Michal Nitka
Haarlem, Noord-Holland, Nederland
7K volgers
Meer dan 500 connecties
Exciting times for Sudocrem as we continue to grow and expand access to more patients & consumers. Sudocrem and our team were present at the recently…
Exciting times for Sudocrem as we continue to grow and expand access to more patients & consumers. Sudocrem and our team were present at the recently…
Gedeeld door Michal Nitka
Hello from sunny Washington D.C. at this year’s World Cornea Congress! Roald Van Der Laan, our Medical Director leading ophthalmology, is…
Hello from sunny Washington D.C. at this year’s World Cornea Congress! Roald Van Der Laan, our Medical Director leading ophthalmology, is…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
At Teva, we are committed to advancing healthcare through innovation, research, and strategic collaboration. Recently, Chris Fox, Executive Vice…
At Teva, we are committed to advancing healthcare through innovation, research, and strategic collaboration. Recently, Chris Fox, Executive Vice…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
How to deal with communications crisis / Crisis management & Case study
Harvard Business Review
Organizations and future challenges - knowledge management based on the PGT Healthcare Project
Studia i Prace WNEiZ US; Conference: Consumers and organizations facing the challenges of the future
Contemporary market challenges force companies to explore new methods of busi- ness activities and discover alternative ways of building competitive advantage. Knowledge management, organizational learning and agile organization represent well-known path of thinking. PGT Healthcare project – a strategic alliance between multinational companies (Teva and Proctr&Gamble) is a rare example. The main aim of the project was to exchange market knowledge (tacit and explicit) between both parties. The…
Contemporary market challenges force companies to explore new methods of busi- ness activities and discover alternative ways of building competitive advantage. Knowledge management, organizational learning and agile organization represent well-known path of thinking. PGT Healthcare project – a strategic alliance between multinational companies (Teva and Proctr&Gamble) is a rare example. The main aim of the project was to exchange market knowledge (tacit and explicit) between both parties. The purpose of the paper is to examine and identify bene ts and barriers in knowledge management process as the key element of building competitive advantage process.
The Summit should lead to action
Harvard Business Review (Polska)
A well conducted summit engage participants both at the stage of the presentations, as well as during and after the meeting - in the process of communication the findings and actions to the organization. It is also one of the most effective tools for important and ground-breaking changes in the company.
Synergies driven by swift integrations (post M&A)
Harvard Business Review (Polska)
Harvard Business Review (Polska) cover:
"Michal Nitka and Maciej Mikucki, managers of Teva Poland, in the article "Synergies Driven by Swift Integrations", suggest how to manage a challenging (post M&A) integration process to achieve targeted synergies".
"Michał Nitka i Maciej Mikucki, szefowie polskiego oddziału Teva Pharmaceuticals, w tekście "Synergia płynąca z szybkiej integracji" podpowiadają, jak zarządzać trudnym procesem łączenia przedsiębiorstw, by osiągać zakładane cele…Harvard Business Review (Polska) cover:
"Michal Nitka and Maciej Mikucki, managers of Teva Poland, in the article "Synergies Driven by Swift Integrations", suggest how to manage a challenging (post M&A) integration process to achieve targeted synergies".
"Michał Nitka i Maciej Mikucki, szefowie polskiego oddziału Teva Pharmaceuticals, w tekście "Synergia płynąca z szybkiej integracji" podpowiadają, jak zarządzać trudnym procesem łączenia przedsiębiorstw, by osiągać zakładane cele i efekty synergii."
Andere auteurs -
Generika gewinnen Marktanteile in Polen
EUROFORUM-Konferenz Generika-Markt, 19. und 20. September 2005, Stuttgart
Auf der EUROFORUM- Konferenz Generika-Markt (19. und 20. September 2005, Stuttgart) diskutieren Experten aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft die Chancen und Risiken dieser expandierenden Branche. Auch international ist der Generika-Markt in Bewegung. Osteuropa steht sowohl beim Vertrieb als auch als Produktionsstandort im Blickpunkt der Hersteller. Michal Nitka (PLIVA Poland) berichtet über den Produktionsstandort Polen sowie die Perspektiven, die dieses Land als Absatzmarkt bietet.
Circadian heart rate variability in asthma
Med Sci Monit 1997; 3(1): CR52-56
The 24-h heart rate variability (HRV), as a means of assessing the modulation of the autonomic nervous function, was examined. The study was performed in asthmatic patients who used no drugs or received fenoterol four times daily, and in control subjects. HRV was assessed by calculation of indices based on statistical operations and power spectrum analysis of R-R intervals from continuous 5 min electrocardiograms. Fifteen patients receiving fenoterol were tested in the morning and in the…
The 24-h heart rate variability (HRV), as a means of assessing the modulation of the autonomic nervous function, was examined. The study was performed in asthmatic patients who used no drugs or received fenoterol four times daily, and in control subjects. HRV was assessed by calculation of indices based on statistical operations and power spectrum analysis of R-R intervals from continuous 5 min electrocardiograms. Fifteen patients receiving fenoterol were tested in the morning and in the afternoon before and after inhalation. The electrocardiograms of the remaining 16 asthmatic subjects and 10 controls were recorded 10 times during a 24-h span. The asthmatics not receiving the drug had an increased parasympathetic drive during the 24-h recording, especially at night, as compared to control groups, whereas asthmatic patients receiving fenoterol showed an increased adrenergic drive.
Andere auteurs -
Polish Business Leader 2019
Business Center Club
TOP 100 Most Influential People in Polish Healthcare 2018
Puls Medycyny
TOP 100 Most Influential People in Polish Healthcare 2016
Puls Medycyny
TOP 10 Managers 2015
Media & Marketing
TOP 100 Most Influential People in Polish Healthcare 2014
Puls Medycyny
Golden 10 – most effective managers in 2012
TOP 10 Managers 2012
Media & Marketing
Leader in Effective Company Management
Gazeta Farmaceutyczna
Business Center Club
- heden -
Polski Zwiazek Pracodawcow Przemyslu Farmaceutycznego (Producencilekow.pl)
Supervisory Board Member
- heden
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Są takie chwile, w których życie prywatne musi wręcz zaistnieć w najróżniejszych mediach. Jestem pelen podziwu i niezmiernie dumny z dokonań mojego…
Są takie chwile, w których życie prywatne musi wręcz zaistnieć w najróżniejszych mediach. Jestem pelen podziwu i niezmiernie dumny z dokonań mojego…
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🚀 Exciting Leadership Opportunity! 🚀 Are you a strategic thinker, data-driven decision-maker, and commercially savvy leader looking for your next…
🚀 Exciting Leadership Opportunity! 🚀 Are you a strategic thinker, data-driven decision-maker, and commercially savvy leader looking for your next…
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This morning, I took an early train to Mannheim for a meeting with our partners at PHOENIX group. With their extensive distribution network, they…
This morning, I took an early train to Mannheim for a meeting with our partners at PHOENIX group. With their extensive distribution network, they…
Gedeeld door Michal Nitka
Compliance w healthcare - zapisy niebawem :) 👋🏻 Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka Krzysztof Kopeć Michał Byliniak Grzegorz Rychwalski Oskar Luty
Compliance w healthcare - zapisy niebawem :) 👋🏻 Małgorzata Gałązka-Sobotka Krzysztof Kopeć Michał Byliniak Grzegorz Rychwalski Oskar Luty
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
This week I had the opportunity to attend the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Spring Summit – an inspiring event focused on turning…
This week I had the opportunity to attend the Sustainable Markets Initiative (SMI) Spring Summit – an inspiring event focused on turning…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
#HealthChallengesCongress 2025 już za nami. Jak zwykle zespół Grupa PTWP pod kierownictwem Wojciech Kuśpik stanął na wysokości zadania organizując…
#HealthChallengesCongress 2025 już za nami. Jak zwykle zespół Grupa PTWP pod kierownictwem Wojciech Kuśpik stanął na wysokości zadania organizując…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
Thank you, Sonja Katanec for your very warm welcome and for this amazing opportunity! Excited to embark on this journey with the team. Looking…
Thank you, Sonja Katanec for your very warm welcome and for this amazing opportunity! Excited to embark on this journey with the team. Looking…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
Największą zaletą kongresów jest możliwość spotkania wielu przyjaciół oraz znajomych w jednym miejscu i czasie. Daje to możliwość nie tylko wymiany…
Największą zaletą kongresów jest możliwość spotkania wielu przyjaciół oraz znajomych w jednym miejscu i czasie. Daje to możliwość nie tylko wymiany…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
Strategia kształcenia kadr medycznych powinna być częścią strategii dotyczącej całego systemu ochrony zdrowia, a poziom zapotrzebowania na osoby…
Strategia kształcenia kadr medycznych powinna być częścią strategii dotyczącej całego systemu ochrony zdrowia, a poziom zapotrzebowania na osoby…
Gemarkeerd als interessant door Michal Nitka
Overige vergelijkbare profielen
Anderen hebben Michal Nitka genoemd
Michal Nitka
Michal Nitka
Assistant Professor at Gdańsk University of Technology
Michał Nitka
React Developer w Satisfly
Michal Nitka
Director, Commercial Banking at CaixaBank
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