Arjen Rodenburg

Arjen Rodenburg

Lelystad, Flevoland, Nederland
3K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


Project manager of the ShareDiMobiHub and the eHUBS project: electric shared mobility in…


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  • Provincie Zeeland grafisch

    Provincie Zeeland

    Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands

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    Utrecht, Netherlands

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    Delft, South Holland, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Lelystad, Flevoland, Netherlands

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    Delft Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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    Amsterdam Area, Netherlands

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  • eHUBS: Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs

    - heden

    By providing a critical mass of eHUBS (physical cluster of shared electric mobility modes of transport) and make available shared mobility to the end-user, we kickstart the mobility transition. While eHUBS are technically feasible, deployment is hindered because of slow user adaptation, lagging urban planning and legislative/policy hurdles. Critical mass and scalability is key and knowledge transfer is absolutely necessary to remove barriers for local authorities. Partner cities from 5…

    By providing a critical mass of eHUBS (physical cluster of shared electric mobility modes of transport) and make available shared mobility to the end-user, we kickstart the mobility transition. While eHUBS are technically feasible, deployment is hindered because of slow user adaptation, lagging urban planning and legislative/policy hurdles. Critical mass and scalability is key and knowledge transfer is absolutely necessary to remove barriers for local authorities. Partner cities from 5 countries will realize and promote eHUBS and pave the way for others to do the same.

    Project weergeven
  • Smart Shared Green Mobility Hubs (eHUBS)


    Developed a project for the realisation of 92 eHubs in Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Leuven and Manchester. In close cooperation with shared e-mobility providers Cargoroo and Urbee. eHubs provides electric shared mobility (and matching charging infrastructure), such as e-bikes, e-cargobikes, LEVs and electric cars. Public space is made available to offer shared electric mobility to residents, commuters and tourists.

    The challenge lies primarily in the scale and diversity: sufficient supply within…

    Developed a project for the realisation of 92 eHubs in Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Leuven and Manchester. In close cooperation with shared e-mobility providers Cargoroo and Urbee. eHubs provides electric shared mobility (and matching charging infrastructure), such as e-bikes, e-cargobikes, LEVs and electric cars. Public space is made available to offer shared electric mobility to residents, commuters and tourists.

    The challenge lies primarily in the scale and diversity: sufficient supply within walking distance for the user, but also car trips of one hour. There is also a challenge in the scale for the commercial partners: sufficient use is necessary, otherwise the overhead is relatively too large and there is no business model.

    The project will now be further developed and will start in 2019. TU Delft, together with the universities of Newcastle and Antwerp, support the eHubs project with insights from Transport Modelling, nudging, mobility, behaviour and business cases. A number of network organisations, such as POLIS (an EU network of cities), support the initiative and will ensure that more (European) cities and providers of partial mobility join in the future.


  • Engels

    Professionele werkvaardigheid

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