Joop Korteweg

Joop Korteweg

488 volgers 486 connecties


Product-aware mobile engineer, with over 10 years of experience. Highly proficient in all…


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  • RevenueCat grafisch
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    Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Nederland

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    Utrecht en omgeving, Nederland

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    Utrecht en omgeving, Nederland

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    Utrecht en omgeving, Nederland

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    Rotterdam en omgeving, Nederland

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    Rotterdam en omgeving, Nederland


  • Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam grafisch

    Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam


    - Advanced Corporate Finance and Governance
    - Advanced Money, Credit and Banking
    - Advanced Behavioural Finance
    - Advanced Corporate Finance and Strategy
    - Industrial Organisation
    - Seminar: Advanced Money, Credit and Banking
    - Seminar: Behavioural Investing
    - Master's Thesis: Transmission Channels of Quantitative Easing

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    - Advanced Macroeconomics
    - Applied Econometrics
    - Industrial Organisation
    - Advanced Public Economics
    - International Trade and Trade Policy
    - Advanced Corporate Finance and Strategy
    - Seminar: Multinationals and International Financial Markets
    - Seminar: Quantitative Macroeconomics
    - Master's Thesis: Transmission Channels of Quantitative Easing

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    Bachelor 1:
    - Microeconomics
    - Macroeconomics
    - Organisation and strategy
    - Introduction to accounting
    - Marketing
    - Financial information systems
    - Mathematics 1
    - Mathematics 2
    - Applied statistics 1
    - ICT

    Bachelor 2:
    - Applied microeconomics
    - International economics
    - History of economic thought
    - Finance 1
    - Intermediate accounting
    - Introduction to behavioural economics
    - Applied statistics 2
    - Economics of ageing
    - Methods &…

    Bachelor 1:
    - Microeconomics
    - Macroeconomics
    - Organisation and strategy
    - Introduction to accounting
    - Marketing
    - Financial information systems
    - Mathematics 1
    - Mathematics 2
    - Applied statistics 1
    - ICT

    Bachelor 2:
    - Applied microeconomics
    - International economics
    - History of economic thought
    - Finance 1
    - Intermediate accounting
    - Introduction to behavioural economics
    - Applied statistics 2
    - Economics of ageing
    - Methods & techniques
    - Research project

    Bachelor 3:
    - Major: International economics
    - - Seminar: the economics of exchange rates
    - - Money, credit and banking
    - - Labour economics
    - - Economics of markets and organisation
    - Philosophy of economics
    - Bachelor's thesis: Dornbusch and the Bitcoin
    - Elective:
    - - International exchange

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    - Mathematics
    - Physics
    - Chemistry
    - Biology
    - Economics
    - Information Technology
    - General science
    - Sociology
    - Classical cultural education
    - Dutch language and literature
    - English language and literature
    - Latin language and literature
    - Physical education
    - Research project: Greek financial crisis

Licenties en certificaten

Ervaring als vrijwilliger

  • Volunteer Staff

    Stichting Kinderhuis Bodzewo

    - 1 maand



  • Developing Pulse in Kotlin Multiplatform

    At, we cultivate an environment where we innovate in people, process and technology. This culture encouraged us to build our latest mobile app, Pulse, in Kotlin Multiplatform. By doing this, we are able to share the majority of the codebase between Android and iOS. As this is cutting-edge technology, which hadn't even reached alpha yet when we started, it was quite a journey. In this post we'll take you along, and share some of the challenges we faced and how we overcame them. And of…

    At, we cultivate an environment where we innovate in people, process and technology. This culture encouraged us to build our latest mobile app, Pulse, in Kotlin Multiplatform. By doing this, we are able to share the majority of the codebase between Android and iOS. As this is cutting-edge technology, which hadn't even reached alpha yet when we started, it was quite a journey. In this post we'll take you along, and share some of the challenges we faced and how we overcame them. And of course we'll tell you whether it was all worth it.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Implications of Brexit on EU Financial Services

    European Parliament

    This study, which is prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the ECON Committee, addresses the implications and economic impact of several scenarios of the UK leaving the EU in relation to financial services, ranging from a ‘hard Brexit’ without any arrangements concerning financial services to the current state of affairs under the terms of a full EU membership. Special focus is put on a peculiar variation of ‘hard Brexit’, which are the third-country regimes in the…

    This study, which is prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the ECON Committee, addresses the implications and economic impact of several scenarios of the UK leaving the EU in relation to financial services, ranging from a ‘hard Brexit’ without any arrangements concerning financial services to the current state of affairs under the terms of a full EU membership. Special focus is put on a peculiar variation of ‘hard Brexit’, which are the third-country regimes in the current EU secondary legal framework that allow partial access to the EU single market based on ‘equivalence’ on the basis of decisions by the European Commission or national authorities. The study presents these regimes and the extent to which they were already used in the past. The economic analysis looks at three variations of ‘hard Brexit’ (one, in which the access to the single market is closed, one with partial access based on equivalence and one, in which the City of London is transformed into an ‘offshore financial centre’) and at the scenario, in which the UK joins the EEA. The economic assessment is based on the current state of affairs in relation to the interwovenness of financial services in the EU28 including a closer look at the importance of UK-based clearing of Euro denominated trades.

    Andere auteurs
    • C. de Vries
    • R. Repasi
    Publicatie weergeven
  • Transmission Channels of Quantitative Easing

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    This paper aims to study the transmission channels of quantitative easing, particularly the relative
    importance of the interest rate channel, the credit channel and the risk-taking channel of the policy. It
    does so by first estimating the effect of quantitative easing on the interest rate, the external finance
    premium and risk tolerance, after which the effects of the interest rate, the external finance premium
    and risk tolerance on output are estimated. These three…

    This paper aims to study the transmission channels of quantitative easing, particularly the relative
    importance of the interest rate channel, the credit channel and the risk-taking channel of the policy. It
    does so by first estimating the effect of quantitative easing on the interest rate, the external finance
    premium and risk tolerance, after which the effects of the interest rate, the external finance premium
    and risk tolerance on output are estimated. These three variables are assumed to be analogous to the
    interest rate, credit and risk-taking channels, and thus in this way quantitative easing is traced through
    the channels. It is found that the relative importance of the three transmission channels fluctuates
    over time. Furthermore, the interest rate channel is found to be generally the most influential
    transmission channel of quantitative easing, followed by the credit channel. The risk-taking channel is
    found to usually be the least influential transmission channel of quantitative easing. Finally, extended
    periods of quantitative easing are found to be a prelude for an increase in the importance of the
    interest rate channel and a decrease in the importance of the credit channel.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Dornbusch and the Bitcoin: Forecasting the Bitcoin/US Dollar exchange rate using the overshooting model

    Erasmus University Thesis Repository

    The purpose of this paper is to modify the Dornbusch model to make it a suitable tool for analyzing the behavior of the Bitcoin and to attempt to outperform a random walk model in forecasting the Bitcoin/US Dollar exchange rate on the basis of the Root Mean Squared Error and the Theil Inequality Coefficient. It is found that the Dornbusch model in itself is unable to outperform the random walk model in forecasting the Bitcoin/US Dollar exchange rate on the basis of the Root Mean Squared Error…

    The purpose of this paper is to modify the Dornbusch model to make it a suitable tool for analyzing the behavior of the Bitcoin and to attempt to outperform a random walk model in forecasting the Bitcoin/US Dollar exchange rate on the basis of the Root Mean Squared Error and the Theil Inequality Coefficient. It is found that the Dornbusch model in itself is unable to outperform the random walk model in forecasting the Bitcoin/US Dollar exchange rate on the basis of the Root Mean Squared Error and the Theil Inequality Coefficient. However, when the Dornbusch model and the random walk model are combined, the best forecasting performance is obtained. Thus, the Dornbusch model does contain meaningful information which helps to improve the random walk model's forecasting performance

    Publicatie weergeven


  • Detact

    - heden

    A plugin for apps using the Locale API, such as Tasker, to be able to use your own activity as a trigger for automation actions. I developed 100% of this app myself, including UI design and architecture. I am continuously updating and maintaining the app.

    Project weergeven
  • AppContext

    - heden

    A plugin for apps using the Locale API, such as Tasker, that lets you trigger automation actions based on the apps you open. It utilizes the low-level hooking framework 'Xposed' to accomplish this. I developed 100% of this app myself, including UI design and architecture. I am continuously updating and maintaining the app. I also created the promo video on the Play Store listing.

    Project weergeven


  • Pluralsight IQ: Android

    Score: Expert: 274


  • Engels

    Volledige professionele vaardigheid

  • Nederlands

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • Frans


  • Spaans


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