Deborah Nas

Deborah Nas

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
11K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


I love technology, I’m fascinated how markets and systems work, and I’m curious for what…

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  • grafisch

    Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

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    The Hague, South Holland, Netherlands

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    Delft, South Holland, Netherlands

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    Delft Area, Netherlands

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Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • TU Delft grafisch

    Member of the Education Advisory Board

    TU Delft

    - 6 jaar

    Wetenschap en techniek

    The Education Advisory Board of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering carries out external reviews of the education and its content. In recent years, for example, we assessed the industry relevance of the plans for the recalibrated Master programs and executed an internal degree audit.

  • TU Delft grafisch

    Chairperson IO Alumni Association

    TU Delft

    - 15 jaar 6 maanden

    Wetenschap en techniek

    The IO Alumni Association organizes networking events for all IDE graduates. To become a member of the IO Alumni association, you must have completed the bachelor or master of Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology.


  • ABC of innovation

    In innovation, different people give different meaning to different words.
    We've been working in innovation projects for over 10 years and encountered many words related to innovation.
    This glossary contains - to our opinion - the most important term for innovation for each letter of the alphabet.

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