drastically changed with the coming of age of the Internet. Physical borders are only part of the puzzle. With increasing dependency on the Internet, new security vulnerabilities emerge and the ability to detect such threats is becoming more and more complex.

    See publication


  • Luxembourg Airport Digital Transformation

    - Present

    Lux-Airport is Luxembourg’s main airport and acts as the country’s focal hub for the rest of Europe. The airport receives over 3 million passengers per year travelling to 72 directs locations around the world.

    The project involved a digital transformation of the key customer facing technologies at the airport. The newly developed digital assets needed to establish the Lux-airport brand character as personal, aspirational, efficient, and easy.

    The technology solution engineer saw…

    Lux-Airport is Luxembourg’s main airport and acts as the country’s focal hub for the rest of Europe. The airport receives over 3 million passengers per year travelling to 72 directs locations around the world.

    The project involved a digital transformation of the key customer facing technologies at the airport. The newly developed digital assets needed to establish the Lux-airport brand character as personal, aspirational, efficient, and easy.

    The technology solution engineer saw a radical change in approach to the passenger-airport interface and included flight status tracking, indoor map and geo-positioning, electronic parking management, Business Intelligence tools, Automated marketing mechanisms and a cloud-based infrastructure.

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  • EuroCloud: Cloud Privacy Check

    Cloud Privacy Check (CPC) is a multinational project bringing together 45 specialist IT lawyers from 32 countries. The project outputs is as an online tool (in 26 different languages) which serves as a technical-legal guideline for cloud providers, customers and users. The CPC helps stakeholders to understand the generic value, concept and requirements of data protection regulations on a pan-European basis and makes it easy for them to handle country-specific differences with…

    Cloud Privacy Check (CPC) is a multinational project bringing together 45 specialist IT lawyers from 32 countries. The project outputs is as an online tool (in 26 different languages) which serves as a technical-legal guideline for cloud providers, customers and users. The CPC helps stakeholders to understand the generic value, concept and requirements of data protection regulations on a pan-European basis and makes it easy for them to handle country-specific differences with confidence.

    The Cloud Privacy Check (CPC) provide support by employing three key methods:

    • Simplification of a complex subject matter without loss in terms of content. The CPC elucidates the topic of data protection in the cloud providing a comprehensible and workable basis of information for people having to deal with the topic.
    • Structuring of a plethora of questions into individual topic-blocks which can be approached step by step – from the simplest to the most complex.
    • Separation of the generally applicable from the specific. This is probably the most significant aid for managing complex trans-border computing endeavours. By identifying similarities throughout countries, the CPC allows the user to focus on the differences which apply to their jurisdiction.

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  • Red Alert

    - Present

    To fight the war against terror, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are increasingly relying on social media intelligence (SOCMINT), a new field of intelligence covering a wide range of applications, techniques and capabilities analysing social media data, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Complex Event Processing (CEP).

    Commercial tools used by LEAs focus primarily on data mining and predictive analytics i.e…

    To fight the war against terror, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) are increasingly relying on social media intelligence (SOCMINT), a new field of intelligence covering a wide range of applications, techniques and capabilities analysing social media data, such as Natural Language Processing (NLP), Social Network Analysis (SNA), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Complex Event Processing (CEP).

    Commercial tools used by LEAs focus primarily on data mining and predictive analytics i.e. visualizing and analysing data on maps through time-sequence playback, centralizing multiple data stores in one system, discovering hidden value in existing information stores, sharing data with other law enforcement organizations.

    The RED-Alert solution covers a wide range of social media channels, in particular new channels such as Telegram and Periscope, which are increasingly used by terrorist groups to disseminate their content. The RED-Alert solution allows LEAs to take coordinated action in real-time while preserving the privacy of citizens.

    The specific objectives of RED-Alert are:

    - Improve available building blocks (NLP, SNA, CEP) and combine them with artificial intelligence (AI) in order to support the language, usability and privacy-preserving requirements of the RED-Alert solution
    - Integrate all building blocks (NLP, SNA, CEP) in a holistic solution with real-time collaborative capabilities and create a baseline system (development environment) for current and future use
    - Involve law enforcement agencies in the specification and the demonstration of the RED-Alert solution
    - Disseminate the project results in the scientific and law enforcement communities, prepare the exploitation of the RED-Alert solution and its individual modules

    RED-Alert outperforms state-of-the-art solutions in terms of performance, usability (visualization, real-time operation, collaboration, development support) and privacy protection.

    See project
  • European Training Platform

    - Present

    The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) - situated in Brussels - identified a need for lawyers from different member states to train and learn about the legal systems of their European neighbours. Through the conceptualisation and development of a training web portal to allow lawyers from different member states to familiarise themselves with the legal systems ICON delivered a complex mobility solution for its client.

    The CCBE was awarded a grant from the European…

    The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) - situated in Brussels - identified a need for lawyers from different member states to train and learn about the legal systems of their European neighbours. Through the conceptualisation and development of a training web portal to allow lawyers from different member states to familiarise themselves with the legal systems ICON delivered a complex mobility solution for its client.

    The CCBE was awarded a grant from the European Commission (EC) to implement this project. After an initial testing phases, the ETP will become available on the European Union’s e-Justice portal and in turn will be made available to all legal practitioners in various European countries.

    Key tasks & outline of involvement: (i) Evaluation of business case, (ii) Management of tender response process, (iii) Identification and contracting with project partners and sub-contractors to ensure clear terms of engagement and action, (iii) Development of financial model and capital plan, (iv) Risk identification and mitigation, (v) ISO9001:2008 process enforcement for such project, (vi) Contracting process and alignment of legal, business and technical requirements, (vii) Consulting of all project teams involved in the execution of the project.

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    - Present

    OPTIMIZR is an EU funded €1.1 million science and technology project which seeks to combine information technology, social media and data modelling capabilities to predict outcomes for social media marketing initiatives.

    ICON is a key contributor to OPTIMIZR and once launched, the system will be available as an API so that developers can create their own bespoke market analysis tools and still benefit from the sophisticated OPTIMIZR algorithms.

    These tools will allow the end user…

    OPTIMIZR is an EU funded €1.1 million science and technology project which seeks to combine information technology, social media and data modelling capabilities to predict outcomes for social media marketing initiatives.

    ICON is a key contributor to OPTIMIZR and once launched, the system will be available as an API so that developers can create their own bespoke market analysis tools and still benefit from the sophisticated OPTIMIZR algorithms.

    These tools will allow the end user to increase the visibility of their products, services or brands, by means of: (1) Maximizing the impact of social media campaigns, and (2) Monitoring social media marketing impact.

    Other creators
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  • DemoEV Life10ENV/MT/088

    Partially funded by the EU Commission's EU Life+ funding programme, the project contributes towards the attainment of a carbon neutral road transportation system in Malta by putting into practice, testing, evaluating and disseminating a number of actions with respect to the achievement of electro mobility. This, in the long run, will decrease the level of dependency on internal combustion engines which are a major contributing factor to the deteriorating air quality levels in several localities…

    Partially funded by the EU Commission's EU Life+ funding programme, the project contributes towards the attainment of a carbon neutral road transportation system in Malta by putting into practice, testing, evaluating and disseminating a number of actions with respect to the achievement of electro mobility. This, in the long run, will decrease the level of dependency on internal combustion engines which are a major contributing factor to the deteriorating air quality levels in several localities around the Maltese Islands.

    The project's technical development includes complex customer development to allow customer to book, control and extract performance data from electric charging points.

    Key tasks & outline of involvement: (i) Overview of project planning, (ii) Verification of requirements gathering and project validity, (iii) Review of system and interface design, (iv) Analysis of functional construction including testing and deployment, and (v) Management review of support and operational services (including digital marketing) to ensure high levels of customer satisfaction.

    Other creators
    See project

Honors & Awards

  • Enterprise Awards

    Enterprise Awards

    The Enterprise Awards, founded in 2011 by John O’Connell, Executive Chairman of ScaleUp Group, aim to recognise high-achieving founders in the UK technology sector. Each year, the Awards bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and advisors to honour the most impactful individuals in technology.

    The 'Emerging Entrepreneur' category in the Enterprise Awards recognises new and promising entrepreneurs who have shown exceptional potential and achievements in the technology sector.

  • Selected VHacks Mentor


    VHacks is a 36-hour hackathon where students with diverse academic, ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds, create technology-based solutions to address specific problems

  • Equality Mark Certification

    National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (Government of Malta)

    This certification has been awarded to ICON and is based on evidence of a true commitment to implement relevant policies and practices that concern gender equality and family friendly measures at the place of work. Through this certification, ICON is recognised as an equal opportunities employer offering equal pay for work of equal value.

  • Google Partner status


    ICON is delighted and proud to announce that as of April, 2016 the company is a qualified and recognised Google Partner. Achieving partnership with Google is yet another milestone in affirming ICON’s status as a reliable, committed and innovative brand which obsesses over achieving outstanding results for its clients.

    A Google Partner is an Online Marketing Company which has been given Google’s stamp of approval for producing excellent results and generating revenue for its clients…

    ICON is delighted and proud to announce that as of April, 2016 the company is a qualified and recognised Google Partner. Achieving partnership with Google is yet another milestone in affirming ICON’s status as a reliable, committed and innovative brand which obsesses over achieving outstanding results for its clients.

    A Google Partner is an Online Marketing Company which has been given Google’s stamp of approval for producing excellent results and generating revenue for its clients through using Google’s products and top industry practices. According to Google, the Partner Badge is an assurance that ‘your business is healthy, your clients are happy and you follow Google’s best practices’.

  • ITIL Foundation Certificate

    FOX IT

    ITIL is a set of practices for IT Service Management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business. ITIL underpins ISO/IEC 20000and describes processes, procedures, tasks, and checklists which are not organization-specific, but can be applied by an organization for establishing integration with the organization's strategy, delivering value, and maintaining a minimum level of competency.

    ITIL is a joint venture between UK Government (HM Cabinet Office) and Capita…

    ITIL is a set of practices for IT Service Management (ITSM) that focuses on aligning IT services with the needs of business. ITIL underpins ISO/IEC 20000and describes processes, procedures, tasks, and checklists which are not organization-specific, but can be applied by an organization for establishing integration with the organization's strategy, delivering value, and maintaining a minimum level of competency.

    ITIL is a joint venture between UK Government (HM Cabinet Office) and Capita Plc.


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