CommandKit is a library that makes it easy to handle commands and events in your Discord.js projects.
Supports Discord.js version 14
- Beginner friendly ๐
- Slash + context menu commands support โ
- Multiple dev guilds, users, & roles support ๐ค
- Automatic command updates ๐ค
- REST registration behaviour ๐
- Easy command line interface ๐ฅ๏ธ
- And much more! ๐งช
You can find the full documentation here.
To install CommandKit, simply run the following command:
For npm:
npm install commandkit
yarn add commandkit
pnpm add commandkit
Install development version
To install the development version of CommandKit, run the following command:
npm install commandkit@dev
โ ๏ธ The development version is likely to have bugs.
This is a simple overview of how to set up this library with all the options. You can read more in the full documentation
// index.js
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const { CommandKit } = require('commandkit');
const path = require('path');
const client = new Client({
intents: [
new CommandKit({
// Your discord.js client object
// Path to the commands folder
commandsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'commands'),
// Path to the events folder
eventsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'events'),
// Path to the validations folder (only valid if "commandsPath" was provided)
validationsPath: path.join(__dirname, 'validations'),
// Array of development server IDs (used to register and run devOnly commands)
devGuildIds: ['1234567890', '0987654321'],
// Array of developer user IDs (used for devOnly commands)
devUserIds: ['1234567890', '0987654321'],
// Array of developer role IDs (used for devOnly commands)
devRoleIds: ['1234567890', '0987654321'],
// Disable CommandKit's built-in validations
skipBuiltInValidations: true,
// Update command registration/reload behaviour to register all commands at once
bulkRegister: true,
Support and Suggestions
Submit any queries or suggestions in our Discord community.