Ana Santos

Ana Santos

Porto, Porto, Portugal
12 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


🔎 | UX Research & Operations
👩‍💻 | Background in UX, Neuropsychology & Education…



Formação acadêmica

  • Gráfico Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro
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    Master in Education Sciences. Specialization in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers.

    • Develop scientific, pedagogical and technical knowledge
    • Expand knowledge and reflection skills regarding the models of Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers
    • Develop procedural skills of critical analysis, intervention and evaluation
    • Develop capacities and competencies to apply organizational processes and models in educational / training contexts of administration…

    Master in Education Sciences. Specialization in Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers.

    • Develop scientific, pedagogical and technical knowledge
    • Expand knowledge and reflection skills regarding the models of Pedagogical Supervision and Training of Trainers
    • Develop procedural skills of critical analysis, intervention and evaluation
    • Develop capacities and competencies to apply organizational processes and models in educational / training contexts of administration and pedagogical supervision
    • Building, promoting and evaluating educational and investigative projects with the goal to improve quality in education

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    • Neuroscience, neuropedagogy, multiple intelligences, and socio-educational interventions
    • The relation between Neuropedagogy, Multiple Intelligences (MI) and Mindfulness
    • Establish integrated strategies that are based on both research work and school transformation
    • How to make systemic neuroplastic changes, a coordinated effort between student, teacher, parents, school, and community
    • Multiple Intelligences (MI) areas of intervention
    • Benefits and challenges of using…

    • Neuroscience, neuropedagogy, multiple intelligences, and socio-educational interventions
    • The relation between Neuropedagogy, Multiple Intelligences (MI) and Mindfulness
    • Establish integrated strategies that are based on both research work and school transformation
    • How to make systemic neuroplastic changes, a coordinated effort between student, teacher, parents, school, and community
    • Multiple Intelligences (MI) areas of intervention
    • Benefits and challenges of using Multiple Intelligences in education, therapy, family, and community

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    • Exploring the intersection of instructional design and UI/UX
    • Implementing design research and develop experiential learning experiences
    • Designing digitally-mediated and/or physical learning environments that exceed limitations found in other instructional design strategies
    • Research strategies and methods to engage learners in a lifelong process of continuing their education
    • Tools such as Articulate 360 to craft compelling digital learning environments
    • UX/UI…

    • Exploring the intersection of instructional design and UI/UX
    • Implementing design research and develop experiential learning experiences
    • Designing digitally-mediated and/or physical learning environments that exceed limitations found in other instructional design strategies
    • Research strategies and methods to engage learners in a lifelong process of continuing their education
    • Tools such as Articulate 360 to craft compelling digital learning environments
    • UX/UI approaches as they relate to online education

    The LXD certificate series includes the following five component courses:
    1. Elements of Learning Experience Design
    2. UX/UI for Experience Design
    3. Lifelong Learning Engagement Strategies
    4. Advanced Tools and E-Learning Trends
    5. LXD Practicum: Applications in the Wild

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    Degree in Design (designed to address the overall demand for designers, and as a result, generalist in scope and broad in its targets):

    • Understand the design methodology as a creative process
    • Organization of the project and its rationale with planned methodologies
    • Know how to analyze and interpret design contexts using a specific verbal language
    • Mastering the grammar of two-dimensional design and the ability to apply creative thinking in the formulation of creative…

    Degree in Design (designed to address the overall demand for designers, and as a result, generalist in scope and broad in its targets):

    • Understand the design methodology as a creative process
    • Organization of the project and its rationale with planned methodologies
    • Know how to analyze and interpret design contexts using a specific verbal language
    • Mastering the grammar of two-dimensional design and the ability to apply creative thinking in the formulation of creative solutions
    • Communicate by design (reasoning / theories) and explore experimentation
    • Reflect on visual image, identity and environmental issues
    • Ability to respond to issues for identity and sustainable design.

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    Learnt a range of user experience and interaction design related skills, focusing on user research and user-centered design

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    • Proven frameworks to guide conversion optimization strategy;
    • How to apply cognitive psychology and persuasion principles to understand user motivations;
    • How to provide a structured way to add more value to a CRO program right out of the gate;
    • How to tap into opportunities for conversion lifts with better ideas and tactics.

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    Web Design, Project Management, CWI Foundations.


  • 5 Science-Based Tips to Improve Your UX Learning Process

    Adobe XD Ideas

    Here we discuss some brain-based learning strategies that are substantiated by actual scientific research. Let’s apply them to the ongoing process of learning UX.

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  • The 9-Step Structure of Impactful Remote Workshops


    The way we work and teach has changed. Sticky notes have been replaced with collaborative digital tools and coffee chats with breakout rooms on Zoom. We don't interrupt, we click on the raise hand icon. We don't exchange looks anymore, we shift our focus from window to window.

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  • 5 Questions to Ask Your UX Mentor

    Adobe XD Ideas

    Having a mentor who’s able to support you in your UX journey, no matter which stage you are at, can be a huge source of inspiration and an essential part of your personal growth as a UX professional.

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  • Why Aren’t You Finishing Your Self-paced Course — And What You Should Do Instead


    Self-paced courses are known for their flexibility and affordability but they often have low completion rates. How to increase the odds of finishing one?

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  • 8 Golden Rules for Better Interface Design

    Envato Tuts Plus

    Designers need to solve problems every day, and finding the right solution involves in-depth research and carefully planned testing. It would be great to discover a one-size-fits-all approach or a secret formula that would automatically solve all our interface design issues. We might not have the answer for that yet, but we do know of certain shortcuts we can sometimes take.
    “Heuristics” are simple and efficient rules that help us form judgements and make decisions. We can think of them as…

    Designers need to solve problems every day, and finding the right solution involves in-depth research and carefully planned testing. It would be great to discover a one-size-fits-all approach or a secret formula that would automatically solve all our interface design issues. We might not have the answer for that yet, but we do know of certain shortcuts we can sometimes take.
    “Heuristics” are simple and efficient rules that help us form judgements and make decisions. We can think of them as being general guidelines in terms of UI best practices.

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  • The Role of Emotion in UX (What “Happy Users” Really Means)

    Envato Tuts Plus

    When designing user interfaces common sense is really important; make it easy for your users to complete their tasks and achieve their goals, and they will be able to buy your product or service easily. Ignore major usability issues and even if your users were initially interested in what you had to offer, they will soon give up. In today’s world, where it’s not difficult to find an alternative to your product, good usability is not optional, it’s essential. However, just because someone is…

    When designing user interfaces common sense is really important; make it easy for your users to complete their tasks and achieve their goals, and they will be able to buy your product or service easily. Ignore major usability issues and even if your users were initially interested in what you had to offer, they will soon give up. In today’s world, where it’s not difficult to find an alternative to your product, good usability is not optional, it’s essential. However, just because someone is able to complete a task, it doesn’t mean they will. That’s where emotions come into play.

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  • Subject Matter Expert (SME) for UX Curriculum Redesign


    Lead SME (subject-matter expert) & curriculum redesign for IXC course

  • UX Portfolio Reviews (Adobe Creative Residency - Community Fund Recipient)


    I was commissioned by Adobe to review a set of UX portfolios submitted by aspiring and new UX designers as part of the Adobe Portfolio initiative to help new designers break into the UX field.


  • Portuguese

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • English

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • French

    Nível básico a intermediário

  • Spanish

    Nível básico a intermediário


  • UXPA

    Associate Membership

    - o momento
  • Interaction Design Foundation


    - o momento

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