Ubbo Maagdenberg

Ubbo Maagdenberg

5K volgers Meer dan 500 connecties


I have been leading VML Netherlands, a global leader in driving digital transformation…

Artikelen van Ubbo

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  • VML grafisch


    Amsterdam-Centrum, North Holland, Netherlands


  • INSEAD grafisch


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Licenties en certificaten


  • Why Every CMO Needs to Think about Transparency

    Ubbo Maagdenberg

    Most CMOs think they have their marketing and media spend under control. But do they? Generally speaking, this budget is spread across various suppliers, each working with their own, different systems and all reporting on the basis of their own KPIs and objectives.

    Technology marketers have long offered the possibility of providing transparency, visibility and control. Yet relatively few companies exploit this situation.

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  • Leveraging the Internet of Things in Retail


    We can expect these numbers to rise. Research firm Gartner has predicted the consumerization of IoT in the next 5 years resulting in a striking 26 billion smart and connected products by 2020. That number boils down to 3,3 devices per person, smartphones and tablets not included.

    Publicatie weergeven
  • Retail: what’s in it for the customer?


    Onderzoeksbureau Gartner voorspelt de consumerisation van IoT in de komende vijf jaar met zo’n 26 miljard slimme, verbonden producten in 2020. Dat komt neer op 3,3 apparaten per persoon - waarbij smartphones en tablets niet zijn meegerekend.

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  • Internet of Thing, de toekomst van retail!


    Artikel over the Internet of Things en de toekomst van Retail.

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  • The Internet things, the Future of retail.


    In the past decennia we converted the physical world into the digital realm of the Internet. From entertainment and shopping to media consumption and work, everything moved online. Today, we are at a tipping point of a reversed transition: the digital transformation of our physical world with the Internet of Things as the main driver.

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  • The Customer Advisory Board of Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    The Customer Advisory Board of Salesforce Marketing Cloud. A board of the 20 biggest global clients of Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The role of this board is to advise and influence the roadmap, functionalities and talk about the future of Marketing Cloud.


  • English

    Moedertaal of tweetalig

  • German

    Professionele werkvaardigheid


  • Customer Advisory Board Salesforce Marketing Cloud


    - heden

    The Customer Advisory Board of Salesforce Marketing Cloud. A board of the 20 biggest global clients of Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The role of this board is to advise and influence the roadmap, functionalities and talk about the future of Marketing Cloud.

  • Partner Advisory Board Global Salesforce Marketing Cloud

    Representative EMEA

    - heden

    The PAC represents all Salesforce Marketing Cloud Partners Globally in a monthly meeting with Salesforce. Emark represents EMEA. All continents are represented in this Counsel and it a true global organization.

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